Friday, April 23, 2010

Love Again

The first time she caught him with another woman in his arms, it pained her. Now, he has two women in his arms, but it didn’t hurt her more nor did it hurt less. She has told herself many times that she would be a coward if she were to be jealous of the man that she gave her heart to.

The first time he brought a woman home with him was to make her jealous. Now, he brought women home just for the fun of it. His heart was taken by her; the women in his arms were just his toys. They were his flings, he slept with them and they moved on with their lives. It was only a one night stand and nothing more.

Chu Ga Eul and So Yi Jung have been married for a year now, but nothing has proven that they were a married couple. They only act like a married couple in the public, but as soon as they are out of public view, they go on with their lives like nothing has ever happened. Yi Jung is still the Casanova he has always been and Ga Eul is still the country bumpkin that believes in soul mates.

A person would think that they have been like this all their life, but that is not the case. Ga Eul and Yi Jung was once a very loving couple that everyone adored and yearned to be like. After Yi Jung came back from Sweden, he went straight to the kindergarten she worked at, keeping the promise that he made to her 4 years ago. She was the first person that he looked for. As he walked through the doors of the classroom that held his one and only soul mate, he felt his heart beating as if there was no tomorrow. She was also surprised to see him. Why was he here? Is he finally home for good? All these questions came to her unexpectedly like how he came unexpectedly.

After, Yi Jung’s comeback, he and Ga Eul dated for approximately 6 months. One day, Yi Jung was on his way to pick up his beloved girlfriend at the school, when an idea came to him. He has been planning that a long time ago, but that day he had an urge to make it come true after weeks of thinking. Yi Jung made a U- turn in the opposite direction and stopped at a jewelry shop at the center of Seoul. He spent hours picking just the right ring for her. He knew she wouldn’t want a huge diamond ring, but he also didn’t want to pick a cheap ring, after all he was THE So Yi Jung. It would make him look bad if he got his fiancée a ring that was cheap, beside he was the son of one of the most riches family in Korea. He could just imagine how his reputation would go downhill if the public saw his future wife’s ring and newspapers printed the next day with headlines stating, “So Yi Jung, son of the infamous So family is CHEAP?”

Yi Jung looked carefully at each and every ring the place had in stock, but couldn’t find the right one just yet. A jeweler came and asked him, “Is there anything I could help you with today sir?” Yi Jung wanted to choose the ring on his own without the help of the jeweler, but at this rate he would spend hours here and be late picking Ga Eul up. After a few minutes of debating, he finally decided to ask, “Do you have any ring that is not too elegant but just enough to show your feelings to the one you love?” It took awhile before the jeweler said, “We just got this shipment of rings and I know just the one for you.” The jeweler went to the back of the store and after a while she came back with a box in her hand. When she opened it, Yi Jung knew it was just the right one. The ring gave off a feeling of love but at the same time it was simple just like Ga Eul. It was platinum with two hearts crossing each other in the middle to demonstrate their hearts combined, two little diamonds on each side of the hearts, topping it off with two medium sized diamonds in the middle of each heart. Yi Jung knew this was just right for his Ga Eul. The ring didn’t have a huge diamond but it also didn’t have lots of diamonds that would make her uncomfortable. This was just perfect, he couldn’t wait to give it to her and see her reaction. “Please wrap this up for me,” Yi Jung said as he paid for the ring.

As he walked out of the jewelry shop, ring in hand, he looked as his watch and saw that he still had 15 minutes to get to the school. While driving, he called a restaurant and reserved it for dinner tonight.

Yi Jung made it to the school just in time and as he went out of his car he heard the most melodic voice ever.

“Oppa!” Ga Eul yelled as she ran into his arms, “I missed you so much today. The kids were asking me questions when they didn’t see you in the classroom today.” Yi Jung would be in her classroom everyday helping out at the last minute before school ended and both Ga Eul and the kids enjoyed his company very much.

“I’m sorry I had something to do today,” Yi Jung explained as he grabbed her into a tight hug.

After a few minutes of hugging, Yi Jung broke the hug and dragged her into the car. They weren’t headed to her house and it seemed like they were headed in the opposite direction. This wasn’t the way to his house either, curiosity got the best of her and she finally decided to ask him where they were headed to.

“Where are we going, Oppa?”

“Just wait and you will find out, this wouldn’t be a surprise if you knew where we were going right?” Yi Jung told her as he reached for her hands and held them as if telling her to trust him.

She was touched by his gesture and decided to stay quiet for the rest of the ride. Little did she know that more surprises were headed her way.

Soon enough, they arrived at what looked like a fancy restaurant. Yi Jung came over to open her door when he got out of the car. As they walked into the restaurant, they saw a man proposing to his soon to be fiancée. Ga Eul thought that was so romantic and wondered if her own proposal would be anything like that. Yi Jung looked at Ga Eul and smiled to himself, he knew Ga Eul would love his proposal by the way that she looked at the couple in the spotlight now.

