Friday, April 23, 2010

Inheriting A New Life

00` Prologue.

Throughout the plane ride, Jessica could not sleep, nor could she eat; she was too scared and nervous to let her mind lay at rest. It wasn’t the fact that this was her first time flying alone that was scaring her, it was the fact that she had no idea what would happen to her in the future. Who would have known her life could change so much within two weeks. She would have laughed at the dramatic change if her thoughts weren’t driving her nuts.

Just two weeks ago, she thought her biological dad was some low-life alcoholic man who left her mother when he found out she was pregnant. Her mother never talked much about her real dad, only telling her that they were lucky such a pathetic man wasn’t in their lives. As a child, she always envied all the other kids at school who felt love from both their parents and never understood why she couldn’t feel that love too. Her mom barely paid attention to her as she was always working to support the two of them, and whenever she had time, it always went to her at-the-moment boyfriends. Jess stopped counting the number of boys her mom went through after the 16th one. When Jessica turned 8, her mom started seeing a man who came from America and after a year, she told Jessica that they’d be moving to California with her boyfriend. So at nine years old, Jessica left her life and friends in Korea behind and left for the states.

At first, it was hard for her to fit in with the other kids. She didn’t know how to speak English, and she felt too homesick to make an effort to learn the language. But after the first couple years, she adapted well and made lots of friends, eventually forgetting about the old life she had in Korea. As she grew older, her beauty grew as well. She was known as the pretty, outgoing, and popular girl at school. High school was the time of Jessica’s life. She had so many friends, and her fair share of boyfriends and flings. After high school, she immediately moved out of her house and rented a tiny beat down room in an old apartment. She decided it was better to live in a sh.ithole than with her self centered mom and her egotistical step dad. Three years passed without any events or changes and then BOOM, a month after Jessica’s twenty-first birthday, she got a call from a lawyer in Korea telling her that her millionaire father had just passed away from cancer and that he had left her e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g in his will.

At first Jessica did not believe the lawyer, she told him her real dad was a broke loser with a drinking problem, but after confronting her mother, she found out that everything she thought she’d known about her real dad was a lie and that he was indeed the rich guy the lawyer spoke to her about. The lawyer then told her that she would need to fly to Korea to claim all of her father’s assets. He also told her that she was free to do whatever the hell she wanted with them.

She thought about whether she should go to Korea and see what it was that her father, whom she never actually met, had left for her. After two weeks of deep thinking, she decided to move back to Korea and live in his house. She wanted to learn more about her dad, and she supposed the easiest way to do that, was to go to Korea.

After those long two weeks of thinking and deciding, Jessica was now sitting in her economy-class seat wondering whether she was making the biggest mistake of her life.

10 long hours later, Jessica got out of the plane and she couldn’t have been more glad to breathe a breath of fresh real air. She walked out of baggage with 3 humongous luggages that pretty much carried everything she would need for a while. Because she couldn’t bring everything she used to have in her old, tiny apartment, she chose to only bring her clothing and pictures. She planned and hoped she’d figure out how to get everything else she’d end up needing in the future. Like all her other ‘plans’ for the future, this one wasn’t very well thought out. Around her, passengers were getting giddy and anxious at the thought that they’d now see their families, friends, and acquaintances, but unlike them, Jessica wasn’t giddy nor was she anxious. She was nervous, she didn’t know what the expect. She took one large breath and pushed her luggage and walked past the doors that welcomed her to Korea. She was relieved to see a man holding a sign that read ‘Jessica Jung’. She introduced herself to the man, whom she found out was the same lawyer that had called her two weeks ago and informed her about her father’s will.

The car ride was a quiet one, aside from the first greetings and the simple ‘welcome to Korea’ speech, the both of them did not say much. After a long silence, the lawyer finally spoke up.

“I’m sure your very nervous and curious as to who your father was. I will try and answer your questions if you have any.” The lawyer spoke with such a formal and cold tone that Jessica found it hard to keep the conversation going. Although she had lots of questions, she didn’t feel comfortable asking him in such an awkward atmosphere.

“Thank you, sir.” She didn’t know what else to say. The rest of the ride was silent. After about 2 hours of driving from the Incheon airport, the car arrived at Seoul and was now in the parking lot of a luxurious apartment complex.

