Friday, March 12, 2010

Everything TVXQ

30 Fun Facts about TVXQ

1. Yoochun is the lazy one in the group.

2. Junsu wakes everybody up in the morning with his video games.

3. Changmin is a crybaby.

4. Junsu is an uncle.

5. Yoochun is from the U.S. but was born in Korea.

6. Jaejoong is the “mom”; he cooks.

7. Yunho is the leader.

8. The house in “Ocean’s 12″ is the house in Miduyo.

9. Yoochun’s family currently lives in Virginia.

10. Yoochun has had a lot of girlfriends.

11. They watch Korean dramas when they can/have time.

12. Junsu, Yunho, and Yoochun are all ambidextrous.

13. Jaejoong and Yoochun both dropped out of high school.

14. They both used to smoke.

15. Jaejoong wants to marry a fan- he believes that he`ll end up marrying a fan anyway.

16. Junsu wants a bright girl with a positive outlook of the world. Yoochun thinks it`s because Junsu is a negative person.

17. Yoochun doesn`t want to get married. (Junsu disagrees…he thinks that he MUST get married…)

18. Jaejoong wants 2 daughters and 1 son while Junsu wants 2 sons and 1 daughter. Yunho wants 5 sons and 20 daughters – Junsu says “Think of your wife!” and Jaejoong says “Are you trying to kill somebody?”

19. Yunho wants a girl who is assertive and has senses – someone who can guide him.

20. Changmin wants to marry someone who is girly and who will attach herself easily because he is shy and quiet.

21. Yunho`s message to his future son is “I love you”.

22. Junsu thinks that dating and marriage are the same thing because he sees the girl he`s dating as his future wife. He has to like the girl that much (enough to see her as a hopefully Mrs. Kim Junsu) in order for him to date her – he doesn`t want to date just anyone. He`ll date her to a point where he wants to marry her. (Changmin agrees with him.)

23. Junsu likes to use his hand as a pillow.

24. Jaejoong made Changmin show off his body in their Hiyaya single.

25. Yunho sleeps diagonally on his bed.

26. Jaejoong was laughed at because of his puberty stage–his voice would crack and his friends would laugh at him each time he sang.

27. Yunho got rejected by a friend that he came to like. He asked her out and lit 100 candles. She told him she only wanted to be friends.

28. Junsu was suppose to debut earlier, but due to puberty…he lost his voice. He would always go and scream hoping his voice would come back.

29 Before debut, Max would make up excuses as to why he missed class. Each time it was always a relative’s funeral and when he couldn’t make that up he’d say something else. No one was curious because Max has a wide range of relatives. : )

30. Micky likes to sleep listening to music on his walkman. He tends to drop it, so at nighttime Junsu might get hit with a walkman or book or something. (That was when they had bunkbeds…)

Credit simplegulz @ imeem

Changmin/Max’s Trivia
# He is the tallest, the youngest, and the members call him the most mature in the group.
# He is known to talk less, and eat more.
# His personal replies to fans on a Korean celebrity website “UFO” are popular on the internet.
# He now has 2 piercings(one in left ear, one in right ear) which he got recently.
# His childhood dream was to be tv announcer.
# His favorite color is purple.
# Wants to be the Best/Max in the entertainment world so stage name is Max Changmin
# LOVES to sleep so really hard to wake him up
# greedy when it comes to music, so sometimes cries when he isn’t satisfied with his singing
# Best swimmer in the group
# He has a huge appetite
# tries very hard at schoolwork and reading
# Got into one of South Korea’s top universities

Changmin/Max’s Trivia
# He is the tallest, the youngest, and the members call him the most mature in the group.
# He is known to talk less, and eat more.
# His personal replies to fans on a Korean celebrity website “UFO” are popular on the internet.
# He now has 2 piercings(one in left ear, one in right ear) which he got recently.
# His childhood dream was to be tv announcer.
# His favorite color is purple.
# Wants to be the Best/Max in the entertainment world so stage name is Max Changmin
# LOVES to sleep so really hard to wake him up
# greedy when it comes to music, so sometimes cries when he isn’t satisfied with his singing
# Best swimmer in the group
# He has a huge appetite
# tries very hard at schoolwork and reading
# Got into one of South Korea’s top universities

