Friday, April 23, 2010

The Classic

Chapter 1

The beginning of the past
"Here you go miss. All of your bags are here."

"Kamsamnida Ajussi." He left me alone then. I looked at my empty surrounding. It was beautiful without a doubt. The neighborhood was like a greenhouse with small river streams everywhere. The sun was hitting the center church perfectly and it glowed proudly. I took a deep breath and finally carried my luggages to head for the house.

Fifteen years has pasted by without a glance. I barely remembered the old thing since I was five. Moving to the states has really changes my memories of Korea.

"0486." I mumbled to a old, classic looking house. It was small. The front had a small garden space filled with white lilies and baby's breath. The porch included a small rocking chair fit for two people and the yard was shaded by a large oak tree with a swing hanging from it. "I remember playing on that." My voice whispered into the air. "Well, time to get unpacked." I sighed.


The inside of the house was very...old? It was like a traditional style korean house. There was a balcony in the room that looked over the country sideand river valleys though. A major advantage I hadn't expected. The kitchen was small but workable and the living room opened to the backyard filled with more plants.

"OW! Aish! Stupid closet door." The tiny spaced closet had caught my foot and scraped it across the bottom. Fortunatly, no blood came out and my curiousity of the small doors overpowered the pain. Looking inside, I realized the space was too samll for anything. The top portion was empty and very dusty. Closing the doors, a white pile of packet fell down near my foot. Picking it up, I realized that they were old letters storaged closley near the top. It was dated back to the 1930's! Opening up the first one on the top, I saw the name of the author of these delicate letters: Chu Ga Eul! My grandmother?

Chapter 2

1st letter

a/n: To all the readers I have had waiting, I suggest you read over the whole story because I made slight changes and I don't want you to get confused. Thank you! So as I had mention before, I based it off of the movie The Classic but I will have my own twist to it so be prepared to be surprised.


-------------Previous of Chapter 1:

Closing the doors, a white pile of packet fell down near my foot. Scooping it up, I realized that they were old letters storaged closley near the top. It was dated back to the 1930's! Opening up the first one on the top, I saw the name of the author of these delicate letters: Chu Ga Eul! My grandmother?

Why letters? I admired the heavy packet of delicate envelopes into my hands and reread the date: 1930's. "Wow." I mumbled to myself. How old is she when she wrote this? I lifted it closer to my face and the old aroma of cherry blossoms filled up the room. Opening the first letter, I was sucked back into the old time period of jazz and swing bars. The beautiful beginning started out with...
"Two weeks. That's all it took. Two weeks for me to fall in love for the first time during the snowfall of 1930."
"Wow. Halmoni wrote these? It's so beautiful and delicate. Why didn't she tell me?" Halmoni and I were closed during the time I was overstate. We kept in contact and she told me to come live here while she stayed in my parent's house. It was a difficult for both of us but together we made it through. The thought of my parents made my eyes teary again. Looking back to the letters, I picked out the first one and began to read it.

1930, Steptember 19
Chu Ga Eul

It wasn't planned out the way I had expected it to. Fate was the word wasn't it? When two things were meant to be togther? Was that true for me and pretty boy So Yi jung? I suppose I should start at the beginning to make sense, shouldn't I? I'm just afraid that when I done with the whole story, wouldn't our love be the same? My memories will fade as i grow older and our history will disappear slowly with it. I suppose that this is love. This wonderful feeling would come to an end sooner or later. I'm writing this down as I experience time with him now. The moment had started in the beginning of that two weeks. The beginning of everything.

"Chu GaEul, you have to come tonight! It's the opening of that swingin new place. Come on!" EunHye whined constantly. It was that club across the town. The grand opening was tonight and people were dying to come. "Unnie!"

"Okay, okay. I'll go if you quite complaining EunHye." She flashed me a bright smile and I reply back with a small smile of my own.

