Friday, April 23, 2010

Love Is Here

Chapter 1

Separate Worlds
“Your schedule today would be 10 am photo shoot for the Fab magazine, 1 pm shooting for your upcoming movie and by 8 pm dinner with our big you get it?” Manager Lin asked as he dictated each detail clearly

“okay! I’m gonna sleep first I have still 2 hrs..are we still far away from our shooting place?” Kim Bum asked

“yes we still are may take a rest I’ll just wake you up if necessary” Manger Lin assured her

“thanks!”and he went to sleep.

On the other hand….

“So Eun, Sir Louie is calling you..go meet him up in his office”Rina called to So Eun

“wonder why?..okay I’ll just go up”she answered

“you still asked why? Didn’t you see the output of your magazine last month it was a blast! Well I think someone’s gonna treat us again.right team??”teasing So Eun

“yes! So Eun how bout in Miley Bar tonight??”asked one of her officemates

“I’ll think about it” and smiled…”excuse me first I need to go meet up sir”

“okay..and tell us the good news :D”Rina told her again

So Eun knocked on Sir Louie’s office….

“Hi sir!”So Eun greeted her boss for one year now

“Hi So Eun”he smiled and greeted her back

“is there any problem sir??”she asked anxiously

“nothing, I would just like to congratulate you for another job well done! Your really something…how bout a treat tonight?”he offered

“a treat? With the whole department?”she asked back

“of course, did you think it would just be the two of us??”he asked jokingly

“no I didn’t, just surprised..its your first time doing this” she answered sweetly
“well…your performance is outstanding and it’s the first time that I would you treat your team for this” he explained

“okay sir! Tnx!”So Eun thanked him

“okay now you may go and tell your team the good news! Keep up the good work” Sir Louie encouraged her

“our duty sir!” waved goodbye and went down to their office..

Back to her office….

“so how was it??” Rina asked

“so have you decide where to go tonight?” JC asked

“well I wont treat you guys” she answered disappointedly

“why? Is there something wrong???”Rina asked

“did we do something wrong” JC asked

So Eun then smiled

“haha..joking! because its Sir Louie who would treat us! You guys are so paranoid” she said happily

“just as I thought so! So Eun” JC reacted

“ almost tricked me there! Great..wonder where Sir Louie would bring us tonight..”Rina ask

“I don’t know its his apple of her eye he’s taking…wonder why he invited the whole team?”JC teasing So Eun

“huh? What do you mean???”she asked confusingly

“Hello So Eun I think only you in this department, that doesn’t know that Sir Louie has his eye on you….” Rina explained

“huhh??!! Guys its just a dinner treat and your thinking things like that?? That’s not good”she answered trying to escape the topic

“fine fine! Lets just see what Sir Louie would do next time when this girl beside me keep on ignoring his feelings ahaha!!” JC said at chuckled

“we’ll see..really..haha..”Rina added

“I don’t know with you guys! Go back to work now!” So Eun commanded

“Yes ma’am So Eun” they answered teasingly…

Kim Bum’s side..

“CUT! Great job guys..pack up time!” Director Han said

“Manager Lin come here for a while”Director Han called

“what is it??”Manager Lin asked

“I just want to commend on Kim Bum’s professionalism, see we finish 1 hr before the allotted time, you really have a great catch on your hand”Director Han complimented

“its just his devoted to what he does, I’m happy to be able to work with someone like him also” Manger Lin answered back

“well just take good care of him, and he’ll really succeed in this circle, okay now I need to go thanks again! And send my regards to him”Director Han excused himself

“okay I will” Manager Lin answered back

He went to Kim Bum

“how was it?”Manger Lin asked

“it’s a bit tiring but still manageable”Kim Bum answered

“good, you have 2 more hours to rest and patch yourself up, wonder what new Sir Micky would like to tell us tonight…”Manager Lin said

“okay..i’ll just go change and head to my van to too Manager Lin have some rest first..”he said concerningly

“I can manage…thanks!”he thanked him

“just do it”he answered and smiled back before going to his dressing room..


Chapter 2

Light in Darkness
The team went to a KTV bar to enjoy…..when its almost midnight they all decided to go home…….the rest already went home only the 4 of them was left

“I’m so so tired…I need to go first” Rina said

“let’s go together…I’ll send you home” JC suggested

“Tnx!”Rina said

“Be careful JC in driving……Rina text me” So Eun smiled and bid them goodbye

“we will” they both answer..

