Friday, April 23, 2010


Wearing a black suit, with bouquet of white lilies on hand, his heavy feet are slowly making their way towards that place where she is. Where she lays… her resting place.

He stopped in front of her grave. Placed the lilies on top of it. He bowed to pay respect. And prayed. Then silence. After awhile, the man broke it.

“Ga Eul-yang… annyeong. Miss me?”


He had seen a lot of people grieving over their loved ones. He had seen them cry, ask for forgiveness, make promises, and declare undying love but usually they move on. Days, Weeks, months, a year or two… they will come back and they will now have a smile on their faces. They learn to accept, they learn to move on. But couple of years had passed… the same man kept on coming back on this place. Everyday… at the hour of 6… he will walk slowly towards the grave of his loved one. He will say a silent prayer… a prayer not intended to reach the human ears… a prayer asking for a second chance with her, a second life. He had watched him… he can feel his pain, longing, regret, and undying love. But sadly, they are not meant to be… not in this lifetime, that is.


“I will be meeting with Woo Bin later. Jae Kyung left him for good. You know how much your friend can get overly jealous, right? Doesn’t she knew by now that Woo Bin had far abandoned his Don Juan ways for her.” He chuckled a little. “Funny, isn’t. Who would have thought that Woo Bin will get serious over a girl?” Then his face becomes somber once again. “And who would have thought that a Casanova like me will get serious.” He wiped the tear that fall unconsciously and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. After awhile he spoke again. “You and you’re friends are pretty mean. You will reel us to a trap using your charms. And when we are totally addicted… you will suddenly leave us all alone… suffering. You all did the same… Jan Di to Ji Hoo, Jae Kyung to Woo Bin… and you to me.” He sighed as he felt his tears falling once again. “Is this how you want to punish me? For all those times that I just played with you? For all the mistakes I’ve done… from our first meeting until the time that I realized I could not live without you? I told you I was sorry right? I proved to you that I won’t do that to you again, right? I love you so much… I’m always telling you that, right? Then why? Why isn’t enough for you not to leave me? Why?” He leaned closer at her grave to touch the graving of her name on it. “Come back to me, please. Give me a second chance.” He sobbed while holding on a necklace with a ring as a pendant. He cried again… as hard as he can… because he knows that his wish will turn out like his everyday conversation with her… it will left unanswered.


He had seen that face a lot. A face of regret, longing… most of all… love. It usually never bothered him. He will just shrugged them off and say to himself that it’s a lesson that one must learn. But this man intrigued him… as well as the girl lying peacefully, eternally.

”Shall I intervene?” He mused. “How far will you go for an alternative ending, young man?” He wondered.


Loud music… ladies dancing… hard drinks… these are the scenario he is used to. “How will a country bumpkin like her handle it?” He wondered on his thought as he continued to watch a certain lady in front of him. A lady named Chu Ga Eul. He can sense her uneasiness at their surroundings… and well… at his intense staring. He will catch her taking a glance at him. Maybe to check if he is still looking, and yes, he still is. And every time, she will look down out of embarrassment and despite the lightings he can see her cheeks blushing. He will smirked at her… feeling pleasure at her uneasiness at him… it excites him.

He’s bad… very bad.

His eyes wandered at her neck… down to her bare shoulders as she is wearing a tube dress. He didn’t know she could be so sexy and he had to commend Jae Kyung for her transformation. Then he looked at her crossed legs… cursing her for wearing a knee-length dress… but excites him just the same thinking on how he wanted to run his hands on to her thighs all the way up to her…

He shrugged the thought before he can finish. He can feel himself harden every passing minute and he knows that he needs to find his sweet release inside her… SOON. But the question that matters at this time is… HOW?

The answer came in minutes after he had thought about it as Woo Bin suggested a game with drinking as a punishment. He smirked at her flushed face and soft protest that she doesn’t drink. But due to Woo Bin’s persistence, compromise, and assurance, with a repeatedly monologue of “We are all grown-ups already”, she gave in finally and he cheered inwardly. “Tonight… you will be mine, tonight.” He thought grimly.

The night deepens as they continue with their game. He will occasionally look at her to check if she’s already drunk enough for his plans. He smirked at Woo Bin, which is hitting on a very willing Jae Kyung, and he now knew that Woo Bin’s idea of having the game is to get Jae Kyung on the mood… and its working. Not just for Woo Bin, but for him as well, as he tentatively placed his hand on one of her knees to see if she will protest… but she did not. He then leaned in over to softly caress her shoulder with his lips and she just looked at him with drunken eyes and smiled lazily. He then kissed her fully on the lips for a full minute.