"Yes! Here, you have to get dress quick." She threw at me a long U-neck, cherry red dress. "This will look snazzy on you." I gave off a big sigh and headed to the bathrrom. It's not that I didn't want to go. It's the fact that all the club seemed to have the same people quality. Guys that try to win our hearts with cheesy lines and idiotic women that fall for them. Love isn't fun unless you play around with it a bit. After putting on the dress, I let loose of my hairbun and the curls fell over my shoulders. Walking out, I faced her and she gasped. (A U T H O R ' S N O T E- ignored the pinned up hair and white fur drape.)

"You look-ama...amazing." She exclaimed excitedly. Pulling me towards the mirror, I glanced at a stranger who had the glowing complexion of snow white. I really did look good. "Okay! Come on before all of the taxi are taken."

It was not so much of a long drive. We quickly pulled up into the entrance and smiled at one another.

"This is it! Finally. Can you believe it?" EunHye laughed at fact that we really were here. "Come on!" Dragging me inside, we walked into a jazzy nightclub, dimmed with a nice bar serving the guest. The music was swinging and people danced along on the floor.

"Hey there dollface. Care for a dance?" A voice appeared behide me. An average looking guy was there, looking at me with big eyes.

"Sweetie, if that's all you got to say then just move on." I eyed him down and he slowly backed away.

"How 'bout a dance cutie." EunHye grabbed him instead and moved to the floor. She winked at me before looking back at him. I walked over into a quiet corner of the bar and watched the time move by slowly.

"Excuse me miss..." A voice called out from behide me.
{So Eun POV}

A bell was ringing. A bell? I glanced up from the letter and realized it was almost nighttime. The door kept ringing on. Regretfully leaving the letter, I walked up to the door and realized it was the neighbor next door. She seemed to be about my age.

"Hi. I'm your neighbor, Lee MiSun. You must be Chu SoEun. Welcome. I hope you moved in well with no issues." She was really cute. One side of her smile had a small dimpled that flashed every now and then. She was shorter than me but was slim and had gorgeous legs.

"Hi. Thank you so much. Would you like to come in?" After a quick moment of awkwardness, we fell into casual talking and became good friends. As for the letter that was floating at the back of my mind, that will just have to wait until later.

-----------------Preview of Chapter 3: A Clue?
My mind wondered back into the letters and I was tempted to go read at least one more of story but decided against it. Tomorrow was when everything needed to be done. Walking back to the room, I took a a wrong turn and fell with a thud on the floor.
"So apparently this house doesn't like me very much." I said to myself. Blowing the air out of my cheeks, I picked myself up and noticed the small opening in the wooden floor. Carefully tugging on the wood, it came open and a photograph was buried beneath the dirt.


Chapter 3

A Clue?

A U T H O R ' S N O T E -AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Winglin finally works again. I was acting like a madwoman throughout the maintenance time and I was literally lifeless, dragging myself throughout the house and school. Haha I was screaming when it finally came back!!!!!!!! Well, I should let you come back to the story after this long time. Hope you enjoy!!! This chapter is very short so sorry!

------------------Chapter 3: A Clue?

My mind was restless and I was not used to the surrounding. It was cold but in a very beautiful way. The night glowed up the natural moonlight and the small river in the back reflected the stars. I jumped out of bed and pulled on my robe to walked into the small kitchen I had yet to explored. It really was tiny. The fridge was cornered into the left side, right beneath small yellow cabinets surrounding the whole kitchen. An oven and microwave was newly put in and noticably unmatched with the antique furnitures. On the fridge were pictures of my grandparents and our family. We looked so happy onced during a trip to Japan. The others were dated pictures of my Halmoni back in the 1930's. She looked just like me. 1930's... My mind wondered back into the letters and I was tempted to go read at least one more of story but decided against it. Tomorrow was when everything needed to be done. Walking back to the room, I took a a wrong turn and fell with a thud on the floor.

"So apparently this house doesn't like me very much." I said to myself. Blowing the air out of my cheeks, I picked myself up and noticed the small opening in the wooden floor. Carefully tugging on the wood, it came open and a photograph was buried beneath the dirt. "What? Does Halmoni have this crazy treasure hunt obession?" I picked up the photo and saw a woman that looked similar to me in a red dress. Halmoni? She was looking away from the camera and glancing with a small smile at a gentleman with his face hidden beneath a hat. He was holding her hand and gently putting it back as if he had just kissed it.