“so…I’ll send you home?”Louie offered

“ahh…no need..i can handle..besides its out of the way”So Eun answered

“it’s ok..besides its already late in, its not safe for a lady to walk home..”he answered disaapointendly for she declined her offer

“it’s okay..i’m used to it, I can handle I promise..i’ll send you a message when I am home already okay??”So Eun assured him she could walk home safely

“fine.if that’s what you really want..i’ll let you…good night..and congratulations again”Sir Louie said

So Eun just waved good bye and started walking…

On KimBum’s side………

“Manager Lin can I drive myself home tonight…?”he asked

“but why? Aren’t you tired of today’s activities yet?”Manager Lin asked back

“I just want to..i feel to roam around the city tonight” he answered

“hhmm…but promise me that you’ll be careful..and don’t go to any place anymore there are many paparazzi’s anywehere”Manager Lin reminded

“Sir I know that...”Kim Bum assured him

“’s your safely”Manager Lin gave him a smile and hand over his key..

While So Eun was walking alone in the street three men surrounded her……

“hhm..excuse me..your blocking my way” So eun said to one man

“well that’s really our motive”the man from the back answered

“what do you need from me?”So Eun answered

“Just one night with you..that’s it” the third man firmly answered

“what???...perverts!”So Eun strated to panick

“come on…its not any big deal..just go with us..and you;ll definitely wont get hurt” one man held her in his hands..

“take your dirty hands off me” she shrugged his hands away

“come on…playing hard to get??..”the second man attempted.

“I told you I’m not going with you..”she answered angrily

“go on shout! There would be no one to save you, so If I were you don’t waste your time anymore…”a man added

So Eun was able to escape but not too far…that they won’t able to reach her…

“haha…guys I’m really starting to love this game…”one man said

“help!!!”she then shouted for help..

From an unknown voice from behind……..

“take your hands off her” a voice called from behind..

“and now who are you”the man asked him

“it doesn’t matter now…get your hand off that girl”he commanded

“and who are you to tell us what to do” the man asked him again

“I am who I am…do you need to know me” he smiled

“man this is crazy! I’m losing my patience…get lost!!!”the man angrily answered

“i’m not the crazy one its you!”he answered back confidently…

“your really crazyyy”then this started the fight…

So Eun when released from the man’s hand just sat down and sobbed as if all her energy disappeared…if her savior was just late for a minute she don’t know what may happen to her….

It was a 3 on 1 fight but unlucky for the 3 the one they fight was good enough to make them give up and run away…

“hey..your safe now don’t cry anymore” the guy went near her.

“tthh…aa..nnkk.. yo..uu” she answered while still crying

He smiled

“its okay…may this serve a lesson to you not to be alone in streets during this time of the night..”the guy reminded him

She just nodded..

“I think I need to send you home…come with me..i’ll send you home” he wanted to help..he offered his hand to her

She was hesitant at first..what if he was with them…what if this was just a show..,

“don’t be afraid I’m not one of them..i won’t harm you…”this time she took his hand…

After some time she was able to calm down, finally…

“are you now okay?”he asked

“I think..a bit” she answered

“I do think so.. your color was better now”he answered back

“….why are we still here?”she asked

“because I don’t know where to send you, you didn’t even tell me where you live”he answered and laughed a bit..

So Eun looked at him….he was so familiar..not only familiar..he was famous…

“is there anything wrong with me?” he answered confusingly

She continued to examine his face..

“miss are you okay??”he asked again

“your Kim Bum am I correct?”So Eun asked

“huh?..haha! well many say that I look liked him but its not me” Kim Bum answered and laugh he tries to hide his identity from her..

“are you sure??..but I think its you..”So Eun said again

He just smiled..

“where is your house??”he asked

“ahh..just in******* street”So Eun answered

When they reach the place..

“there you go! Be careful next time” Kim Bum told her

“thanks!’s your name?”she asked

“its not important anymore…just call me your knight..”he smiled he doesn’t want to disclose any connection with her, she’s just too attractive..