“Let me take you somewhere, Ga Eul-yang…” He whispered huskily and he did not wait for her to answer as he grabbed her waist and took her out of the club.


He is kissing her furiously as he hovered above her. His tongue is exploring her mouth, as his hands wander at her thighs. He can feel the heat and wetness of her center and he slipped one finger inside it. He saw her gasped at his sudden intrusion but he knew the art too well to make her hot. He increased his speed and started to lick and bit her nipples causing her to pull him closer to him and jerk her hips forward. She came few minutes after he had slid another finger on her and he quickly removed their remaining clothing. He kissed every skin as he slowly moved downwards. When he spotted her belly button, he wasted no time as he started licking and sucking. He could hear her moans and can feel her writhed due to his advances.

A minute after, he placed his face in between her legs and took in her sweet scent of lust. “Truly a virgin…” He smilingly thought before his fingers worked on her entrance and his tongue invading her.

“S… sun... sunbae… stop…” He heard her cries… both of pleasure and protest and he tentatively stopped with what he is doing to look at her aroused face. He saw her open her eyes and looked at him.

“We won’t stop… because you taste so good.” He said and smirked and continued with his intrusion, now with an increased force and pace. And he can feel her grabbing a fistful of the blanket as pleasure succumbed her. Once she came… he positioned himself in between her legs… brushing his length at his moist center… teasing her.

He kissed her again on the lips as he reached out on the side table to get a condom. He slid it around his length and placed her leg on his waist as he slowly entered her. He can feel her nails digging on his shoulder and by the look on her face… he knows that it hurts. When he is finally fully inside her, he stopped momentarily to give her time to adjust.

“I’m gonna move now…” He said huskily after awhile and he started pumping in and out of her.

“Ah! Ah!” Are the only things he can hear from her as he kept on changing his pace... faster and slower. Sweats are formed on both their bodies as they continued their rhythmic movement. When he knows that she is near, he grabbed her legs and placed it on his shoulders and increases his thrust.

“Yi Jung Sunbae!!!” She screamed as waves of pleasure exploded inside her… surrounding his length and that’s his cue to come as well.

That night… he f*cked her thrice. And as soon as she drifted off to sleep due to exhaustion. He slid off the bed… dressed up… took a paper and a pen… and written his first cruel words to her…

“I had fun last night.”

The same man is kneeling down again in front of her grave. Saying the silent prayer he’s been pleading over and over again for the past years. He watched him amusedly from the past… asking himself when will he stop? But as time goes by, when he thought it’s about time he get tired of asking that vain second chance, about time that the young man would move on… he does not. He shook his head at the irony.

“Who would have thought that the great cold-hearted Casanova will meet his greatest downfall in the hands of a naïve country bumpkin?” He whispered to himself.


With trembling hands, phone pressed tightly on his ears… he hears her playful voice.

“Hi, this is Chu Ga Eul! Either my phone has run out of battery… AGAIN… kekeke or I’m not in the coverage area. Please leave a message after the… Yah! Sunbae!... sorry about that… after the BEEP!”

He pressed the end button and dialed her number again. Then again. And again. He wanted to hear her voice so bad… he wanted to hold on to that minute of her voice… he wanted to be with her… AGAIN.

“Ga Eul-yang… where are you, huh? Where is that not in the coverage area at? Ppali-wa… come back to me now. I miss you so much. Please… come back to me.” He said in between sobs as he can’t himself but cry once again.


He slowly made his way towards the man in misery. His heart is not easily moved and he knows he shall not intervene but it’s been a long time that a man at loss had stirred something deep inside him. That young man and his great loss and love had made him feel what he thought he had far gone lost… sympathy towards a human’s regret.

“They say that holding on to the past so much won’t bring you further to the future…” He started.

He watched the man slowly lifted his head… turned to face him… looked at him… and it was then he had first seen his eyes… up close. And that’s when he knew, he is worth giving another chance.


He kept on dialing her number… he won’t get tired of her voice. It’s his salvation… the one that can give him strength to live another day… live another day without her.

“Promise me… you’ll be strong, huh? Promise me.”

Those were one of her last few words before she completely closes her eyes forever… he doesn’t have the heart to say to her that he can’t be strong without her… that he is nothing but a lost soul without her presence… so he promised. He promised… even though he knew it was a complete lie.