The waiter took them to their seats right in front of the stage. Yi Jung made a request for those seats because he had something planned specially for her. The waiter took their orders and came back after a while with their food. They both ate respectively with little chats here and there about how their day had been and what happened during the day. Ga Eul talked about her kids and Yi Jung talked about his day at the museum. When they finished their dinner the lights on stage lit up and the owner of the restaurant came out to make a speech.

“Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present to you our special event host tonight, Mr. So.” The man walked down the stage and gave the microphone to Yi Jung. Ga Eul looked at him as if asking him what was going on. Yi Jung just gave her a smile and walked up to the stage.

“I would like to dedicate this performance a person in this very room that has captured my heart,” Yi Jung said as he grabbed the saxophone from the back of the stage.

He played the very same song that he played for Ga Eul on their fake date 4 years ago to get revenge on that bastard ex boyfriend of hers. He wanted to make today special, creating new memories for her of the song he played. He wanted her to forget that he played this song for her during their fake date and remember this song as the song he played for her the night he proposed to her.

Ga Eul watched him played the saxophone with so much passion and love. She imagined Yi Jung as prince charming on stage and he was hers. She thought of how lucky she was to have him by her side. As Yi Jung was about to finish off the song, the lights in the restaurant all turned off and the spotlight was on her. She wondered what was happening. Then, she realized that Yi Jung has finally stopped and was making his way towards her.

Soon enough, he was right in front of her. He surprised her even further by bending down on one knee pulling something out of his pocket. It felt like a dream to her that this was happening. She didn’t think Yi Jung would propose to her this soon and she was definitely not prepared.

“Ga Eul, I know I’m not the perfect man and I know that I have caused you lots of heartbreaks in the past but I am willing to try to become the perfect man for you and make you smile everyday from today onwards. Would You Marry Me?” Yi Jung asked hoping that he got the answer that he wanted.

Ga Eul was speechless, she wanted to tell him yes right away and jump into his embrace but nothing came out of her mouth. Finally, with enough courage she stood up, pulled Yi Jung up, and leaned close enough to whisper in his ears a yes.

As soon as Yi Jung heard the one word that would change the rest of his life, he pulled her into a tight embrace and picked her up twirling her around. This was a night to remember and none of them would forget this special day of their life.

A few months after that night, Ga Eul and Yi Jung got married on a yacht in New Caledonia at sunset. Ga Eul didn’t want a grand wedding, therefore Yi Jung obligated. The only people present were the rest of the F4, their parents, Jandi, and Jae Kyung. Since they didn’t get a grand wedding, Yi Jung decided to have it on a yacht where not many weddings occur. After all, he wanted his wedding to be special because he was getting married to a very special person.

They lived a happy life after their marriage, with Ga Eul teaching and Yi Jung tending the museum. Ga Eul would come home every day and cooked for her husband. Yi Jung always came home just in time for dinner and they would have little talks about their day. On the weekends, they would have movie marathons or sometimes spend time together at the national park. During the holidays, the F4 along with their partners would go on vacations either to New Caledonia or a new place. They lived a life that every couple wanted to have, and everything seems just so perfect. The problem was their life was so perfect; the slightest mistake could flip their life upside down.

One day, Ga Eul felt that she wasn’t feeling well so she told Yi Jung that she was going to stay home. She has been feeling tired lately and often when she saw food; she would have the urge to throw up. Yi Jung, at first wanted to stay home with her, but she told him she was fine and a little rest would make her feel better. He was hesitant at first, but obligated in the end since he still had a lot of work at the museum.

After Yi Jung left the house, she got dressed and head out for the pharmacy. She had a clue why she was feeling this way but she just wanted to make sure before telling Yi Jung the news. Once she bought what she needed, Ga Eul headed back to their house.

When she walked into the house, she was hesitant at first to check and see if her instincts were true, but she decided otherwise because sooner or later she would have to find out the truth. She took the pregnancy test and went into the restroom. She was waiting for the result when suddenly the door bell rang.

Ga Eul decided to leave the pregnancy test in the restroom and went to get the door. When she opened the door, no one was there but an envelope. She picked up the envelope and looked at the front; the enveloped was addressed to her. She wondered what this could be as she closed the door. Then, she remembered the pregnancy test in the restroom. She put the envelope down on the kitchen cabinet and ran into the restroom. The envelope lay forgotten; little did she know that the envelope held something that would change hers and Yi Jung’s life forever. She went back into the restroom to retrieve the pregnancy test she had put on the table. She took a deep breath and picked it up.

Would this be the start of a new chapter in their marriage?

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