“okay if that’s what you wish….i’ll just thank you again and again..and I’ll bet we’ll be able to see each other again”she answered and smiled

“no one knows about that” he answered and smiled back

“thanks again..goodbye..”she said and enetered her house…

When she left…he saw a name card on the seat…

“Chu So Eun, editor of SPICE magazine”

“no wonder she was that sure that I was Kim Bum, anyways..if we would still meet we would”he answered and drove his way back

“is it not really him??...i doubt so, maybe he just doesn’t want to disclose his identity, no matter what I’ll know the truth soon…after all he doesn’t owe me anything…let things just be it” So Eun’s POV

Chapter 3

The next day…

“so what’s with that smile?”Rina asked curiously

“nothing…just remembered something” So Eun answered

“really? What?...did Sir Louie send you home??”she asked excitedly

“no..i didn’t let him I’m out of my way..”So Eun answered

“what?! You turn him down?”Rina ask unbelievably

“yah.he has no responsibity to send me anyway..”So Eun replied

“girl! Haha”she plainly said

“whatever!” So Eun answered back

“so what’s line up for this month?”So Eun asked her

“hhmm…we’ve got this highlight for this month….how to capture a heartthrob bachelor a valentine special! What do you think?” Rina asked

“good idea for the coming love month….”So Eun answered and smiled on her

“yey! I’m starting to get your genes!!” she rejoiced

“Haha! Silly girl…so what are the other plans?”So Eun answered again

“pictorial with bachelors in town…interviews and anything else!” Rina said happily

“I see…who’s on mind right now?”So Eun asked

“and this is the time you’ll come in the picture” Rina told her

“me? Why?” she asked confusingly

“please please….do it for me…I know your good in persuading people!” Rina pleaded her

“hahaha..wait even didn’t tell me yet what to do, then you are already pleading..”So Eun answered her

“okay..wait..”Rina run to her table and grab the newspaper
“here!... I want to feature him in our magazine the coming love month!” Rina show her the picture

“him?! Are you sure?” she asked back

“yes, anything wrong with him…he’s just so famous right now..and I’m really dying to see him face to face..” Rina said

“Wonder what she would think if I would tell her I met him last night…oh well” So Eun’s POV

“what now So Eun?..would you do it for me ….pleasee..”Rina pleaded again

“I also feel something behind him to be unmasked, there’s something in him that makes me curious..why not take it a try..”she thought again by herself

“please..please…”Rina didn’t stop

“okay okay…i’ll try..”So Eun answered

“you won’t try you must!”Rina asked

“Demanding??...fine I’ll do my best..but of course I cant do it by myself..”So Eun hoping a support from her

“sure I’ll be very delighted to help” Rina answered

“first things first, we need to find a way to be able to communicate with his manager” So Eun said

“I already have! All we need to do is negotiation….i’m looking forward for your help this time..”Rina said

“well planned..okay give me the number..i’ll give it a try.”So Eun answered back

“Tnx!” she gave her the number…

Then So Eun dialled the number……

On the other line………..

“okay..i get your point….we’ll see…hhmm…Saturday 10 am can we meet? Its better to talk when we are face to face….okay..see you then” Manager Lin answered and then hang up the phone…

“Kim Bum your finally here…I thought you’ll not be on time” Manager Lin greeted him
“just overslept a bit and got caught in traffic….” He answered with his usual smile..

“before we go..i just want to remind you for a meeting with a magazine editor on Saturday 10 am…” he reminded him

“Sure!” he answered back

“let’s go we’ll be gonna late if we wont go”Manager Lin instructed him..

Saturday morning….

“Rina would you not really go with me??”So Eun asked her

“no…I need to fix some more things….i need to meet up with some photographers..”Rina answered

“are you sure?? don’t want to see your dream boy Kim Bum??” she said teasingly

“thanks but no thanks! Haha…I have more things to do rather than that…that can wait..just wait for that day..haha…”Rina answered jokingly

“fine then..i better go..don’t want to leave any bad impression…..”So Eun said

“sure! Do your best” Rina encouraged her

“I will promise” She answered before finally leave the office..

So Eun arrived 15 minutes before 10 so she sat first outside Manager Lin’s office….then they soon arrived….she immediately recognize him the night few days ago….

“then why did he hide his identity with me?... something curious..better ride with him now” So Eun’s POV

Then Manager Lin’s secretary called her…

“Ms. So Eun…Manager Lin is already ready..kindly follow me…”the secretary politely told her

“thanks..”she answered back politely….

The moment she entered the room…….

“Good Morning” she greeted them..

“Good Mornig….Ms. So Eun right?” Manager Lin asked
“yes”she answered sweetly..

“come take a seat” Manager Lin instructed

Kim Bum just looked at her…….

