Friday, April 23, 2010

Room For Rent

Last night was like a vivid dream wherein you take a risk and think that after you wake up, you won’t have to face the consequences. But I was wrong. As I woke up today, there was the living proof that last night is anything but an escapable dream. A man sleeping peacefully on the bed of my old roommate and bestfriend, JanDi.

I took a bath and tried to relax myself with hot water, but the worry was still there. Bone deep, embossed in my body. What would the neighbors say?! Why did he want to stay in such a crummy place anyway? I towelled off and wore a red longsleeved sweatshirt, a jean skirt and black tights. I dried my hair and tied it into a bun on top of my head. I lied down on my bed and thought deeply about my predicament.

I sat up and exhaled deeply. I can do this. No, I need to do this. I need the money he’s paying me or else I’ll lose everything that I have, and by everything, I mean just my room and everything in it. Then, I took a peek again. He was still in deep slumber. I exhaled another breathe and got up from my bed. I walked slowly to his bed and looked at him intently.

He was asleep though he looked like he was just pretending. Without even a slight hint of snoring nor was his mouth open, he looked like a model for a sleeping wear line. I leaned forward and started to notice little things that I didn’t notice the night before.

His skin was so fine, not even the slightest bit of open pores. And his eyelashes, how perfect. So long and so think, I bet even false eyelashes aren’t a match. As I wallow in amazement at this snoozing person in front of me, he moved the slightest bit and I was taken back to reality.

I can’t let him see me studying his face so randomly so I did whatever else I can do to appear busy in such a short period of time. He grunted and rolled over to one side.

”Oh my!” I thought as I looked for anything to touch, to look at, except him.

Then as he opened his eyes, I ducked and grabbed his black, leather shoes from under his bed.

”Ga Eul?” He said in his shrill, just-woke-up voice. “What are you doing?”

“Yi Jung, hahaha.” I laughed nervously as I held his left shoe. “This is pretty cool shoes. Hahahaha. I bet it’s Italian!”

He propped himself up with one arm and looked at me with a hint of smile on his face.

”You were staring at me, right?” He said smugly. His guts!

”No, I was-uhm. I was just looking at how beautiful your shoes are.” I said in weak defense.

He slowly got up and stretched his arms a few times. He still had this smug smile on his face. I was busted and both of us knew it.

”Don’t worry, Ga Eul-yang.” He said as he touched my head. “Girls do that every morning after with me.”

Then he walked out of the room, laughing softly as he did. I was dumbstrucked.

I hate him! I hate all the guys just like him. So proud of himself, so self assured!

I stormed out of the room, following him outside. I didn’t mind wearing my coat, even though it’s mid-October and it’s starting to get chilly outside.

”Ya!” I shouted as soon as I turned around after closing the door.

”Here.” He said softly, still a hint of laughter in his voice. The sound of him came from the other side of the rooftop, the better side, with the good view and good breeze.

I walked towards him, putting my hands inside my sweatshirt pocket. I wasn’t too fond of the cold, but I did love snow.

”Hey, don’t sit there!” I shouted as I saw him sitting on the railings of the 3rd storey rooftop.

”Have you tried sitting here, Ga Eul?” He asked without facing me. He looked at the horizon with a subtle smile on his face.

I noticed he had a faint dimple on his face. I smiled to myself.

“Stop watching me and join me.” He said as he leaned back to look at me. I knew I looked scared but I didn’t mind hiding it. “Don’t be scared. Trust me.”

Then held out his hand for me. I was hesitant. I didn’t like heights and I didn’t want to freak out in front of this arrogant person. But I didn’t like being called a coward, so I took his hand and slowly made my way to the railing.

As I sat and took my first look at the sight, my heart stopped. No, it wasn’t because I was scared but because the view was very different from here. It was as if you can hold everything you see in the palms of your hand.

I smiled as I took in the breath-taking view of Seoul from this distance. I wondered how being on the railing and being behind it changed a lot.

”Beautiful, isn’t it?” He said as I looked in all directions.

”Magnificent.” I replied as I flashed him a smile. The first real smile that I have given him since I met him. “It’s as if I could hold them with my own hands.”

”Well, the only thing you’re holding with your hand is my hand.” He said as he smiled at me. No malice and no pestering, just a smile. Then he looked down at the space between us.

I did, too. Then I felt it. I never did let go of his hand. Stupid! Babo Ga Eul! I withdrawed my hand within a split second of realizing this. I felt my cheeks turn red so I looked at the opposite direction trying to shrug it off. Every direction except the one below and the one that leads my eyes to him.

”Don’t worry.” He said with the voice he had a while ago. The one with the slight laugh in it. “As I’ve told you, I’m used to it.”

He then leaped onto the other side and got off the rails. I stayed where I was and continued to look over to the other side.

”Let’s have breakfast then.” He said as he lifted me up and brought me over to the ‘safe’ side.

Was he Superman?! How could he do that so easily?! I wanted to ask him but I was too annoyed to do so.

”Come on, breakfast for the room owner.” He said as he held my wrist and pulled me towards the staircase. “My treat.”