“This is your fathers apartment, where he lived most of the time. I’m assuming this is where you’re going to stay. Because your father’s will states that ALL his assets will go to you, his only daughter, you will also be inheriting all of his cars, homes, land, and money. I am in charge of showing you how to access all of these assets.” As the lawyer spoke, he took glances at Jessica, who was still sitting in the backseat, through the mirror. Just as the lawyer finished, Jessica couldn’t help but yawn. It was a long day for her and all she could think about was sleeping. Taking that as a hint the lawyer quickly continued. “I’m sure you’re too tired to listen to take in all this information so I’ll arrange another meeting with you in the future. As for now, why don’t you go on up and sleep.”

“Thank you so much for all your help. Please give me your number, I will call you when I get a new cell phone.” After taking his business card and the keys to her new home, she took her bags and walked to the elevator. She was glad she could finally be comfortable, without having to feel self conscious in front of the lawyer.

The elevator came and she got in and pressed the button for floor 8. It started to move but quickly stopped again at the lobby and the doors opened. In front of the elevator doors stood a man dressed in a suit, with his white shirt only half buttoned, revealing his muscular, tone chest. His hair was styled in a mohawk spiked up with three straight lines shaved across the left side of his head. But it wasn’t his body or hair that stuck out to Jessica, it was the horrid smell of a mixture of over-sprayed women’s perfume. ‘Probably some stupid horny player’, Jessica thought; she had a bad habit of labeling the many guys that she came across.

Unlike her, he was fairly surprised to see a new face in his apartment complex, especially such a pretty one. He quickly entered the elevator and pressed the button for floor 8 before realizing it was already pressed. He stood silently next to Jessica and turned his head slightly, just enough to take glimpses of her, who pretended she didn’t notice him watching her. There was something about her that attracted his eyes to stare, she looked so inviting.

Jessica was fully aware of the stares she was receiving, but her eyes remained on the closed doors of the elevator. She smirked to herself, she found it almost humoring how obviously this guy was checking her out. She was so used to the constant glances and winks she received from guys in America, that she wasn’t too bothered by elevator boy’s staring. ‘Boys will be boys…’. Finally, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. After taking one last look at her, the elevator boy quickly hustled out of the doors, leaving Jessica alone as she gathered her bags and walked out right behind the man. Looking at a little paper note the lawyer had given her, she found her way to apartment number 802, the unit right beside 801 in which elevator boy seemed to live. It was easy to find since there were only 3 units on the floor.

She fumbled with the keys a bit, but got the door to open. The moment she opened the door, she was stunned at how beautiful the place was. Her mouth hanging open, Jessica took slow small steps into the foyer and was in awe at her new home.

Right from the door way she could see the living room, which was modern with dark hardwood flooring, and bordered by large full length window walls. The furniture in the living room were all leather and looked very small in the enormous space. Although it was dark outside, she could still see the view of the city from the huge windows and she automatically felt her legs take her to the middle window. Her hands went up and touched the window as she started into the city in awe. She hadn’t even seen the rest of the unit, but she knew she already loved it just by its view.

After staring for a while, Jessica moved on to touring the rest of her new home. The first room she saw was clearly the master bedroom. It had the same hardwood flooring and its space was enormous. Like the living room, the master bedroom had one wall that was completely window. It also had a small glass door that led her to the balcony. The balcony itself was way bigger than her old room she used in California. After the her room, she toured the rest of the house and noted the extra bedroom and bathroom beside her own room. She brought all of her bags into her new room and laid on the bed.

She was so blown away by everything she saw but a part of her wished the house had more of a homey feeling to it. She was not used to such a cold and modern home. She couldn’t imagine how her father lived in the huge apartment all by himself. The apartment unit was so clean, if no one knew it had previously had an inhabitant, it could have passed for being completely new. Jessica was so happy with her new home but at the same time, she wished it left more hints as to what kind of man her real father once was. After all, the main reason she decided to come to Korea was to find out more about her biological dad. So far, she hadn’t gotten any closer to uncovering who the man was. Another unconscious yawn came out of her mouth and Jessica decided she was too tired to think anymore. Without bothering to wash up and change, she continued to lay in the bed and allowed herself to fall asleep.

01` A Pleasant Meeting

The next morning, Jessica opened her eyes to be greeted by a ray of sunshine coming from her immense window. She threw the blanket off of her tiny frame and got up to walk to the window. The view was even more beautiful in the day, than when she saw it last night.