“so what’s your plan?”Manager Lin starting the meeting

“hhmm…here…” then they discussed the plans….after about 45 minutes of talking and explaining..

“so what do you think Kim Bum?”Manager Lin asked him

“no problem with me” he answered

“so its settled then Ms. So Eun….come with me for a while to fix our schedule….Kim Bum you can now go home..”Manager Lin told Kim Bum

“no more schedule today?” he double checked

“no more! Go and enjoy the rest of the day”Manager Lin smiled

When Kim Bum went out of the office…

“What unusual feeling is this I’m feeling whenever I see her..yes she’s beautiful…like most of the girls I meet..but there’s just something..i didn’t think we would meet up again…is this a sign or what?” Kim Bum’s POV

After So Eun scheduled with Manager’s Lin for Kim Bum’s pictorial/interview’s day..she’s now ready to leave..

“Thank you very much! I’m going now” So Eun bid goodbye

“sure! Looking forward for a good working relationship with you”Manager Lin said

So Eun waved goodbye then leave…

Manager Lin was surprised to see…Kim Bum hadn’t left yet..

“you hadn’t left yet?”Manager Lin asked

“let’s go out….its a long time we hadn’t talk something outside of work..” Kim Bum said

“sure!.....”Manager Lin answered….

Chapter 4

His circumstance
While Manager Lin was driving….he noticed Kim Bum was quiet..

“anything bothering you?”he asked

“no, nothing…”Kim Bum answered

“you just have an unusual silence today..”Manager Lin commented

“don’t mind me…”he simply smiled and answered

“can I ask you something personal?”Manager Lin asked

“sure what is it?” Kim Bum asked

“had you ever fallen in love” Manager Lin asked him

“me?...i don’t know.maybe” he answered

“huh? What does that mean?”Manager Lin asked

“ I don’t know…maybe I had….but I didn’t know..”Kim Bum frankly answered

“is it still because of your parents?”Manager Lin asked

“I think so” he answered and look out of the window

Kim Bum’s past……..

When he was about 11 years old………..

“your never home! You go home at the middle of the night and leave the house before the sun rise…what kind of husband and father are you huh??” Mrs. Kim asked

“I’m sorry…I just got my shootings and schedules..i’ll make up to you” Mr. Kim answered

“I don’t know…..i’m tired of your promises…don’t you know you’re a family man now..your son is old enough to feel that you don’t care for him don’t you get it??” Mrs. Kim added

“I’m sorry...please understand..” Mr. Kim answered back

“I’ve got enough of you!....Kim Bum let’s go” she went to pack his and her things.and the left the house….

“Mommy where are we going?” Kim Bum asked

“I know somewhere….let’s go…”Mrs. Kim answered
Their life outside wasn’t easy….Kim Bum witnessed her mother’s hardship just to be able to give him what he needs….he was soon discovered..when her mother heard about this news….

4 years after…..

“No! my answer is no!” Mrs. Kim said

“mom…please..if I would accept this I could help you…and I can also fulfill my dream” Kim Bum said

“you and your father’s dream! ..Kim Bum don’t you see what’s the effect of stepping into that circle?” Mrs. Kim told him

“but ma!..i’m not daddy…I wont allow that to happen to me…as long as you would allow me…”Kim Bum promised..

“Kim Bum please understand me..”Mrs. Kim pleaded

“Ma!, I cant just sit here and watch all your sacrifices for me…you was never like this when we are at home….you lived a peaceful life…not this…at least help me to stretch out my hand to help in my own way…I promise I’ll never leave you..just let me..”Kim Bum persuaded her mother

Her mother was struck by his words…

“mom please?” he pleaded again

Her mother hugged him…and was now in tears…

“promise you won’t leave me?...” her mother asked

“yes ma I promise..” he promised

End of Kim Bum’s past

“are you still keeping that promise for your mom?”Manager Lin asked

“Mom left me first…I can’t fulfill my promise anymore…”Kim Bum answered…her mother passed away 3 years ago

“so what is it about that story that affects your ability to love?” Manager Lin asked

“Manager Lin can’t you see…in those years I realize what hardship or hurt has my father’s career brought to my mother…..” Kim Bum said

“then?...i thought you said your not like your father” Manager Lin reminded him

“I know I’m not..but I’m afraid….i don’t want to enter into commitment and ends up failing to fulfill it….i just don’t want to see anyone again..just like in my mother’s state….”Kim Bum answered