September 19, 1930. Could this be the famous So YiJung and my grandmother on the day of the Gaze Club? My curiousy increased but I fought against it. "Bed." I mumbled to myself over and over again. Falling against the sheet, I quickly fell into a dreamless night.

-----------------Preview of Chapter 4:

"So you're the famous Chu GaEul everyone has been talking about." He said to me.

"Do I know you, Mr...?"

"No. But I know you." He answered me slyly.


Chapter 4

Strange Encounterment

a/n: Ha! Fooled you into thinking this was a chapter huh? Well it is! How's life everyone? Please no silent readers!!! Me? I got no one one and nothing to do :'( Is that even how you do a teary face??? keke. So yeah, tell me about your life because just seeing your comments isn't fun anymore. Let's become friends... Did that sound creepy to anyone but me??? Thanks for commenting so far my awesome readers. ♥♥♥♥♥ hearts for everyone. Get them while their free. (My heart is alway free)☺ ☻ ☺ ☻


---------------Chapter Four: A New Day

It hit me. The sunlight glowed in from the closed curtain and shone on my eyes.

"Ahh." I grumbled and stepped out of bed with my hair like a bird's nest. "Shoot! How am I going to fix this in two hours? TWO HOURS? I'm going to be late for the day!" Rushing to the shower, I devoured my head with shampoo and untangled the mess on my head. Towel-drying it, I stumbled along to the kitchen to make a quick scramble eggs and cooked the rice. It took me the whole hour to do so while I wait for my hair to dry up. "Aish. There is so many things to do today." I made a mental list of all the to-do's in my head.


Clean the house.

Greet the neighbors.

Buy food and necessities I'm now assign to.

Go meet the job place at 11:45.

Call back Halmoni.

"I'm over-stressed." I mumbled to myself.

Click. The rice was done as I combed through my now-dry hair. This was a perfect day to start a new home beginning, I thought sarcasticly to myself.

Despite the fact that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, it was a perfect day. The yellow house was filled with a glow that happened naturally as the sun glanced off at it. Birds were chirping so happily that I just sang along without realizing it.


"Ah. Finally." I sighed. The house was unpacked and everything was put into place. I smiled brightly now that I was finally calmed and came towards the phone. It was so natural for me to press in the number I am now; A second nature.

"Yoboseyo?" The voice I had been longing to here came on.


"SoEun! How are you so far? Did you move in fine? Was there any issues? How is th-"

"Halmoni! I'm fine." I chuckled at her. "Relax. Just breathe. The house is beautiful and I'm well packed."

"That's good. It is very old. If you have any questions, just call me or Harabuji... well, just call me if you have any issues." We both laughed at her correction. Harabuji was probably the worst when it comes to fixing things or technology.

"Well, I'm behide on things so I will call you later okay?"

"Goodbye sweetheart." The click was soon followed by the operator's voice on the line.

I took a big breath and smiled. A feeling of warmth washed over me as I grabbed my bag to walk out the door. It was really nice to finally have things be in place.

Walking to my bike, I rode all the way to the market place since the stores were really close and taking the car would be a hassel. By the time I got there, my lips formed into a smile. I was surprised at how adorable I found the place. Stalls were everywhere and little cute boutiques and coffee shops were smacked in the picture.

I walked passed many faces that stared at me. It was an odd feeling. Looking around myself discretly, I checked for anything wrong: Ripped clothing, messy hair, no pants.

"Oh my goodness. You have got to be SoEun." An eldery woman gleamed towards me. "You look just like her."

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I asked curiously. She looked like someone I knew. Just who...?

"Of course. The whole village has been waiting for you. You're Chu GaEul's grand-daughter."

"Waiting for me?" I nearly screamed but it turned out in a hoarse whisper.

'Great. Now I will be noticed by everyone. Well, I suppose now I won't have to introduced myself to everyone.' I thought to myself.