1. Korean Name: Jung YunHo

2. Chinese name: Zhang Yun Hao

3. birthdate: Feb. 6th, 1986

4. height: 181 CM

5. weight: 66 Kg

6. blood type: A

7. religion: Christianity

8.talent: (jumping?LOL! I dunno that, if you know, plez tell me and I will correct it.) ???(something has to do with breathing -__-) dancing, singing, writing lyrics/composing

9. hobby: listening to music, singing, exercise

10. family members: father, mother, younger sister

11. future wishes(what he wants to be back then): PD(I dunno wat that is),a successful businessman

12. what 2 do when theres free time: listening to music, singing

13. spent most money on: CDs,clothes and shoes

14. music type:Hip-hop, R&B and Soul, songs that I feel like it fits me(YH).

15. type of girl you like: girls that takes responsibilities, stand up for what they thought/said/and their actions.

16. future plans: becoming international star, want to try being a director and acting.

17. Happiest moment: first time performing with DBSG

19. most embarassing moment: while performing in China, some of the Shinhwa fans came up to me(YH) and mistake me for JunJin(hyung), they asked for autographs, too!

20. fav. food: I’m not that picky, but I like kimchi and BBQ meat

21. how did you enter SM: did a lot of dance performance, SM saw one of my perf. after that, I signed official contract with SM

22. fav. movie(s): Lord Of The Ring and ?????(I dunno dis movie, if I trans. directly, it would be :this lazy woman”. LOL)

23. fav. gift from your fans: I like all the things the fans sent me, but if I have to pick, mostly CDs, clothes and shoes.(haha! what he spent most money on

24. what type of music do you want to try: ?????????????????????(I dont know what it is. SO SORRY!! but I think he mention “something simple”)

25. fav. scenery in China and food(they are talking about his trips to China with SM): I like PeiKing ducks and SanDong cuisine; clearly remember people riding their bikes on the open road and the bar that is in some of the taxi! (LOL! Im not lying, that what it says in chinese. those bars are for security purpose. but YH…the bar?? he soo cute!!lol)

26. what you cook best: Kimchi(soup) and pizza, its really good when I make it ^^!

27. fav.manga(s): ???????????CHIHRTO?????(OK! I dunno this one either. but chihrto is in english. )

28. do you play video games: Yes, sometime, I like those boxing type games.

29. what you thought of the chinese fans: very good hospitality and nice

30. what you thought of yourself: when I start out to do something, I tend to/must finish it before I move along, I consider myself a very responsible person.

31. who are you mostly accquinted with in SM: JunJin(hyung) and Dana

32. first impression on Dana: first impresion was innocent, cute and honest singer. she still the same right now.^^!

33. sleeping habbit(they ask weird questions): there isnt really anything, except I like to sleep slightly diagonal.

34. nickname: JunJin Jr?? XD!

35. trips to China with SM:

first trip to ShengYang, China at May 13, 2002 with Shinhwa and Dana

second trip to BeiJing, China at July 18, 2002 for Korean/Chinese concert with Kangta, Shinhwa and Dana( ppl already notice him back then)

third trip to HangZhou at Nov 23, 2002 with Shinhwa, FTTS, Kangta, BoA.(was there more ppl?)

the third trip to HangZhou, there was a lot of YH fans already. he was a guest and dancer for the HangZhou concert. at the end of the concert, he thank the audience by the title of a official singer. <–think thats when he signed contract with SM.