Feeling uncomfortable and dirty because she was still wearing the same clothe she had on for the past twenty-something hours, she grabbed the biggest of her three luggage and opened it up. Instead of taking everything out one by one in a neat matter, she flipped the whole suitcase up and dumped it on the spacious hardwood floor. Jessica had never been the neat and orderly type, her previous house wasn’t a pig sty but it was getting there. She spotted her tooth brush, tooth paste, and towel and figured that’s all she’d be needing to wash up. ‘I hope theres shampoo and conditioner in the bathroom.’ She made her way to the master bathroom and was shocked, yet again. It was going to take her some time to get used to how nice the apartment was. She’d never been anywhere this nice in her life, the only times she’d actually seen a place like this was through movies. Pushing the shock factor aside, she went about her morning routine of washing up, and then changed into a pair of skinny blue jeans and a simple white v-neck t-shirt. She walked to the kitchen to see if there was anything for her in the refrigerator. Instead of finding food, she saw documents on the kitchen island with four credit cards beside them. Sitting down, Jessica began reading each document that basically told her that she could use the money on the four cards to buy whatever it is that she wanted and needed. The documents also told her that her father’s cars were all in the parking lot and that the keys were in one of the drawers by the door. Boy was this a change of lifestyle. Jessica was used to living paycheck by paycheck and never owned or touched a credit card. She hadn’t been dirt poor but she sure as hell wasn’t rich. She used to drive an old 1990 honda civic that would barely get her to all the places she needed to be. If her life wasn’t proof that life was indeed FULL of changes, she didn’t know what was.

Feeling eager to get out of the house and browse around Seoul, she took the four cards, placed it in her wallet, put on a pair of beat up converse runners, grabbed the first car key that met her fingers and ran out the door. She was too excited for the first real outing of her new life to care about the fact that she had no idea where she would go and what it was she would do.

In the parking lot, she didn’t actually know which of the many luxurious cars were hers. Hell, she’d be delighted if she got to drive any of the beauties parked in the lot. Pressing the open button, a silver Mercedes Benz 2010 E-class convertible lighted up, signaling that it was Jessica’s new and definitely improved car. Giggling with joy, she rushed her tiny self to the car and hopped into the drivers seat turned the ignition and pressed the gas pedal. She was finally out of the complex, and had the biggest and brightest smile on her face.

After cruising around whichever street she came across for an hour, she decided she would go to the mall and shop for all the necessities she’d need in her new house. After pressing buttons here and there on the GPS in the car, she was set and on her way to Coex mall.

In the mall, she didn’t know what she should do first, so she followed wherever her legs took her. She went in many of the shops and eye-shopped until she came across a store called ‘Serenity Boutique’. It was the cutest store she’d seen so far, her eyes were immediately drawn to the cute summer dresses on the hangers and the pumps that were sitting on the shelves. She excitedly walked into the store and browsed around until she noticed the sign saying ‘Now Hiring’. The moment she read the sign, she knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to spend her time working part time in this beautiful store and meet new people and work to be independent instead of relying on what her father had left for her. Without hesitation, she strutted to the counter where a gorgeous lady with long light-brown hair, was going through several receipts.

“Hi, I just saw that you guys were looking to hiring a new worker.” Jessica stated brightly.

“Yeah, we’re looking for a part-time sales clerk. Are you interested in the position?”

Jessica wasn’t interested in the position, she was desperate for the position. “Yes, my name is Jessica, I’m new to the city and I would love to work here.”

“I’m Hyori, I’m the owner of Serenity Boutique. Its nice to meet you. So tell me Jessica, do you have any experience with retail in the past?” the woman, Hyori, replied. ‘What a pretty name’ Jessica thought to herself.

“Yes I do, in the states, I worked several retail jobs in my local mall. Before moving to Seoul, I was a sales assistant at Forever 21.”

Clearly impressed, Hyori nodded. For the next thirty minutes, Hyori continued to interview Jessica about her past experiences in the work environment. Afterwards, Hyori decided Jessica was the perfect candidate for the position.

“I’m happy to say you’re hired!” Hyori beamed!

“Oh my god, thank you so much. When would you like me to start working?” Jessica was so happy she couldn’t keep help but have cheesy smile off her lips.

