Friday, April 23, 2010

Stuck With The Couple

♦ Prologue

Aigoo, please not again. No…no…argh.

I should really slap RiIn into reality and get her to realize that Junsu is asking waaaay too much kisses. I mean just look at her, she gives in so easily. Kim Junsu and his magic lips…ew. It's not a beautiful sight. Is it me, or are they getting pretty intense? OMG, let’s keep it PG here. They do know they’re at the back of the orphanage right? Hello! Kids are roaming around!

“Taeyeon unnie, what is Rinnie unnie doing with that oppa?”

I look down to see Yoomi staring at me with curious eyes…her and the other four kids behind her. Holy crap, they’re watching!

“Oh, uh…kids, look at me, please. Not them, me. RiIn unnie is…sharing drinks with that…oppa…” Wait. That sounds weird. That’s gross.

“Sharing drinks?”

“I-I mean—they’re feeling each other’s…lips. Um, lips are very soft.”

What is the best way to explain the definition of ‘kissing’ to a bunch of five year olds?

“Why would they feel each other’s lips?”

“Well…it’s a way to—who wants some ice cream? I heard there’s new flavors!” I changed the topic.

“I do! I do! I do!” Thank God.

“Okay. Uh, Jenny! The kids want ice cream; take them to the ice cream parlor please? I have to deal with some PDA problems.”

“Sure. Is it…?”

“Like always. I’ll meet you there.”

Once they were gone I turned to the couple, only to find them still making out. I need to barf. Wait. Junsu…where is your hand going…? OH MY GOD.


Chapter 1
__Kim Taeyeon & Lee Minho are inseparable

"I saw a...a spider crawling on her leg. I was trying to take it off."

Another slap flew across the back of Junsu's head as he wordlessly tried to give me another idiotic excuse as to what happened earlier. RiIn flinched in her seat as I threw another blow at her perverted boyfriend.

How ironic is it to "try" to take the spider off her leg while his yes were closed and sucking off RiIn lips.

"Taeyeon, he didn't mean it. Forgive the guy." Jiyeon comes and squeezes my cheeks to shut me up.

"What do you mean he didn't mean it? His hand was crawling under RiIn's skirt in front of the children roaming around the park! Come on unnie, you can't possibly think that was an accident," I retorted in between my squeezed cheeks.

"What do you expect? He's a guy, with raging hormones. He can't control himself. Right Su?" He nodded agreeably and I shot him a look.

I scoffed as she let go of me cheeks and sat down with RiIn while munching on a cookie. "And RiIn is a big girl, she can do whatever she wants. That includes her boyfriend. Sip some tea and chill Tae."

"I know that. But can't Junsu control himself enough to do rated R scenes outside of the orphanage? I wouldn't have to explain the child definition of 'touching' when the kids sees them like earlier." I grumpily munched on a cookie while glaring at the couple.

"Don't listen to her, she's jealous of you two because she doesn't have a boyfriend," she whispered.

"Uh, I can hear you!"

Without any second thoughts and with my fast Asian reflexes, I threw the chocolate chip cookie at Jiyeon unnie, directly hitting her on the forehead.

Ah, screw it. As if she's going to do anything dangerous to me for throwing that piece of cookie anyway.


"RiIn! I can't believe you'd do this to me!" I dug my face and sobbed onto the unicorn plushy without a care for the world whether my snot and tears have stained the squishy object.

"But...but you were the one who threw the cookie at unnie. You shouldn't have done that," the woman tries comforting.

And she calls herself a best friend for doing this to me! Yes, I threw a cookie at unnie, but she doesn't need to take down all my Lee Minho posters, figures, t-shirts, autographs and all the other Minho collectibles. That man is my life, my idol, the face I see every morning when I wake up because he's handsome dimples and killer smile are directly pointing to me. All I did was state my opinion, and scolded all the wrong doings Junsu has been doing to RiIn in front of the children. They should be punished, not me! Kim Taeyeon is the good girl here.

"That's because that unnie of ours defends you two all the time. I mean, all she cares about is Suyin, not the kids at the orphanage. And she's the one who started that business! My Minho-ness is all gone because of you and Junsu!"

I can't even imagine myself waking up every morning with no Minho smiling at me. That's pure torture.

"She said she'll give them back next week. Just think of it as...being grounded."

I paused at my sobs and looked up from the plushy with red eyes as I tried to process her words into my head. She gave a comfort smile before I dug my face into the plushy once again and continued my agony.



A squeaky and chirpy voice and a stupid grin greeted me when I came downstairs for breakfast the next morning. Great, I already woke up without any Lee Minho, and God decided he should add another bad thing to my day.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Were the first words that came out of my mouth. And for the first time, I didn't regret it.