“now there’s the point…your afraid?...all you need is just courage…and your problem will be solved…why don’t give it a try…..maybe it wont be that hard….” Manager Lin said

“I don’t know…”he answered

“I know your father…and I know you…I’ll be frank to you…your father’s really workaholic…he is the artist which sorry for the word, doesn’t know how to rest….but you.i can see that your only dedicated..but not to the point to neglect others…”Manager Lin explained

“Sir, my father was also like that before….until after how many years then he became the man who he is” Kim Bum explained back

“so you would allow yourself to become like that also?....”Manager Lin asked

“of course no….”he immediately answered

“that’s the point! won’t allow that to happen to you….so don’t be afraid to love” Manger Lin answered back

“wait wait…why are you very much concern in my love affair?....while some other manager even don’t allow people like us to have a love affair..”he curiously asked

“because I’m not like them…human has its own need and like….something like that must not be suppressed….and also your not getting younger every year….”Manager Lin smiled and answered

“ahhh…” Kim Bum answered

“enough of this drama! Hahaha..get my point? You don’t need to give all your time to work….you have your personal life too! Like every men does….i’m getting hungry..let’s grab a bite first” Manager Lin offered

“sure tnx!....”Kim Bum said...their conversation a while ago gave him a realization……

Chapter 5

Her circumstance
When So Eun returned to the office…

“how was it???” Rina asked

“don’t you have trust in me??”So Eun proudly asked

“haha! I knew it…”Rina hugged her

“tell me some details” Rina asked

“I didn’t have a hard time actually…and your Kim Bum is kind! Haha”teasing her again

“aya! Don’t tease me to him..i’m dating someone now…”Rina told her
“awww…..sadness” So Eun teased her again

“stop that! Haha…you know guys like him is just a dream boy….so I mustn’t fantasize on him haha” Rina said

“well that’s true..haha….”So Eun agreed

“I’ll treat you for lunch!...for a job well done” Rina offered

“let’s go!”So Eun agreed again

While they were eating….

“its been 5 months since we worked together…but I hadn’t know your origin to share?” Rina asked

“origin? Haha…why does it seem that I came from another planet or what” So Eun jokingly asked

“a bit! Haha…because you never talk about who you are in the past..i mean we don’t know your background…” Rina explained

“well…..if I would tell you, you promise you won’t tell anyone else?”So Eun asked

“That serious?”Rina asked

“A bit” she smiled

“ok I promise” she promised

So Eun’s Past

About a year ago……… Canada….

“Dad let’s stop this! I don’t want to date anyone you want me to date” So Eun told her father

“So Eun this is for everyone’s good…for you, us and the companies” Mr. Chu answered

“no dad! This is for your good… not a bit for mine” So Eun answered back

“don’t be that kind of daughter” Mr. Chu warned her

“Dad! What kind of daughter have I been??...since I was a child I followed all of you wish…everything….even up to my college decisions..everything…..and all your plans for me..and my’ve said we’ll try….but dad how many had we failed..won’t you stop??”So Eun said and was crying hard at that time

“how dare you?! You won’t have your today without my guidance and help…”Mr. Chu reminded her

“that’s also what I believed and knew, but dad I can do it myself already….all I need is just your trust can’t you give it to me??”she asked

“what do you want? want me to allow you to do your magazine thingy??....i won’t! you have a business to take care here” Mr. Chu said

“But dad I don’t want! You can give it to Jung Min if you want” referring to her younger brother

“but I don’t think he’s capable” Mr. Chu said

“dad he is! He may just seem like a boy who likes to play around but he would…just let him try…dad….”So Eun said

“no!”Mr. Chu said

“dadd!!”she exclaimed

“you follow my orders or you leave my house??”Mr. Chu warned her

“I’ll go for the second option!” So Eun bravely answered

Mr. Chu was surprised to hear his decision

“Fine then! You dare..fine! do what you want…just don’t come back and beg me to help you” Mr. Chu said

“really promise..i’ll come back if I had prove myself to you” So Eun said

End of So Eun’s past

“woah!! That’s it??....” Rina asked

“some part yes it is” So Eun said

“so how many have you actually dated?”rina asked

“I don’t know..many but never one which I seriously dated” So Eun confessed

“they are all good reputated men really? You didn’t love anyone?”Rina asked

“no not at all…”So Eun asked

“so this is the way you used to prove yourself?”Rina asked again

“Yes…this has always been my dream….i’ll prove to dad that I can….”So Eun said

“hands down for you!..your really brave….its good you were able to cope up”Rina commented

“I have my savings to start off…I won’t run a way if I don’t have the money..haha..”she said

“wise girl!!” Rina commented again

“of course! Haha..” So Eun answered back,.