Junsu/Xiah’s Trivia

* He has said in an interview that he went through a very rough stage of puberty, when his voice was changing.
* He has a twin brother, Junho.
* He has sensitive teeth, and he says they hurt when he eats ice cream. (TVXQ Bigeastation)
* He is a left-hander. (together with Micky Yoochun & U-Know Yunho)
* Junsu was famously known in Japan during 2007 for his “Oyaji Gags” (literally meaning “Old-man gags”) in Japanese. He was requested to do them on almost every single show in Japan during 2007, as Japanese found it amusing that a Korean new to Japan was doing original jokes
* Junsu wears briefs because it`s `uncomfortable` wearing boxers when he`s dancing.
* Junsu wears loose clothing when he goes to sleep.
* Junsu takes after his dad.
* Jaejoong and Junsu lend each other’s underwear.
* When he is surrounded by fans his face will become red!
* He can’t stand straight and likes to move when standing, so don’t be surprised if he starts a dancing ‘wave’ suddenly.
* He hates people who pull on his hair.
* He doesn’t like carbonated drinks and likes to drink ‘nutritious drinks’.
* He has sensitive skin.
* He will become very excited if people talk to him about soccer.
* He drinks nutritious drinks to protect his voice.
* He will get angry if people talk to him about adult films!
* He likes to work and is very dedicated to it but the group’s schedule is very busy so he doesn’t mind resting
* When he is tired after working and he is asked or starts talking to someone about soccer he will get very excited again.
* JunSu is best friends with Eun Hyuk from Super Junior.
* He likes to eat chicken.
* Junsu’s dad named both Junsu and Junho (Junsu’s twin brother). Junho was given the name Junho because he looked more masculine. Junsu was named Junsu because he was prettier.
* He never stands still when he’s talking, he always moves about and he apparently (according to his mother) likes to moonwalk to the bathroom.
* His mother used to be a singer and was also a former Miss Korea
* He has never fought with his brother.
* He was a good student in school.
* He never needed to be spanked as a child.
* He tells his mother that he loves her and kisses her often, and often puts hearts in his text messages to her.
* He never really wet his bed, but the last time he did was when he was 6.
* His mother spilled hot soup on the back of his neck when he was younger, but it didn’t leave a scar.
* He is the one who persuaded HERO to dye his hair blonde in 2007
* In the 2006 DBSK house tour, we were told Xiah goes and lies in-front of the bathroom mirror to reflect on something bad or when he wants to punish himself
* His chilhood dream is to become a soccer player.
* Does not like to do things around the house, he often asks other members to do his chores for him
* Wants to be known throughout A-SIA so stage name is Xiah Junsu by taking the “sia” in Asia and combining it to his real name, Junsu
* Claimed by Max Changmin to be the “dark horse” for the cute characteristics
* Wakes everyone up in the morning by playing video games
* Was the longest trainee of the 5 (6 years total) due to voice change not stopping
* Considered by many fans to be the “Prince” in the group
* Considered by many fans to be the 2nd best dancer

Kim Jaejoong (Hero)- 100 Questions & Answers


1.) Name: Kim Jaejoong

2.) Birthdate: January 26

3.) Address: Someplace in Seoul

4.) Blood type: O

5.) Height: 177 cm

6.) Weight: 63 kg

7.) Shoe size: 275 mm

8.) Personality: Bright I guess? (People say I don have a very good first impression.)

9.) Dream: To be a famous and respected singer, and to have my name remember for a while.

10.) Specialties: Singing, Staying awake, walking, thinking, playing and playing the 3.6.9 game.

11.) Hobbies: My specialties are my hobbies

12.) My idol: A person like HK

13.) Celebrities you likes: MILK?s Yumi, Shinhwa?s Junjin, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee, Hweesung.

14.) Fav Flower: Lily

15.) I want to go out with this kind of person: Kangta

16.) Fav. Fruit: Bananas and apples

17.) People you don like: Someone who thinks they are all that.

18.) Fav comic book: I like most of the ones I read but my absolute fav is DRAGON BALL!

19.) What I worried about: Secret

20.) Sleeping out: Il let you make up on your own.