If he exerted more force, he would have dragged me down the flight of stairs. Though it didn’t hurt me, it bugged me that he was doing this. He’s not the boss of me!

“Ya!” I said looking at him with eyes that could kill. “Let me go!”

He ignored me and continued to pull. When we reached the street, he dropped my hand causing me to stumble slightly behind him. I dusted of my hands and straightened my clothes, then I followed him to what looked like an orange sports car.

“Hahahahaha. This is your car?” I asked him as he removed the alarm and got in the driver’s seat. I can’t believe a man as grumpy and unpredicatable as him would own an orange car.

“Get in.” He said before he ducked to enter the car.

I hesitated but went in the car. It looked better inside,as if we’re in a slick spaceship.

“Your car’s nice.” I said as I looked at each part of it in amazement.

Instead of replying, he accelerated his car and swoshed out to the street. We remained quiet the entire drive. He didn’t even open the radio. As I looked at him, I saw that his expression is very different that what it was when we were at the rooftop. He looked as if he was blank now. Expressionless, but still, you know he’s thinking about something.

I thought of what I must have done wrong to make him so mad. It must be my comment about his car. Then, it struck me. I’m guilty.

As I thought about all of this, the car halted to a stop. He got out of the car and at the same time, my door opened. I got out and saw the man who opened the door for me. I turned my head to see where he took me. This isn’t the diner nor any restaurant I’ve seen before.

I looked for him and saw him with his back turned from me. He was talking to an elderly man who had grey hair and wore a black suit.

“They’re all there?” I heard Yi Jung ask him.

I walked towards them and look at the old man. When he did, I bowed my head to him and smiled.

“Yes, young master. They are all there.” The old man said, now looking at Yi Jung.

From my peripheral vision, I saw the corner of Yi Jung’s lips curl upward. Then he walked towards the open door leading inside a very expensive looking place.

I didn’t follow him and he noticed it. He stopped walking and turned around to face me.

“I’m sorry that I laughed at your car.” I said as I bowed at him. When he said nothing, I looked up.

He smiled and it made me feel better about my comment.

“Follow me, Ga Eul.” He said as he walked, not wating for me.

As I walked, I can’t help but be mesmerized by the art work around the house. My work isn’t even half as good as theirs.

“Yi Jung-ah.” I heard a voice of a man coming from the room Yi Jung entered. “To whom do we owe this pleasure.”

I can sense the deep sarcasm with the way the man said it. As if it wasn’t a pleasure at all.

I didn’t know whether to enter or not. But I saw Yi Jung’s hand behind him silently signaling me to come closer. I did and I stood beside him.

I looked around the room and my heart froze. It was his whole family. Would they remember me from the restaurant?! Was this Yi Jung’s plan?!

“And you brought a girl.” His father said as he stood up while holding a glass of red wine and walked towards his sister who was sitted on a red couch. “Who’s the lady?”

“This is Chu Ga Eul.” He said as he side stepped towards me. After a second, he grabbed my hand and held it. “My girlfriend.”

“Ya!” I heard somebody say and then suddenly, everything went dark. “Ga Eul!”

I opened my eyes slowly and realized that I’m not in Mr. So’s house but I was in Yi Jung’s car. I propped myself up and looked around. We were in a leveled parking lot and Yi Jung was looking at me funnily.

“We’re here.” He said as he grabbed a pair of sunglasses and opened his car door. “Kaja!”

I looked around, still lightheaded. So it was all a dream! A freaky, unsolicited dream. Why did my mind ever conjured something so… random?! I knocked my head and tapped my feet as it all made sense.

“Babo!” I whispered to myself as I continued knocking and tapping. “Why would you even think of that?!”

My door opened and Yi Jung leaned inside.

“What’s taking you so long?” He asked as he leaned further in and unclasped my seatbelt. “I’m starving.”

He walked away and I followed him, making sure to stay behind him.

“You know, it’s your fault that I’m hungry.” He said as we entered the elevator. “You messed up dinner last night, you didn’t even have food in your room.”

“Mianhe.” I whispered, looking down and playing with the knubs of my sweatshirt.

The elevator doors opened and he walked nonchalantly outside and looked at the stores and restaurants in the same nonchalant fashion. I noticed girls all over the mall looking and some even staring at him. Ever the same, as if he doesn’t notice anything, he continued to stroll nonchalantly.

I wondered if rich people are taughted in classes about this, about being so cool about everything and not caring even if an earthquake is happening. Just remain cool.

“Let’s eat here.” He said as he walked inside a posh looking café that I’ve never tried before, probably ever, but thanks to him, now I can.

He talked in hush tones with the young female waitron who looked less than happy that he was dining with a normal girl like me. I can even swear that she looked at me from head to toe before sitting us in our table.

The waitron took us in a private area of the restaurant. An area probably reserved only for the likes of So Yi Jung and his friends. It was cozier and more chic than the common area outside.

“Anyeong, Mr. So.” She said perkily and paused before casually saying “and ma’am.”

I didn’t really mind, people in the University were normally mean to me, well, mean or that they don’t mind me at all, but it just makes me want to strangle her for being mean to me because of her assuming that I was this hotshot tycoon’s girlfriend.