"Umm... Annyounghasehyo. I'm SoEun." I mentally slapped myself on the forehead. She already knew that, I scolded myself. "Well, I came here to buy some things so I hope to see you later."

"SoEun Unni!" MiSun nearly jumped at me and embraced me in a suffocating hug.

"Hi MiSun. Long time no see." I joked. So this was MiSun's mother. I could see the resemblance.

She laughed and we made plans to meet tomorrow. It was a long morning but I finally got all my things bought and went home. Getting near my bike, I didn't look ahead and crashed into a tall building so something very strong.(

"Aish." A voice scowled in front of me.
"Jwesongheyo." I mumbled the apology and looked up to see a face illuminate with the sun. Right away, I could tell he was rich. The fine tailoring of his suit and black leather shoes. His eyes were a chocolate sea of brown (which were glaring at me) and his nose was perfectly angular. The sky was shining with his rousled hair and it glowed like everything around him. His perfect lips frown into a grimace as he was staring at me. Was I dead?

"Oppa? Are you okay?" A lady on his right asked beside him. Then I abruptly noticed the two girls draped around him like curtains.

"Don't you country bumpkins watch here you are going? Aish, they always want to tag along with me. Pathetic things." I snapped back from his beauty and flared up at his words. Pathetic?

"Excuse me. I said I was sorry. If you were watching where you were going with your two friends, maybe we wouldn't be in this issue." It was really hard glaring back at his gorgeous face.

He smirked. Smirked? He guy was agitating me really bad. Stomping away to my bike, I stopped myself from the curiousy of looking back at his face one last time. "Stupid, rich people." I shouted back.

-------------------------- Kim Bum POV
"Oppa. Let's go to my place right now." The name who has escape from my head whined on my left.

I ignored her and looked towards the strange girl biking away. She was odd and irritating but amusing. Smirking at her caused him to almost burst out laughing with her charming, angry expression.

"No. I have to work today. Some new girl is coming to the company and I have to check her out." I gave her a smile and replyed back at her pouting face, "Some other time." Freeing myself from their arms, I walked to my car and raced away from anyone's sight. Today was like any other day. Let's just hope the new girl coming along is a little more interesting.

-----------------------------------------SoEun POV

I tiredly march into the house and stored away the things I had just brought. Ignoring that face that kept slipping back into my mind, the phone had suddenly rang.

"Yobosayo?" I answered.

"Is Miss Kim SoEun there?" The voice asked on the other end.

"This is she. How may I help you?"

"This is the Soeul Insurance Company. Your appointment was scheduled for eleven forty-five. We were wondering if you could come in a bit earlier. Say, around 11 o' clock, maybe. If you can't, we can always find someone else-..."

"No! I can definitly make it." The lady spoke. "Hm- okay. Okay. Thank you." I sighed and fell back against the couch. "Oh my goodness."

Looking at the clock, it was 10:23. "Shoot!" One again, I raced into the room and pulled on my white, ruffled blouse and paired it on with a loose, black skirt. I dash into the bathroom and put on a light rose lipstick and messed around with my hair until it was good enough.


Checking my purse, I was ready to scamble out the doorway until I noticed the letter sitting by the table. My feet wouldn't move away but towards the thing so I jumped for it and charged for my car.

'Finally.' I thought.

------------------------------------------ Soeul Insurance Company

The place was huge. It reached up to nine feet and people crowded the place. The sign clearly stated the tower as Soeul Insurance. Why was that? A company typo?

"This is it." I mumbled to myself. I never was any good at being confident. Just the thought of the word scared me. Without realizing it, I ended up at the receptionist desk.

"Hello. May I help you?" She, like everyother girls in here I've noticed, was beautiful.

"Um...Yes. I have an appointment with Mr.Kim that was changed to 11:00." It was now 10:54.

She glanced at me and smirked. "You can wait over there. He will call you when he is ready."

"Than-thank you." I mumbled.

It was the most awkward and scary feeling I've ever felt. I could hear the two ladies whispering.

"Could you believe that she's the new girl new. I thought that she would look differently."