"Good morning to you too. Noona said I was welcomed here anytime. That's why she gave me a duplicate key, remember? Is RiIn up yet?"

"I would like eggs please, thank you for asking," I replied with sarcasm.

"Are you still mad about what happened yesterday? Geez, Tae, get over it." I slapped his hand away before he attempted to poke my forehead.

"You and I both know I am completely in love with Lee Minho--"

"More like obsessed."

It is very tempting to slap him with that pan.

"...And we both know that's my weakness. Unnie took down everything related to Minho because of YOU."

"Taeyeon, you are not going to die just because your obsession isn't there anymore," he put some large emphasis on the 'not.'

"It's my main reason to start off a good day. You should know since you, yourself is obsessed with RiIn. I still remember that huge, customized pic of her plastered on your wall."

He scoffed.

I smirked.

"Well, if you only left your oppa alone and mind your own business, your pretty boy would have still been caged into your room."

Kim Junsu, is a person I highly consider very annoying. Through childhood, I tried countless times to avoid him whenever our families would have a get together. I used to compare him to a yoyo because no matter how many times you try to throw him away or get rid of him, he comes back. Though he may have grown up and have the features of a mature man...looks aren't everything.



"My princess! Morning Rinnie! Breakfast?"

There were times when I wish I was treated like a princess. A wonderful "good morning" coming from the right person, a morning kiss, and some butler who will pull the chair out like a gentleman for me to sit on, and to top it off with "breakfast?" every morning. If only I was a queen in this household then I would have commanded Junsu to do it. Man, I need a boyfriend.

"Tae, have you been crying?"

No, RiIn. I haven't at all. I mean, you couldn't have been there to see me sob all night.

"Oh. I forgot. Are you okay?"

Let's see, there were blank walls when I woke up, and the idiotic cousin of mine decided to drop by without a word and to lecture me about minding my own business when there's a reason to butt into both of your businesses yesterday. I am perfectly fine.

If only those words would come out. My mouth stayed shut instead.

"O...kay, to cheer your mood up then, I've decided we should go shopping together. Since it was our fault why Mr. Lee Minho got taken away from you, we can spend the whole day in the 'Pretty Boy' shop, if that's what you want. Also, I'll go with you to his fan meeting next week."

My head shot up.

"Really?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Yes, really."

Pushing Junsu away harshly who was about to hug RiIn from behind, I gave my best friend the biggest hug ever, even bigger than any hug she'll ever get, even bigger than Junsu's.

"AH! I love you RiIn, so much, you know that right?"

She giggled, "I love you too, Tae. But I think you pushed Junsu too hard--"

"Aish, to hell with that man. Thank you so much, Rinnie. I owe you one!"

Lee Minho posters and all, here comes Kim Taeyeon, your number one fan!

Chapter 2
__When humans look like pandas.

"RiIn! She's being mean to me!"

"I warned you not to come didn't I?!"

"Shut up Tae, I'm not talking to you!"

"You shut up stupid dolphin! I told you that if you tag along with us, you'll be holding my shopping bags, so it's your fault!"

"I'm practically your slave, you insane monster! Look at me! Nine shopping bags full of your not-handsomer-than-me Minho are killing my arms! I don't even know why so much women, including you, love that guy to the point where he looks like a diamond that you women need to satisfy yourselves!"

What's that I hear? I can only seem to hear dolphin squeaks coming from an idiot's mouth. Not more handsome than him my ass, Lee Minho is the definition of perfect, a word that Junsu fails to accomplish, a trait beyond his own list of adjectives of himself. Ha, you make me laugh Kim Junsu.

"J-Junsu--" RiIn tries to shut him up.

"I think the only reason why girls love him so damn much is because of his deep dimples that are so weird because they look like holes on his cheeks!" He continues on yelling, attracting many, many of the girls' ears in the mall.

Wait what. Oh no he didn't. Did he just insult Lee Minho's dimples?!

"And you know what, that 'Boys Over Flowers' drama, he wouldn't be famous right now if he wasn't casted. Which by the way, did a large amount of horrible acting. Man you women are crazy!"

And with his last word, he was surrounded--with girls. Yeap, and I was one of them. RiIn tried getting herself through the large crowd, trying to tell Junsu to run before he gets mobbed.

Well, isn't that a little too late.


"I don't know what to say, either scolding Junsu for being stupid to yell that in a mall full of Minho fans, or asking for an explanation to why you didn't tell your cousin to shut up instead of letting him be, Taeyeon."

"Jiyeon unnie, even if I did tell him to shut his trap he will not listen. Knowing Junsu," I eyed the bruised up figure in victory.