“My name is Kang Ye Won.” She said while looking slyly at Yi Jung. He didn’t mind her, he didn’t even notice. “May I take your order?”

“I’ll have the intercontinental breakfast with tea.” Yi Jung said as he handed the waitron his menu, smiling at her in the processes. I bet her heart fluctuated as he did. “You can have whatever you like, Ga Eul.”

It’s not that I wanted the waitron to wait around for me, but I had no idea what food do they serve here. I opened the menu and looked at the choices.

I didn’t know if my eyes bulged out or not, but when I saw the prices of the food, my heart skipped a beat. I knew that rich people food are expensive, the dinners in Le Cirque wasn’t any different, but I didn’t know that even their breakfast was this pricey.

I scanned to look for a reasonably priced entrée but all I saw were expensive, expensive and more expensive. Who eats a 90,000 won plate of bread assortment?!

“Just choose whatever, Ga Eul.” Yi Jung said while he was reading an American newspaper that was probably from the waitron. He was smiling a bit, maybe aware of my reaction towards the menu. “I got it all covered up.”

“I’ll have the strawberry oatmeal and milk.” I said as I handed the waitron my menu. “Thank you.”

As the girl left, I looked at Yi Jung blankly. He had a poker faced expression as he was reading the paper, serious stuff must be happening in other countries. I didn’t hover, nor did I speak. I just continued to look at him. I stared but I wasn’t actually seeing.

“What are you thinking?” He said nonchalantly, still as he read the paper.

“I can’t believe that what I’ll be eating this morning costs just about what I will be eating for an entire month.” I said as I blinked and focused on him. “I can live with kimchi and ramen, you know.”

He smiled at what I said. Then, I noticed that he smiled differently at certain times. Like now, when he finds something funny, he smiles with his eyes. When he’s being polite or talking to others, he smiles just with his lips. Wait? Should I be noticing this? Well, I am really, really observant.

We remained quiet again. Him, reading his paper and me, looking around at the exquisite design of the place. Our orders arrived and they smelled so appetizing, or maybe, I am just really, really hungry.

“Eat up.” Yi Jung said as he laid the newspaper down and prepared to eat. “You can always order for more if you’re still hungry.”

Just the thought of ordering again sent chills to my spine. Another order of a hundred thousand something course? Not in a million years, even if I won’t be paying for it.

“Ya! Yi Jung-ah.” I called out to him. “You won’t reinburse me in the future or anything, would you?”

He shook his head and drank a sip of his tea. “Just eat, will you?”

I wasn’t good at a lot of things, but I can prouldy say that eating is my one of my forte. So as I was told so, I ate my strawberry oatmeal and downed my milk without further ado.

As soon as we were both done, he stood up and headed for

the door. He passed the waitron who just said, “Thank you” and without anything else, he went out of the restaurant. I ran to catch up to him, bowing and thanking the waitron in the process.

“Hey!” I said, almost running to catch up. “Why didn’t you pay?”

He didn’t look at me, he didn’t even stopped walking.

“My father owns that place.” He said, again, nonchalantly, and walked into a upper class clothing store. “Come with me.”

Even the people in the clothing store seemed to know who he was. He introduced me to the staff there and told me to sit in the waiting area by the changing rooms.

“Mr. Yi Jung, do you need a new suit, sir?” The queer man asked as Yi Jung touched the suits hung as display.

“Not today, mister.” Yi Jung answered. “I’m looking for a more casual look, one that could make me look less like serious, less corporate.”

Yi Jung looked at me and smiled. So, he wanted to blend in, eh?

The salesperson was more than happy to help him with his clothes selections. In my opinion, these clothes were not the typical casual things a normal person woud wear. They still had an ‘expensive’ look to them, but I didn’t say it out loud. They could do it on their own.

Yi Jung wore the clothes that was set out for him. Some he liked, some he didn’t. He even asked my opinion sometimes. Though I didn’t tell him, I thought that whatever he wore looked good on him. Good looks and good fortune, all in the same package?! How unfair!

“I think, I have enough for now.” He said, an hour later, now wearing a casual khaki pants and white T-shirt. “Thank you for helping me out, mister.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” The mister said, and it did look as if it was all his. “Come back, soon, Mr. So.”

“Hey, Yi Jung!” I said when he was near the payments counter. “Are you---“

“Stay there for a while.” He ordered me as he presented one finger to stop me.

It didn’t make sense but I followed him. I sat back on the couch and watched him. He handed the cashier, who, just like the waitron, had a dreamy expression on her face, his platinum credit card. He signed the bill and handed the mister his car keys.

“It’s my oranger sports car.” I heard him whisper as the mister grabbed his purchases and left the store. Just like a valet.

He called me over and I followed him, again, out of the store. He walked a little and then stopped.

“What do you want to do?” He asked.

I took my cellphone out of my pocket and looked at the time. It was just 1:25 in the afternoon.

I smiled to myself and looked at him slowly. He was also looking at me.

“Kaja!” I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him. It was my turn now, though it was a hard feat to pull him around.

“Where are we going?” He asked, sounding like he was taken aback.

I looked at him and smirked. “To the arcade.”

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