“Did you know at that time that I’m lying again? You can see right through me, right? Did you know that I just promised you that because I don’t want to disappoint you? You’re stronger than me… a lot stronger than me. And you know well that you’re the one who gives me strength. Then why did you have to make me that promise, huh? Why do you want me to do such a hard thing?! You know how weak I am… you know that! Why?” He said, his heart is aching… his eyes are blurry due to tears… “Come back to me… I needed you so I can be strong… I needed you so that I can fulfill my promise.” He murmured with his head bowed low.

“They say that holding on to the past so much won’t bring you further to the future…” A man’s voice was heard by him.

Slowly, he lifted his head… turned towards the sound of the voice… a few feet away, there stood a man… he looked at him and he can see his own soul through that stranger’s eyes.


Out of the stack of papers lying on his desk… one envelope stood out. The neatly handwritten of his name is a dead give-away of whom the letter is from. He smirked and expected it to be some kind of hate letter or letter of asking for an explanation. He settled himself comfortably on his seat and carefully opened the letter. He lifted an eyebrow once he knew what the letter is about...

“Tell Ms. Chu Ga Eul to see me this instant.” He said through the telecom.


“Sunbae.” He looked up and was overwhelmed at the blank expression on her face. He tried to intimidate her by staring at her in a fierce gaze but she did not budge… her face remained blank, her eyes showed no emotion.

“Have a seat.” He ordered. He then showed her the letter which she just glanced at. “What’s the meaning of this?”

“I think I made it perfectly clear on that letter. I’m quitting.”

“The reason being…” He said feigning innocence. Of course, he knew exactly what this is all about.

“I would greatly appreciate if we don’t talk about it.”

He was amused by her. He could not believe that she’s capable of showing that cold expression. It made her look… sexy and irresistible.

“You did not show at work for the past three days and when you came back… you’ll say that you’re quitting? Then expecting me not to question your behavior and sudden decision?” He’s pushing her buttons… seeing how far can she goes.

“My decision is not sudden… just like you said, I was out for three days. I’ve been thinking about it carefully for those past days and I’ve came to the conclusion that this is for the best.”

“The best for whom?”

“For me.”

Her cold stare is giving him the chills… in a very good way. He unconsciously licked his lips as his eyes travelled down her south. She’s wearing a pink cardigan with a white shirt underneath and he has every intention of taking it off to see what she’s wearing beneath it. He remembered that night… how he slowly unzipped her dress while kissing and sucking her neck. She’s wearing a light pink undergarments, a color that matches her perfectly well. He remembered how he ripped her underwear causing her to gasp. Her screams are like music to his ears… her tight walls giving him the ultimate pleasure… her smoky eyes at that time… it’s been haunting his dreams at night. He wanted more of her.

“I can’t accept this resignation. You have a contract with us.”

“Don’t you think you’re going too much?” She said while gritting her teeth.

Oh… anger. He smirked. He liked the sight of her angry face. Suddenly… the room became hotter.

“What do you mean?”

“Stop acting innocent… it doesn’t suit you.” She said harshly.

“Oh… about that. Still mad, huh?” He stood up and slowly walked towards her. He leaned down, held the arms of the chair she is sitting, trapping her. “Well… yes innocence doesn’t suit me… but same can be also said to you. After the wild night we had… your innocence is gone.”

“Stop it.” She ordered.

“Becoming feisty, huh?”

“My contract with this Company is to complete three projects, right? I’ve already done two. I’ll finish the one I’m working on and be free, right?” She said ignoring his suggestive advances.

“How about I give you another project? Let Jae Kyung handle that one… and I’ll give you a more challenging project. And yes… after completing this one… you’re free to go.”


He smirked and walked again on his desk to grab the folder. “That’s a private beach house… it needed a renovation and interior design… you’re the one assigned at the interior.”

“And the renovation?” She said casually while looking at the file.

“Just be there tomorrow at 8 sharp.” He said dismissively. “And bring clothes that will last for a week or two. You will be working full time there.”

“Okay.” She said coldly. “Now if there’s nothing more… I’ll leave now.”

“As you wish.” He said gesturing the door.

Once the door is closed, he smirked mischievously. He grabs his phone and made a call.

“Yes… I will be coming over there at the beach house. Clean it up, okay?” Once the call is done… his smile grew wider. “Chu Ga Eul… how about we play some more?”

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