“Are you free to start working tomorrow, at say… 10am? I hired another new worker yesterday so if its okay with you, I’d like to train the two of you together tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow sounds great, I’ll see you at ten. Thanks again, Hyori”

Jessica was radiant as she walked out of the boutique. Even though she hadn’t planned out her ‘new life’ as she probably should have, things were looking good for her so far. She had a beautiful home, an eye catching benz, a new job at an incredibly cute store with an awesome manager, and best of all, she no longer needed to worry about her financial position. She was pretty much stress-less. With everything going so well, she decided to continue her first mall experience with shopping. She still needed to buy the things she’d need on a daily bases.

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‘난 아직도 널 기다리고 있어 돌아올지도 몰라’

The sudden sound of his phone had waken Jay up from his slumber. Annoyed, he reached his arms out and grabbed his blackberry to check which of his obnoxious friends were calling him. Instead of seeing a familiar name, he saw a random number on the screen. He decided the caller could wait and put his phone back on the nightstand and tried to make himself fall back asleep. Unfortunately for him, his phone rang again and Jay was forced to pick up.

“Hello?” Jay answered with a rude tone.

“Oppa ! It’s me, why didn’t you call me yesterday!” Some high-pitched girl’s voice replied in a whiney voice. Jay had completely no idea who the hell was complaining to him.

“Who is this?” He seriously was not in the mood to be talking to some random chick he probably met at a club when he was drunk. Plus, she distrupted his sleep, and anyone who knew Jay well knew he hated being woken up.

“Oppa, how can you not remember me! It’s Gyuri! From the club yesterday night!” As soon as Jay heard the name, he instantly regretted everything he’d done yesterday. He had a bad habit that he clearly needed to break. Every time he and his friends went out and alcohol was included in the outing, Jay usually picked up another lady friend that he wouldn’t want the next day. Gyuri was a great example of his little ‘bad habit’.

“Sorry, I don’t remember you. Is there something else you need to say to me?”

“How can you not remember me! After everything we did! Oppa, please I miss you, can you come out today. My friends all want to meet you. I told them about you after we hooked up” She giggled like some fangirl, which pissed Jay off even more.

“I’m sorry Gyuri-shi, I don’t recall whatever it is that occurred last night, and I am not interested in being reminded. Now if there isn’t anything important you need from me, I’m hanging up.” Without waiting for a response, Jay hung up and saved Gyuri’s number under ‘Don’t Pick Up’.

“, why’d she have to wake me up” Jay muttered under his breath as he lazily got up from his bed, and walked to the kitchen for some water. With a bored look on his face, he took his cell phone out of his adidas sweat’s pocket and pressed and held the number four to call his best friend, TOP, otherly known as seunghyun.

“Hey Jay, whatsup” A deep voice replied through the phone speaker.

“Hey man, I’m mad bored. Lets go grab some lunch or something”, Jay said back. Today was just like any other day for Jay and his three best friends, seunghyun, taecyeon, and nichkhun. Seunghyun and taec, who are roommates, would wait till Jay got up and called. Then the three boys would meet up and spend the rest of the day together doing absolutely nothing. Nichkhun usually met up with them afterwards since he was usually either busy with his girlfriend Yoona, or working part time jobs.

“Aite, Taec needs to get Yuri a gift for her birthday so when your ready, just meet us at Coex. We have to meet khun there anyways, I think he said he was off work at 3 or something. We’ll eat afterwards.”

“Alright, sounds good, ill see you f.ags later” Jay hung up first and walked to his bathroom to wash up.

After gelling his hair up into a Mohawk, he left his house wearing Levis jeans, a simple pink t-shirt, and his favorite yankee’s hat. He got into his Porsche and was on his way to the mall. Unlike most guys, Jay loved shopping and was someone who was always conscious of what he looked like, wherever he went. Once he arrived at Coex he called his friends up and told them he’d meet them at the food court in front of ‘Baskin Robins’, where khun was currently working.