Chapter 6

Pictorial day……

“Rina is there anything problem?”So Eun asked

“to be frank there is…” Rina answered

“why?...”she asked

“the model we’ve hired for his partner in today’s pictorial can’t come…..”Rina explained

“huh?..what happen? “So Eun asked again

“the model supposedly to come here met an accident..and right now..there are no other available models..”Rina worriedly explained

“what should we do..we can’t miss to lose this day..we are meeting up with a deadline and we can’t break his schedule either..”So Eun said..

“here they come So Eun!!”Rina told her with a worried look

“wait..”So Eun told her..

So Eun went to talk with Manager Lin…..outside the room….

“what happen?”Manager Lin asked

“she met an accident…and there is no one available..” So Eun explained

“What are you planning to do now?”he asked

“I would…”she was cut off

“So Eun!! I know what to do!” Rina excitedly run to her

“What?”she asked

“you take the pictorial with him”Rina repeated

“what?....i don’t want” she declined

“but we’ve got no choice…”Rina said

“me? I can’t why not you?”She asked her back

“me?..your body, your face you got the qualities of a model…please….”Rina said again

“Rina…you know I don’t know anything bout this” So Eun still declining

“excuse me…but I think this lady’s idea here…Ms. So Eun is not bad…”Manager Lin cut in

“but..”still hesitant

“ checking his schedule….we can’t reschedule…..and she’s right you’ve got the qualities..”Manager Lin told her and smiled

She kept quiet for a while….

“okay I’ll do it…our time is also limited…just wait for me I’ll fix myself…..”So Eun excused herself

“that’s my girl!” Rina encouraged her

Manager Lin smiled..”Excuse me for a while..i’ll talk with Kim Bum for a while”

After few minutes….Rina knocked on the door…..

“So Eun are you finish?”she asked

“yah…come in now”So Eun answered

“how do I look?”she asked nervously

“perfect! ..”she commented

“come on It okay?”she asked again

“Yes it is! Let’s go! Time is running”Rina reminded her

“okay! I’ll just wear my shoes go in first and tell the photographer to start with his solo shots” So Eun instructed

“is she finish?”the photographer asked

“Yes..she’ll be here in a minute” Rina answered ok..

“Kim Bum let’s take first your solo shots…position yourself comfortably in this area…” photographer instructed
After few minutes she get into the studio….

“how is it going?”she asked

“good…everything’s fine…”Rina assured her

“great!..let me rest for a while..”then she sat down

“okay…” she agreed

“now So Eun do this…”the photographer described what she needs to do

Then So Eun went beside him….

“let’s finish this soon” So Eun told him

“okay…you wish….”Kim Bum answered and pulled her closer..

She was unease with some positions….but was able to cope up in a way

“don’t be too stiff..”Kim Bum whispered to her

“sorry…just not use to” she whispered back

“come on few more shots and we’ll be done…” the photographer shouted

Kim Bum carried him in the next shot…..

“your too light for a woman eat some more”he then whispered again

“it has nothing to do with you…”she whispered back…

And after few more shots they were finish.

“thank you!” she thanked him

“thank you also…”he answered back

Then So Eun went to Rina..while Kim Bum went to Manger Lin

“you did great! Congrats! You have a career in modeling hahaha” Rina said

“stop teasing..i’m already embarrassed enough…” So Eun uncomfortably answered

“yihee! How was it having a pictorial with him?” Rina asked

“nothing…should there be anything?” So Eun asked

“nothing..i’m just asking…”Rina answered still smiling

“I’ll just change” So Eun excused herself

On the other side…

“where’s are next destination?”Kim Bum asked

“4 pm ****** station”Manager Lin answered

“okay..”he just gave him a smile

“What’s with those whispering moments?” Manager asked teasingly

“nothing...just telling her something..”Kim Bum answered

“I see…go change first for a while..”Manager Lin instructed

They were reviewing the few shot taken…

“so Sir Lin, which picture would we use…”the photographer asked him

“let’s take this one…this…that…..”after he had chosen the pictures

“They look cute together right?”photographer asked

“they do..i agree” Manager Lin agreed

“so this is it! I’ll just inform you if there would be any changes…nice working with you and Kim Bum” the photographer said

“so with you!...i’ll excuse myself first”Manager Lin

“sure”he answered..

