Friday, April 23, 2010

Glass Slippers

Summer 2009 (September 6)

"Yah, Ga Eul! Come back inside," Mrs. Chu called her twenty year old daughter whose turning twenty-one today one summer afternoon. "Coming!" Ga Eul replied and hurried back inside.

When she got in, all the people cheered and shouted, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHU GA EUL!" Ga Eul gasped. "Oh, you guys! I thought you forgot already! Thanks," Ga Eul cheered up. "By the way, here's an invitation to a costume party on our office," one of Ga Eul's office mates handed out an invitation card. "Really? Wow!" Ga Eul cheered up even more. 'Err...I hope Yi Jeong won't be coming! He'll ruin my day!!' Ga Eul thought.

Then, Mrs. Chu came into sight and was holding a medium-sized yellow (Ga Eul's favorite color) box with a red bow on top. "*Saengil chukha hamnida!" Mrs. Chu greeted and handed out the box. "Whoa, what is this?" Ga Eul smiled guessing maybe there's a chance it would be her dream gift, glass slippers.

Her eyes widened when her eyes caught the glass slipper in front of her. "Oh, *omma! *Kamsahamnida! This is the best gift," Ga Eul hugged her mother tight. "I...can't breath," Mrs. Chu coughed. "Sorry..." Ga Eul blushed. "Wow, Ga Eul. Just in time to wear for the costume party! Your twenty-one years old! So, Cinderella theme?" Geum Jan Di, Ga Eul's best friend and office mate, teased. "Hm...Good idea!" Ga Eul laughed.

September 13, 2009

Ga Eul was wearing a white fluffy gown with a blue necklace around her throat and a pair of pearl earrings with a rainbow colored mask to hide her eyes and half her face. Of course, she wore her glass slippers. She had a very tiny feet. "Ah...what a perfect Cinderella theme!" Jan Di called.

"Bleh! Recognized me, eh?" Ga Eul giggled. "C'mon sister, let's get jamming!" Jan Di smiled and was clinging on her best friend. "Before midnight we should be out of here. You know I have things to do and I am sure you have to since you're a wedding planner," Jan Di grinned.

"Of course. Plus, I'll be dead meat if I come home late," Ga Eul joked. They both had a good laugh. "Yah, promise me you'll not leave me," Ga Eul said sternly. "Yeah, yeah. Promise," Jan Di smiled proudly.

Moments later...

"Now what happened to that promise?" Ga Eul asked herself as she looked for Jan Di around the ball room but she was nowhere. She checked the rest room, lounge, even the VIP room but no Jan Di. One more place she missed, garden.

Suddenly, a young lad tapped Ga Eul on the shoulder wearing the match of her costume! "You must be my lost princess.." the young lad chuckled. "Huh? Oh, I! We have a similar theme," Ga Eul giggled softly.

"C'mon, let's go to the garden. I think it's more peaceful there," the lad smiled and handed out his hand. Ga Eul noticed that she was at the center of the ball room and decided to follow this stranger.

they were at the garden. "So, let's ask each other seven questions?" the lad broke the silence. "Err..good number but can we just ask three?" Ga Eul smiled. "Alright."

"Miss, may I have this dance? Is that counted as one question?"

"Huh? But, there isn't any music."

"It's okay. C'mon!"

Ga Eul smiled and decided to go for it. When the lad snapped his index finger and thumb together a music played. It was accompanied by a violin and harp.

"Secondly, do you believe at love at first sight?" the lad asked. "Err...I'll let you know," replied Ga Eul and smiled. They just gazed at each other in silence. "You have one question left," Ga Eul broke the silence.

The lad put his hand behind her ear and pulled out a pink rose, like magic. "Do you regret meeting me here?" the lad asked his last question. "Nah, absolutely not!" Ga Eul let out a slight giggle.

"I guess, it's your turn to ask," the lad smirked. "Hehe," Ga Eul giggled with sarcasm. Just when she was about to ask his name, her best friend, out of nowhere, pulled her and said, "We have to go! It's already eleven forty!" "BUT!" Ga Eul tried to protest but Jan Di kept pulling her.

Jan Di pulled her fast as if running and one glass slipper slipped out of Ga Eul's foot. "Wait! My glass slipper!" Ga Eul shouted, trying to let go off Jan Di's strong grip.

"Quick! I'm runnin' late!" Jan Di decided to pull her along.

Yi Jeong walked through the garden and saw a tiny glass slipper. "Oh, this must have been Cinderella's glass slipper. Well, I guess this whole fairytale came to life. Prince Charming's going to find you, my princess Cinderella," Yi Jeong smiled and picked up the slipper. "I will."


Just some details about our characters.

Chu Ga Eul- wedding planner/always a bridesmaid never a bride/kind/quite rich/believes in fairytales

So Yi Jeong- wedding photographer/always tease Ga Eul and get shots of her in her most embarrassed moments/boastful/quite rich/does not believe in fairytales


Geum Jan Di- Ga Eul's best friend/strong/chatterbox/fun

Yoon Ji Hoo- Jan Di's BF/patient/boring


Song Woo Bin- Yi Jeong's rival with Ga Eul/believes that he is Ga Eul's future groom/really rich/arrogant

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