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Jessica’s hands were full with bags and bags of new items. Jessica wasn’t much of a shopper, but today was an exception. She had bought herself a new cell phone, even though she didn’t have anyone to call, 4 pairs of jeans, 3 simple blouses, 1 dress, and a pair of pumps she would wear at her new job. Because she didn’t bring much from California, she didn’t have much of anything, so she was happy she could add more to her list of belongings. She continued walking around with bright spirit, until she was too tired to walk any longer. She found her way to the food court and sat down at a small table for two. Looking around, she saw ‘Baskin Robins’ and clearly her hungry stomach was in the mood for some ice cream. Picking her all her stuff up, she walked over to the line up and began to think about what flavor she wanted. When she realized the store had cookies and cream she knew instantly that that was the flavor she would get.

Getting her wallet out of her purse, she was about to order her cone when she noticed how utterly adorable the worker was. He was tall and lean with a head the size of a fist. His eyes resembled the eyes of a new born puppy, or even Puss and boots from Shrek. He had a smile on his face that just wouldn’t leave. Although he wasn’t the type of boy that Jessica found attractive as a man, she couldn’t help but think, 'I wish I had a younger brother that looked just like him’.

“Umm, excuse me ma’am, what would you like” Jessica woke up from her little train of thought and read his name card that said ‘Nichkhun’. So that was this perfect man’s name.

“Oh sorry, Can I please get a single scoop of cookies and cream?” She responded fast so that he didn’t think she was a bigger creeper than she had already seemed

“Would you like a regular cone or a waffle cone?”

“Waffle please” After nichkhun scooped the icecream, he handed it to Jessica and walked to the cash machine.

“Your total comes to W3900.” Taking the money out of her wallet, she handed it to nichkhun who then smiled and said “Thank you, please come again.” Jessica smiled back at him and made a big turn, which wasn’t a great idea

Waiting behind Jessica was Jay, Taec, and Seunghyun. Right when Jessica made a big turn, Jay, who had thought she would just walk straight and walk away, took a step closer to Jessica, who then bumped right into Jay and accidently threw her cone into Jay’s tshirt in shock.

“What the FU.CK” Jay yelled with lots of attitude. Jeez, today really wasn’t his day, and he mentally blamed everything on that gyuri bi.tch who had woken him up the morning.

“Oh my god, im so sorry!” She grabbed the one napkin Khun had given her and began to dab it on Jay’s shirt. “I didn’t see you from the back, I’m so sorry”

Hitting her cleaning arm away, Jay looked at her and began to glare at her. As he was glaring, he began wondering why her face seemed so familiar. “Stop it, your making the stain bigger. What kind of woman doesn’t realize there are people behind her. Jesus, why don’t you open your eyes when you walk.” Standing behind Jay, Taec and Seunghyun just shook their heads. ‘Poor girl just had to bump into Jay and ruin his shirt’ Anyone who was anyone to Jay knew that he absolutely hated when his belongings got dirty or ruined.

Taecyeon whispered to Seunghyun. “20 bucks he’s going to make her cry”.

Seunghyun immediately whispered back, “20 bucks she’s going get on her knees and beg for forgiveness”

“You’re on!” Both friends had seen both situations happen a lot whenever anyone rubbed Jay the wrong way. In times like these, they were happy they were on Jay’s good side.

Instead of following through with any of the two actions Taec and Seunghyun had predicted, Jessica surprised them both with a different stance.

“Who the hell do you think you are, yelling at me. And what kind of man just walks right into someone who was clearly here before you were. Clearly you cant see properly, your eyes are tiny!” Jessica would have just apologized and offered to replace the shirt if it weren’t for Jay’s pissy attitude. She was never the type to take attitude from any man, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to change that about herself.

“Excuse me?! You’re the one who threw your ice cream on me and now your saying its my fault.” Jay was shocked as heck. Random girls usually didn’t talk back to him, let alone insult him the way this girl did.

“I said I was sorry, you’re the one who had to be a little pms pants about it”

“What?! PMS pants ?! No girl, im pretty sure that was you”

“You know what, whered you get your stupid tshirt from? I’d rather just get you a new one than stand here and waste my time on you.”

While the two were arguing, Seunghyun, being the ladies man he is, was busy checking the girl out. She had long wavy blonde hair with bangs, big eyes, and a small nose with heart shaped lips. She was thin yet curvy, with long legs and tiny shoulders. When he finished his overall check, he mentally noted that she was the exact type of girl Jay usually liked. She had an innocence about her, yet she also had a feistiness about her too. If the boys had met her at a club instead of the circumstance they were in now, he was positive Jay would have tried to get her number.