Chapter 7

On one of the interview sessions she and Rina had……

“excuse me for a while” So Eun excused herself

Kim Bum’s eyes followed her…”there’s something wrong” he sensed

So Eun answered her call…

“”she greeted nervously

“so how is your career as magazine editor??...”her father asked sarcastically

“I’m happy and living good…”she confidently answered

“really? But I want to tell you that this doesn’t prove anything , you are still not up to the deal..i’m not cancelling any of my plans” Mr. Chu firmly said
“dad I thought we already had talk about this.this was the condition of me leaving our more forced orders to be followed..” So Eun complained

“no, So Eun I can’t let you go just like that…but I’m giving you a chance prove something…stop that magazine thing…it doesn’t bring good to our image…do something professional could you??” Mr. Chu scolded her

“Dad..i’m happy of what I am doing…..could you just please understand that??.....”she explained herself

“do what you want to do I’ll give you 3 more months..if nothing happens..your going back here…and plans will go as planned!” Mr. Chu reminded her

“dad ..please…”So Eun begged

“I’ll call you again…”Mr Chu told her and hang up

So Eun just fell down to the seat beside her….tears are flowing…..

So Eun’s POV Why should he be so persistent??...why??.... why can’t he understand his daughter but why is she treating me this way…..

“what take you so long?”Rina asked the moment she entered the room

“nothing, is it finish?”So Eun asked

“what happened to you?”Rina finally realized

“nothing”she plainly answered

Kim Bum took a short glance of her upon that answer

“are you sure?”Rina asked

“yah, I am”she forced a smile out

“ said that...i’m going first to finalize this one…and Mr. Kim Bum I’ll just notify you when the issues are out”Rina told her

“okay! Tnx”Kim Bum answered

“So Eun can you manage? I’ll go first” Rina asked her permission

“okay sure”So Eun said

The moment Rina leave, the room was quiet…

“aren’t you going yet?” So Eun asked

“how bout you?”he asked back

“nah, I intend to stay for a while”So Eun answered him

“do you want to have lunch?”Kim Bum invited her

“lunch?”she was verifying if she heard it right

“yup, lunch.. are you free?”He repeated his invitation

“okay sure”she answered back

“great! So lets go?”Kim Bum asked her

“but I didn’t bring my car”So Eun said

“did I say you need your car? I’ll drive! What kind of guy I am if I would still let you drive when I am the one who invited you to go”Kim Bum explained

“oh”she didn’t know what to answer with that statement

“so?”he’s waiting for her response

“let’s go!”she stood up and walk towards the door….

He just smiled and followed her…

Inside the car……..

“so where do you want to eat?”Kim Bum trying to get her idea

“anywhere..”she was just looking outside the window

“any problem?”He asked

“Do you believe there’s free will in this world?”she asked

“free will? What particular aspect do you refer to?”Kim Bum asked

“why can’t you please everybody of what you are doing….”she added

“You cant please everybody, that’s reality”Kim Bum answered her

“even up to your utmost capability? To the point wherein you don’t know what you need to do in order to please them?”So Eun continued asking

“maybe what are you doing from the very start doesn’t please them anymore”Kim Bum answered plainly
“ah, maybe your right..but what if what they want you to do is totally not what you wanted to do?” So Eun continued to ask

Kim Bum looked at her

“it seems like you have a heavy problem?”Kim Bum asked her concerningly

“sorry…did that bother you? Forget that”So Eun finally realize what she was doing

“no, its okay…but not let’s talk about it now, I’ll know a place where in we could talk about this….but now don’t be too sad…every problem has its solution”Kim Bum assured her

“I hope so”she softly said

Kim Bum’s POV Why do I have this feeling/urge to help you, why am I so concerned about you? it I’m starting to develop feelings for you? Is this what I had not been feeling for a very long time now

So Eun’s POV Why am I too open to him, I even spilled out my problem to him unconsciously, why do I feel a sense of security when I’m with him?...Do I start to have feelings for him??