21.) Alcohol tolerance: around 4 bottles, but depends how fast I drink them

22.) First love: First year of MS

23.) Someone I respect: parents, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee and Hyesung

24.) Sport I good at: Running

25.) Fav song: I have too many

26.) Number of blind dates youe gone on: 3

27.) When I look the best: When I stayed up for a day

28.) Person Ie liked the best out of all the people Ie gone out with: ?hm?

29.) Fav number: 2 and 7

30.) Prized Possession: my parents

31.) Lowest ranking: what do you mean?

32.) Religion: atheist

33.) What I think when looking in the mirror: MOMMY!

34.) Fav color: black and white

35.) Good thing about myself: Im nice, but I think my first impression IS bad.

36.) Bad thing about myself: my first impression is bad.

37.) Drinking habits: I think a lot of myself

39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet?: No~! I want to sleep

40.) Things I cook well: Im good at cooking in general.

41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to go home and wash up.

42.) Foreign language Im good at: Chinese

43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: Walk near the river holding hands.

44.) A present I want to give the person I love: A piggyback ride near the river.

45.) Things I want: I have too much I want.

46.) If you met a boyfriend from the past: ?boyfriend??

47.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!

48.) Phone greeting: I can type in what I want. I broke it.

49.) Ringtone:

50.) Caller rings: TT0TT!!

51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: Il leave a 1000 dollars and pick up the rest to save.

52.) Habits: thinking, laying down.

53.) Sleeping habits: I sleep on my belly.

54.) What I wearing as of now: White beater and jeans.

55.) I want to die when: I don have the nerve in me to kill myself so I think I just go one suffering.

56.) Something I want to do right now: I want to debut!

56.) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: Do you mean given: is this a quiz for girls?

57.) Where I want surgery: ?what?

58.) My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me.

59.) What people think of me: It all different.

60.) Someone I say a lot: Let save!!!

61.) What Im scared of: cockroaches

62.) When I was most hurt: When I had a Jangyum

63.) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents

64.) What I do when Im scared: I sing.

65.) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: once in MS.

66.) What I do when Im stressed: I listen to music.

67.) What I like to eat when I drink: Soup and casseroles.

68.) What I do when I mad: I hit things!!!

69.) Things I cant eat: Dog.

70.) Time I get to school: ?.

71.) Something I want to learn: acting.

72.) What I do when there is someone I dont like: Ignore them.

73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I had my first rehearsal in SM.

74.) What I think of money: It doesn grow on trees.

75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: Il let them go because there must be something they don like about me.

76.) Most recent time I cried: ??

77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.

78.) First kiss: 6th year of EM.

79.) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: Il think about it.

80.) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans.

81.) My most favorite thing I own: I guess my clothes.

82.) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.

83.) When I was most disappointed: too long to write down.

84.) Your monthly allowance: 3 or 4 dollars.

85.) Fav animals: Dogs.

86.) Fav. Season: Spring

87.) Most memorable date: ?.hm?

88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: Everything.

90.) Nicknames: Boojaejoong.

92.) Love is?: ?like a drug

93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.

94.) What I don like when I going out with someone: ?..

95.) What I like the most about myself: Skin

96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.

100.) Last thing you want to say: Im done! I can finally go home!!