Breaking the two up, Nichkhun quickly ran to the customer side of the space and tried to calm the two down.

“Come on guys, pls quiet down. Jay stop it, its just a tshirt, I’ll get you a new one.” Nichkhun pleaded. When Jay stopped staring Jessica down, he turned his away from her. Taking that as a cue, Nichkhun spoke up, trying to apologize in behalf of his friend.

“I’m sorry, my friend hates it when people ruin his stuff, especially his clothe. Please forgive him.”

Feeling bad that the poor worker had to solve that ignorant fools mess out, Jessica gave in. “No, its okay really, I’ll just buy him a new tshirt or something.”

Seunghyun who had been quiet stepped in and said, “Yeah I think that’s the best solution. I’m sorry miss, whats your name?”

“Jessica, why?” Jessica was pretty tired now and just wanted to get this over with. She didn’t really think it was a big deal anymore.

“Why don’t you, Jessica, give him your number, so he can text you concerning his shirt” He didn’t really care about Jay’s shirt, he just wanted Jessica’s number since he was pretty sure Jay would find a use for it later.

“Fine, just give me your number, and I’ll text you about it later.” Jay passed her his cell phone and she began angrily punching in her number.

“Here, I hope your happy now” She said to Jay with a smirk, she then turned around to Khun and seunghyun and said, “I’m sorry for the disturbance.” She gave an apologetic smile, picked up her shopping bags and walked off.

‘Stupid boy, way to ruin my day’ Jessica was storming out of the mall and into the parking lot. She was so tired, all she wanted was to get in her new car, drive back home and just relax. She figured she needed to organize her new home the way she wanted it too. She needed to settle down and unpack. While driving home, she couldn’t help but think about the man she had bumped in to. ‘I think his name was Jay, according to his friend, it’s a too bad he was such a jerk, he was pretty hot. Why do all the good looking ones have to be gay, taken, or just simply not dateable…’ The rest of the way, she let her mind wonder off.

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Taecyeon who had been silent throughout the little event finally spoke up. “Damn Jay, she’s pretty hot, your such an idiot. God gives you the chance to talk to a stunner and what do you do, you piss her off. Good work” He gives Jay a playful shove.

“Its okay Taec, he has a genius friend like me that got her number. Hopefully, Jay can grow a pair and be a gentlemen the next time they meet” Seunghyun said back

“Shut the off, this was a pretty new tshirt.” Jay retaliated

“So are all the other clothes in your closet” Khun rolled his eyes at Jay. “But seriously, thank god my manager wasn’t here, he would have whipped my thanks to the all the commotion you made”

“Sorry man, its not my fault that idiot bumped into me” By this time, the four guys were comfortably seated at the closest table in the food court.

“Who cares, she was hot!” Seunghyun, as its pretty obvious, really liked girls, especially hot ones. “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice.”

“No, I’m not homo, obviously I noticed. When she first bumped into me, I couldn’t tell where I knew her from, but she looked so familiar. When she smirked at me, I realized where I saw her from”

“Don’t tell me you screwed her too…” Nichkhun asked. He thought it was pathetic that his stupid buddies still weren’t maturing enough to stop screwing around and actually settling for a decent girl. He was the only one out of all of them that was in a relationship.

“No, I wish. She’s my new next door neighbor. I saw her move all her stuff in yesterday.”

“Oh, lucky you, its like my dream to have a hot girl next door.” Taecyeon was jealous. He and seunghyun lived beside an old couple which made it even more disturbing when they heard noises at night.

“Whatever man, its your dream to have a hot girl anywhere that’s less that 50 meters from you” Jay liked to make fun of Taec since he was the youngest of the group. “Wait, didn’t you need to get your sisters birthday gift?”

“Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that. Oh btw, Yoori said she’s having a small party at Club mASS. She wanted me to invite you guys.” Taecyeon’s younger sister Yoori was close with all of Taec’s friends since Jay, seunghyun, taec, and her all graduated from the same high school. She knew khun since he was her friend Yoona’s boyfriend of one and a half years.

“Yeah, I already knew about it, Yoona told me. I need to buy her a present for tomorrow” Nichkhun said

“Guess that means we have to get her something nice too, cant go empty handed” Jay looked at seunghyun.

For the rest of the day, the four boys shopped around to get Yoori’s present.

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