After few more minutes of drive…………

“we are here”Kim Bum announced

“where is this place?...its beautiful”So Eun complimented

“my secret place…place to relax….it’s our secret don’t tell anyone” Kim Bum whispered to her and smiled

“really?..its really relaxing here…the view is beautiful” So Eun again complimented

“let’s go inside now”Kim Bum invited her

“okay”she answered…

Chapter 8

Always here
After they ate their lunch, they went outside for a walk….

“so what are you saying a while ago,”Kim Bum asked

“no nothing, nevermind that”So Eun replied

“come on, you can trust on me”Kim Bum told her and make her face him

He was just looking at her….

“nevermind”she looked away
“its not good to keep problems to yourself”he pulled her back

So Eun was just looking on his hands

“sorry..i just want you to know that I’m willing to be your friend”Kim bum told her and removed his hand from her

“do you love acting?”So Eun asked her

“yah I do..”Kim Bum answered

“good for you, you really wont understand me, don’t bother lets just enjoy the view”So Eun told her againa and walk forward

“what if I will tell you that this isn’t my choice at first?”Kim Bum confessed

“what do you mean?”she asked

“I hate this circle, I hate this job…because due to this kind of job I lose my dad..”Kim Bum told her

“how?”So Eun asked

“my dad was a workaholic, I bet you know him Mr. Kim Dae Hyun, yah he’s my dad..,..but it was never disclosed..”Kim Bum continued relaying his story

“then why did you decide to choose this path?”So Eun continued to asked her

“I need to, because I cant stand to see my mother’s hardship just to fulfill my needs, so when I saw the opportunity I grabbed it, I even lied to my mom that that was my dream just to let her allow me, I started in this circle and take this as a responsibility but little by little I discovered the beauty and believe me or not I started to love it, that’s my point something you hate so much could possibly be something you would like”Kim Bum explained further

So Eun remained quiet

“so what now? I had just shared you a story I never shared with others, could you mind sharing yours?”Kim Bum asked with a smile drawn in his lips

“I am from Canada, my dad owns a big company there, he wants me to work for him…”So Eun slowly opened up

“but working in a business company is not bad?”Kim Bum was curious

“your right, working in a company is not bad, but it becomes bad when your dad wants to take control of your everything”So Eun continued

“your everything?..”Kim Bum asked

“yes, well I followed him and took the course what he wanted me to take, I graduated with the highest possible award for him, but it doesn’t stop there…I had never had friends, he choose who would be my friends because he’s afraid that my choice of friends would affect him or our company, he even choose the man who I need to marry, he introduces me to sons of his business partner and expect me to like them back in matter of days..what does he think I am??”So Eun finally relaying the story but can’t help but to break down in tears

“so you run away from home?”Kim Bum asked and guide her to a near by bench

“yes, because I cant take him anymore…I’m here to prove to him that even though he treated me as a princess, I could still stand on my own…and I’m not his sweet little baby anymore who would follow whatever he says”So Eun continued opening up

Kim Bum just looked at her..

Kim Bum’s POV How could such lovely girl, have these kinds of problem..but I can say that she’s strong….no one would see her problems if she won’t tell..

Kim Bum went up to her and slowly hugged her to calm her down.

“shh…don’t cry anymore…your doing good….i think you’d be able to prove something to your dad now..”Kim Bum encouraged her with those words

They stayed in that position for few more minutes before So eun calmed down

“are you okay now??”Kim Bum asked her and give her an assuring smile

She nodded…

“so ready to go back to the world?”he asked again

She nodded again..

“let’s go!”he called her

Outside So Eun’s office…in his car….

“thank you for the lunch”So Eun thanked him

“it’s my pleasure….”Kim Bum replied

“can I ask you a favor?”So Eun asked

“what is it?”Kim Bum answered back

“Can you keep what you had learnt today as a secret?”So Eun asked

“of course I will, you can trust me”Kim Bum answered

“tnx! And I promise to keep yours as a secret also…”So Eun said and finally smiled

“finally smiled! Okies…that would be our secret!”and gave her a wink

“I’m going now..take care on the drive back”So Eun said and was about to alight from the car

“So Eun!”Kim Bum called out to her

“Yes?”she turned around

“I’ll always be here for you”and pulled her to a close hug

So Eun was shock by his actions but manage to control the situation

“thank you!”she said and breakaway from the hug

He smiled, went down the car and opens the door for her

“I’ll be going now bye!”Kim Bum bids goodbye

“okay..”So Eun smiled and waved to him

From a far behind scene……………

“this would be a very interesting write up tomorrow!” someone said from behind

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