Park Yoochun (Micky)- 100 Questions & Answers


1.) Name: Park Yoochun
2.) Sex: Male
3.) Email address: …
4.) Birthdate: June 4, 1986
5.) Family: Dad, mom, younger bro
6.) Height: 178, 179 ?
7.) Weight: 66 kg (around 145-ish?)
8.) Something good about yourself: Nothing
9.) Something bad about yourself: I have a lot…hmm, I can’t think of one off the top of my head…
10.) Describe your personality in one word: Weird or gullible.
11.) Celebs that you like: Hwangbo, Kim Gunmo and Boa!
12.) Songs you like: I like all songs.
13.) Fav Season: Can’t choose between winter and summer.
14.) Game you’re good at: Jacks
15.) My ideal woman: Hwangbo
16.) If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: Hmm…younger, no same age! No! Older…I don’t know…
17.) Your mood as of now: Good, that’s why I’m actually doing this.
18.) What you have in your pocket right now: car keys, house key
19.) Sleeping out: too many to remember.
20.) Alcohol tolerance: 24 hours…
21.) Drinking habits: I can’t remember anything after 24 hours.
22.) How old were you the first time you drank: Freshman
23.) When do you want to get married: I don’t want to get married.
24.) About my singing: I don’t sound greasy!
25.) About my dancing: I don’t look greasy!
26.) Something I want these days: Will you do it for me? I want fan letters!
27.) When you’re home alone: I compose music.
28.) When you’re standing in front of the mirror: …dammit…
29.) Clothes you’re wearing as of now: Shorts and black boxers.
30.) How much money do you have in your wallet: 9 bucks
31.) What you want to buy for your girlfriend: Kimbap!
32.) Does height matter to you: Nope.
33.) What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: Imcomplete/ SISQO
34.) What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed: I’ll call them later.
35.) What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: Who are you?!
36.) How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: 24 hours
37.) First kiss: Kindergarten
38.) A feature you feel doesn’t need to be fixed: Eyelashes
39.) Feature you feel should be fixed: Skin
40.) People you miss the most right now: Yongyun, Hyosung and BOA!!
41.) First love: Elementary school
42.) When you cried the most: 1999
43.) When do you feel you’re grown up: When I look after and take care of my younger bro.
44.) What you don’t like: Discrimination
45.) When you felt happy: Right now
46.) When you were most flabbergasted: never
47.) Best looking person of the opposite gender you’ve seen so far: No one
48.) Why aren’t you going out with anyone: There’s no one to go out with.
49.) What you feel towards that person: What person
50.) What would you say to the people actually reading this: …good job.
51.) Something I’m most worried about: My skin.
52.) When I look most weak: When I can’t do anything.
53.) How do you NOT get dumped: change the subject.
54.) 3 things a person NEEDS: Friendship, love and manners
55.) Your grades in school: …no comment
56.) #1 on your phone: no one.
57.) Phone company: AT&T
58.) Phone bill: Around 49 dollars
59.) Place you want to go: Africa
60.) Favorite TV program: Rose War
61.) Movie that pissed you off: Hae-Ahn-Sun
62.) Movie you watched with most meaning: g***-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
63.) Most recent movie watched: Boon-no-ae-jil-joo 2
64.) Movie you want to recommend: g***-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
65.) If you could become a character inside a movie: Park Shinyang in Pyunji
66.) How many cafes are you a member to: 3
67.) Which do you go to most often: Ours.
68.) What you feel about this café: A lot.
69.) What you want to say to the starter of the café: I’ll pay you back somehow
70.) You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: No
71.) What would you do if your parents didn’t bless your decision to get married: Force them to.
72.) Do you think you’re a player: I hope not.
73.) What time do you wake up: 8-ish
74.) When you go to sleep: 2 AM
75.) If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: I’d give it to them
76.) What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: Act as if I didn’t.
77.) Celebrity you want to go out with: Hwangbo
78.) How many kids do you want: 1
79.) Someone I really want to be good at: Composing music and going on with my dream.
80.) What I want to be in 10 years: Song writer
81.) Someone you’re jealous of as of now: Kim Gunmo
82.) A word that you use a lot: Suicide
83.) What I do when I first wake up: Play piano
84.) What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: why not 10 million.
85.) What would you do if you became invisible: …isn’t it obvious…?
86.) Singer you think is the best singing live: Kim Gunmo
87.) Singers you don’t understand why they even sing: Singers who don’t even like what they do.
88.) A kind of man you don’t like: A mama’s boy.
89.) A kind of woman you don’t like: 2-faced.
90.) What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you’re dating right now: …I don’t know
91.)What would you feel if you met someone you’d broken up with: I’d feel glad
92.) Most important possession: My family
93.) What you do when you first get online: Visit our café
94.) What surprised you the most: When Yongyun said he was going to make an anti site. T_T
95.) What you do when you can’t fall asleep: Play the piano
96.) What do you think you were in your past life_ Harusali
97.) If you were to be born again: A turtle
98.) What are you going to do after you finish this: Post it up.
99.) How honest were you: VERY!
100.) What do you want to say: God! Who even made this test!