The other laughed. "I know. I wonder if Oppa knows how she look. Probably not or he wouldn't have hired her." They both ended up in giggles.

It was hard to hear so I had decided to just read the letter.

---------------------------Chu GaEul's POV

"Excuse me miss..." A voice called out from behide me.
I turned around and noticed a very handsome looking fella.

"So you're the famous Chu GaEul everyone has been talking about." He said to me.

"Do I know you, Mr...?"

"No. But I know you." He answered me slyly. "Can we get the nice lady a drink? On me." He smirked again and I smiled sweetly at this stranger.

"So you know this nice lady's name but she doesn't know your's. What is it exactly, Mystery Man?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." He slid me the drink but took my hand to lead me to the dance floor. Swinging me around, we laughed and danced the whole night.

"Why don't I take you home?" It was a quiet ride in his car but filled with pasted smiles and fake giggles.

'So this guy is rich? Well, this should make the game more interesting.'

"This is the place. Thanks. But don't I get to know your name?" I pouted.

Handing me a white card, I read it as he took my hand and kissed it. A white flashed surprised both of us. The news reporter.

"This will make a big story." He yelled as he skipped away happily.

"I guess our story didn't end here. It was nice to finally meet you." Walking away, he winked at me and I replyed back with a smile.

'So YiJung.' The famous Insurance heiress and playboy? Yes, I suppose this will be interesting indeed.' I thought, as I walked inside the house, still remembering the way his chocolate eyes looked tonight.

--------------------------SoEun POV

"Miss Kim. He is ready for you now. Oh, and for your safety, don't look him in the eyes."
I walked in nervously and sat down at chair in front of his desk.

"Miss Kim." It was a long pause. I was tempted to look up but stopped myself. He started to chuckle. " I wasn't exactly thrilled to have a unknown employee but your reseme was really impressive. I'm just not exactly sure that you can handle this job."

Why does this voice sound so familiar. I was about to glance up but caught myself. "With all due respect, I believe that I can do this job very well."

"I don't know. I don't really like being called a "Stupid, rich" person, as you stated." Naturally, without stopping myself, I looked back into those same pair of chocolate eyes. "What would you say to lunch?" He asked suddenly.

"Oh! It's you! It''re-..." I stumbled for words while he was doing that stupid, charming smirking again. "I'm going to go." As I walk out the door, he shouted, "You start Monday!"

I drove home, stunned and confused. He was my boss?!?

Chapter 5

Apology Accepted

a/n- Please comment! I know, I know, I haven't written in a long time. Sorry! Got the bad case of school work and laziness.

-------------------Chapter Five: Apology Accepted

It was Friday morning and I hated working for that Kim Sang Bum! Everyday was the same coffee-Extra hot, two spoons of cream and stirred. The same large workload amounts, the same dry-clean place for his stupid tailoring suit, and that same stupid smirk he throws my way everytime I glance up at him. He was just so...stupid!

Blowing the steam off, I got up to get ready to leave.

"I'm done with my work. Goodbye." Grabbing my purse, I was getting ready to dash before I heard the voic-

"Kim SoEun! I need you in here please." He called from his office.

'Shoot! So close.' I thought to myself. Biting my lips, I dragged myself across the room to face that one pair of eyes I've been trying to ignore all week.

"Close the door behide you please." He sounded serious this time. Scared, I followed his orders. "Come sit down. We need to talk."

Before I could stop myself, I shouted out, " I'm sorry about everything! Please don't fire me!"

--------------Kim Bum POV

I kept glancing at the picture. Turning it at all the angles still showed the bad side of the drawn character: Me. Big head with a small body. The ears bounced out of the head and the eyes were burning with flames. I had the typical curly mustach that all the old villians had. My lips were smirking but in a disturbing, evil way. Do I really look like this to her?

I was annoyed and amused all at the same time. Watching her about ready to leave, I quickly shouted out her name before she raced out the door. The way she bit her lips was adorable and I couldn't help but look in those direction.