He glared back--tried to anyway--with his purple and blue eyes. Hehe, he looks like a mutated panda!

"What about RiIn? Did she do anything?"

"Yeah, but her efforts failed into shutting her boyfriend up," I flipped through the magazine, getting bored with the lecture we were recieving.

"I didn't know some girls carried miniature bats in their purses. Unnie, do you know where the alcohol is? I can't seem to find it."

Oh those were the brown baseball-shaped sticks that I saw while the ladies and I chased Junsu around the mall.

"I'll get it for you. In the meantime, clean up your boyfriend, I don't want blood stains on my carpet."

As unnie left to find for the next weapon that would hurt Junsu--alcohol is considered as a hurtful object okay?--I decided to happily chat with RiIn to annoy the hell out of Junsu. One trait that RiIn and I discovered about the dolphin, is that he loves attention. Especially when he's hurt, because that way RiIn would take care of him--which he especially loves. Though sometimes he would an extra little moan so that his girlfriend would be more gentle. RiIn on the other hand, she's completely oblivious to his actions.

"RiIn ah, you'll really come with me to Minho's fan meeting next week?"

"Of course Tae, I promised you, remember?" She smiles while Junsu shot me a look.

"Will you stay with me the whole day, even if you suffered under the screams and squeals from me?"

"Anything for you, Tae."

"After that, we'll go to the amusement park, okay?"

"KIM TAEYEON WILL YOU PLEASE GO AWAY?!" Oh, did I just burst his bubble?

"Hey, what is up here?"

I love unnie and her right timings. She makes everything more...intense. It's the perfect scene, Junsu standing up from his sudden burst, and RiIn calming him down, while I smirked to myself for my second accomplishment of the day.


"Noona, she's annoying the hell out of me!" He pointed towards me as I looked back innocently.

"Taeyeon? She's not doing anything." Haha, I win. "Junsu, I think you have anger management problems," she sighs.

"No! Noona, she's tricking you, look at that face! Behind that she's a evil little brat who wants to get me in trouble. RiIn ah, tell noona oppa didn't do anything," he begs to his girlfriend.

Best friends over boyfriends, of course RiIn will side with me!


"Oh no you don't Junsu. Don't drag RiIn into this. You need that calm vacation some old man was offering me at the market. He told me it works on hot-tempered people, like you. I mean look at your face, it's beaten up because of your anger problems at the mall earlier."

I didn't know people offered vacations like those.


"Tae, dial up the number on the brochure posted on the fridge. Junsu, shut your mouth and sit. RiIn, here's the alcohol, fix him up please."

See, there is a reason why they call me the great Taeyeon. I just simply win at everything when it comes to Junsu and his lack of IQ. He should look on the bright side, it looks like the vacation is on an island. That means near the ocean, where the rest of the dolphins are! Isn't that great? He gets to spend time with his brothers and sisters.



"I dislike her to the point where I want to have voodoo doll of that brat and torture it," I watch him grab the couch pillow, punching it with a pout on his face.

"Oppa, don't say that. She's your cousin, your dongsaeng," I took his hands into mine, stopping him from destroying the pillow any further.

"RiIn, even if she was the last being on earth I still wouldn't want her as my dongsaeng. Never."

"You just need some rest. Take a nap."

"Noooo~ I don't want a nap. My boo-boo still hurts~"

"It won't if you take a rest. Lay down."

"But...but what if Tae--"

"She won't secrelty put make-up on you, or cut your hair, or disturb you in any way. I promise. She went to the orphanage," I comforted as he laid his head down my lap.

"No, I'm back. Hi, Junsu."

"RiIn!" He clung onto me.

"What is up with you?" Taeyeon asked, grabbing a cookie from the jar before setting herself on the couch with a new magazine--apparently with Minho's face at the front cover.

I sat uneasily as Junsu still clung onto me, pointing a finger at Taeyeon.

Sensing the weird atmosphere around her, she looked at me, then at Junsu, before throwing the cookie in the trashcan and got up, pretending to stretch.

"Alright, looks like my 15-minute break is over. Gosh you two, if you didn't want me here you could have told me. RiIn, remember, next week to Minho's fan meet! Junsu," she paused.

"Just get out will you!" Junsu complained, not pleased with her presence. I laughed to myself, these two are like cats and dogs.

"...Fine. Can't a cousin say 'bye' to her cousin? Stupid duck-butt with an IQ of 100."

"Shut up!"

"Bye Rinnie!" She skipped out of the door.

I giggled, "You two will never get along."

"Who wants to get along with that thing? Aish," he pouted before facing me with his purple and blue eyes. "Can I have a kiss?"

I burst into laughter, he looked like a drunk panda that was asking for a kiss.

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