Sunday, March 14, 2010

IPLE replies

Hello everyone^^ This ish Xiah JunSu..!!!(1)

Hello everyone ^^

This ish Xiah JunSu who has finally left a message..!!

Actually, I’m really sorry.. ㅠㅠㅎㅎ

I’m really speaking truthfully here but…

you probably know already but the protagonist always appears at the final moment!!!(2)

Hahahahaha Sorry..ㅠ ㅋㅋYou’ll understand right??^^ (3)

I heard that YoungWoongee-hyung already left 2 messages… … .

I guess I’ll have to catch up with this one..^^;; hehheh~~~!!!

First what I really want to say now is

the point that I’m thankful of everyone who’s reading this message right now…^^

Lately it has been happy day after day..and restless..^^ Everyone’s like that too right??

Is it because I missed doing performances in Korea after 1 year and 7 months(4)

or because I’ve always wanted to listen to everyone’s cheers…

Lately when I go on the stage I feel renewed once again..^^

I remember before the album came out..^^;; I said this to the members…

that because our country’s album market has become smaller… others and I’m also scared…

Because of good luck… I would be really happy if… our new CD… would just sell over 200,000…

But then the CD was really released, and it became a reality and…

no, because we received even more love then that…

I really want to give all of… this happiness to everybody…

No matter how small the album market has become… even then, for an artist it is… the album right…^^(5)

Lately I’m really really happy… because everyone is with us 1 minute 1 second, every moment…

Even the work that still needs to be done… we’ll have to work even harder for that(6) but…

I can feel everyone’s love thoroughly right now and… that I’m thankful…

For these feelings to always continue I want to sincerely send (this message) once again..^^ㅊㅋㅊㅋ(7)

Uwa…..ㅋ I’m really a 독수리 타법(8) but.. it seems… that I’ve written a ton.

But I can be proud that I’m the fastest out of the 독수리 타법s~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ ㅎㅎㅎ

Next to me, T-sshi is surprised after seeing my typing…

I’m a 독수리 but you can’t see my hands..ㅋ Uhahahahaha~~~~!!! (9)

Why did my mood go up like this??? Mhahahahahaha!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Lately the weather is becoming colder little by little so everyone, please be careful to not catch a cold and…

Let’s meet again at the many events and performances we’ll have in the future(10)!!! With a pretty face/image… … .

Cassiopeia I love you all^^

For everyone, I took a picture with my best friend~ EunHyuk. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ(11)

=___= Honestly, I bet I could write some sort of note for everything he said.
(1) – I made it ‘ish’ because he was saying it in a cute way
(2) – In case I worded it oddly and you don’t get it: like the heros in shows/etc these days… coming at the last moment and saving the day
(3) – Kinda like you’ll understand and forgive me
(4) – More like “I wonder if this is why or that is why”
(5) – Like that’s what really matters
(6) – Talking about everyone being with them etc, for that purpose
(7) – ㅊㅋㅊㅋ = GratsGrats = “축하축하” because when you say it quickly it sounds like 추카추카 so on the internet… of course… you have abbreviations =.=;; so “ㅊㅋㅊㅋ”
(8) – 독수리 타법 – literally meaning he types the way an eagle would (make your hands stiffly like an eagle claw and type lol). Like he doesn’t look at the monitor but at the keyboard and types stiffly like that
(9) – He’s saying that although he types like ^, he types fast so that you can’t see his hand lol. =3=;;;
(10) – He said this in a cute way
(11) – There’s a “it’s been a while since (they took a picture)” that I couldn’t fit in the sentence, and he wrote “best friend” out like “besutu puren” in Korean. xD

Everyone~~ ^ ^ This is your Yoochun

Cutie Micky Yoochun ~ ^ ^

I will continue posting after Jaejoong-hyung ~ ^ ^

How are you all? ~

We, DBSK, are always having fun day after day, thanks to everyone ~ ^ ^

Aigooo ~ ^ ^

It is about time for this flu to leave but it is still going with us ^ ^

Now relaxing with a good feeling,~
I played 1 round of a game for a while and am now writing with a super happy mind/heart ~

I am concentrating on the monitor, and i feel hot

Should we turn-on the air-conditioning then?

This is why I continue on to have my colds – that is what Yoochunee says Ha ha ha ha ha ~ ^ ^

Everyone, with your love, we were given the song of the Mutizen. Ha ha ha ha ha

I’m really glad.

Tears formed in my eyes, but i held it in!

What Yunho-hyung said when Dong Bang Shin Ki is given an award, is all from the heart ~ ^ ^

Everybody knows, right? Together let us continue to run.

The things you do these days with every moment, makes me feel good ..
your cheers and support bring a lot of willpower/strength, Ha ha ha ha ha

My beloved pearl red,

I am always very thankful~ You know my heart/mind right?

Sign-o… they made me joyful,

Every time I stand on the stage in front of you I am full of happy energy!

Let’s go have fun together ~

I’m sorry to keep you waiting … have been sitting alone lonely

Just sit with us (me?) from now on ^ ^

No, should we stand, then? ^ ^

Do not forget I always love you ~ ^ ^

Thanks ~!~!~!~!~

Hello~ This is YoungWoong JaeJoong! Today…

Hello~ This is YoungWoong JaeJoong.

First, we got Mutizen song today~
It’s all thanks to everyone.
I am really happy and feel good
whenever I meet with everyone on stage with [주문-MIROTIC] but
even allowing us to get an award like this…!

Please cheer for
A DBSK that works harder and harder! and YoungWoong JaeJoong.

Today there was a fan signing for the first time right?
Buying the album to attend the fan signing, and
I heard that everyone waited for a long time, but
just those fans who got a signature from me didn’t get their names written(1)… I apologize…
While looking at everyone coming to get a signature with a name attached,
I realized after some 10minutes of signing diligently
that I didn’t write the names.
It would have been right to sign the names from then on, but
everyone waited the same amount and because the fans who didn’t get it in the front might feel bad.
I didn’t write anyone’s name till the very end.
I said this at the end before but I’m really sorry.
Instead it’s ok if I put your names here once right?(2)




신연희/악원/양로/오오가와 루미코/오주영/오지나/오지현/오현경/왕우정/요코야마 나츠미/







Uwa there’s so many!
And thank you to those who came overseas and attended the signing event for me.
From the next time on I won’t forget and without fail~ write your names! I promise~!!

Continue to cheer for our [주문-MIROTIC] activities and~
The cheer that everyone does (for us) during the refrain~ As expected you guys are the best~!!!(3)

The weather has become quite cold so take care to not catch the cold, and
let’s meet again at the next performance!!^^

I’m counting on you for the cheers~!!(4)

(1) – It’s more like “I wasn’t able to write it for you” but couldn’t figure out how to word everything so it works. :S
(2) – He wrote/typed them but the actual words he used is that he’d “call out/say” the names
(3) – Idk, what would you call this, slang? casual talk? Yeah, the phrase he used was “짱머그셈” which is pretty must the best/kings/etc
(4) – Kinda counting on them but requesting it at the same time-ish

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