"Close the door behide you please." I commanded. She was ignoring me again. The way her eyes narrow before she had the chanced to look at me in the eyes. What was wrong with this girl? "Come sit down. We need to talk."

Surprisingly, she shouted, "I'm sorry about everything! Please don't fire me!" Did she know about the picture?

"I am pretty disturbed about the drawing. It's not a very mature thing to do now is it?" I watched her expression go from confused to realization then worrisome. I would've bursted out laughing but I had a role to play with her right now. This was to much fun.

"I'm sorry." She looked down at her feet. What was with the way she ignored looking at me? " weren't suppose to see that." Silently, she scolded herself and looked at the picture in front of me. Her lips involuntary curled up into a smile but she caught herself and looked away.

"I'm pretty hurt you know. I expect an apology and something to make up for it."

"I'm truly sorry for this issue but I don't know what to do to make up for it." She glanced under her lashes to look up at me then narrowed them away.

"I do. I have a event tonight with a bunch of important busniess partners. I need you to be my escourt." I smirked up at her then stopped when I caught a glimpse at the drawing. "Ahem-...That would be all. I'll pick you up at eight sharp."

She walked away dazed and stumbled a bit without realizing. I finally cracked and laughed.

--------------So Eun POV

A car. A big-no, huge car was parked out in front of my house. It wasn't even eight yet.

"This is crazy! I don't even have anything to wear!" I shouted angrily to myself. 'I'll just have to quit', I thought to myself.

Picking up the phone, I dialed his work cell. One ring...two rings... three-...

"Yabosehyo?" His tone was calm but impatient. "Yabosehyo? I'm going to hang up now."

"No! I mean..." What was it I was going to say again? "I... um... I have nothing to wear. You might as well take some other girl...-sir."

"So Eun-sshi?" He sounded like he was smiling through the phone. "I had my personal assistant pick you up. Is he not there yet?"

"Oh." Darn it! There goes that excuse. I coughed. "I came down with the flu. I can't go." Stupid! He knows you're lying!

"Kim So Eun." He pronounced every syllable of my name slowly but dangerously. "Get in the car now and I'll meet you at your house at eight. Araso?"

I was too scared to denied. "Yes sir." A gulp slipped down my throat.

Grabbing my jacket and shoes, I walked to the car and bowed my head at who I guessed to be the assistant.

"Annyounghasehyo." He looked up from the computer and smiled back at me. I couldn't help but kept on looking at him. The caramel-brown of his eyes glimmered in the dark tinted car. His smile illuminated like the light.

"I'm Kim Joon. You must be Miss So Eun-sshi. I believe it's my opportunity to take you shopping tonight." The gentle smile appeared again. I smiled back and relaxed against the smooth seat.

"A black porsche? Was this really necessary?" I let out a tired sigh.
He laughed. I was so caught up in his enchanting smile that I almost didn't catch what he had said.

"Our boss works to impress." We both laughed in unison and drived throughout the streets laughing.
-------------------At home
"Thanks for attempting to find something but it was useless. Nothing looked right. This dress might look okay. Maybe we'll just be fired." He laughed. "I could try to find something inside. Goodbye."

"Hey." He grabbed my arm. "How about coffee sometimes after we're fired. My treat?" I smiled too widely and nodded my head to agree. "I'll see you at the party. Maybe."

He lefted afterwards and I went inside the house. I got fourty-two minutes left to get ready. Digging through my clothes for the fourth time, I gave up and curled my hair first. Putting on some makeup, I finally decided on the dress that looked the best on me at the store but the thing wasn't fitting. I looked like a blueberry that's been extra plumped. I fell back to the bed and laid there until I felt a square bo underneath the bed.

"Omo! What's this?" Pulling it out, I did find a box; A treasure box. The thing was filled with beautiful clothing and accessories. Especially a familiar looking red dress. Halmoni's dress that night at the Gaze Club.

Trying it on, I looked into the mirror and gasped. I look just like her. I looked like Chu Ga Eul, my Halmoni.

The doorbell rang. Eight o'clock. He was right on the mark.

"Miss So Eun-sshi-..."

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