Park Yoochun (Micky)- 100 Questions & Answers


1.) Name: Park Yoochun
2.) Sex: Male
3.) Email address: …
4.) Birthdate: June 4, 1986
5.) Family: Dad, mom, younger bro
6.) Height: 178, 179 ?
7.) Weight: 66 kg (around 145-ish?)
8.) Something good about yourself: Nothing
9.) Something bad about yourself: I have a lot…hmm, I can’t think of one off the top of my head…
10.) Describe your personality in one word: Weird or gullible.
11.) Celebs that you like: Hwangbo, Kim Gunmo and Boa!
12.) Songs you like: I like all songs.
13.) Fav Season: Can’t choose between winter and summer.
14.) Game you’re good at: Jacks
15.) My ideal woman: Hwangbo
16.) If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: Hmm…younger, no same age! No! Older…I don’t know…
17.) Your mood as of now: Good, that’s why I’m actually doing this.
18.) What you have in your pocket right now: car keys, house key
19.) Sleeping out: too many to remember.
20.) Alcohol tolerance: 24 hours…
21.) Drinking habits: I can’t remember anything after 24 hours.
22.) How old were you the first time you drank: Freshman
23.) When do you want to get married: I don’t want to get married.
24.) About my singing: I don’t sound greasy!
25.) About my dancing: I don’t look greasy!
26.) Something I want these days: Will you do it for me? I want fan letters!
27.) When you’re home alone: I compose music.
28.) When you’re standing in front of the mirror: …dammit…
29.) Clothes you’re wearing as of now: Shorts and black boxers.
30.) How much money do you have in your wallet: 9 bucks
31.) What you want to buy for your girlfriend: Kimbap!
32.) Does height matter to you: Nope.
33.) What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: Imcomplete/ SISQO
34.) What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed: I’ll call them later.
35.) What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: Who are you?!
36.) How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: 24 hours
37.) First kiss: Kindergarten
38.) A feature you feel doesn’t need to be fixed: Eyelashes
39.) Feature you feel should be fixed: Skin
40.) People you miss the most right now: Yongyun, Hyosung and BOA!!
41.) First love: Elementary school
42.) When you cried the most: 1999
43.) When do you feel you’re grown up: When I look after and take care of my younger bro.
44.) What you don’t like: Discrimination
45.) When you felt happy: Right now
46.) When you were most flabbergasted: never
47.) Best looking person of the opposite gender you’ve seen so far: No one
48.) Why aren’t you going out with anyone: There’s no one to go out with.
49.) What you feel towards that person: What person
50.) What would you say to the people actually reading this: …good job.
51.) Something I’m most worried about: My skin.
52.) When I look most weak: When I can’t do anything.
53.) How do you NOT get dumped: change the subject.
54.) 3 things a person NEEDS: Friendship, love and manners
55.) Your grades in school: …no comment
56.) #1 on your phone: no one.
57.) Phone company: AT&T
58.) Phone bill: Around 49 dollars
59.) Place you want to go: Africa
60.) Favorite TV program: Rose War
61.) Movie that pissed you off: Hae-Ahn-Sun
62.) Movie you watched with most meaning: g***-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
63.) Most recent movie watched: Boon-no-ae-jil-joo 2
64.) Movie you want to recommend: g***-ah-kkot-hyang-gi
65.) If you could become a character inside a movie: Park Shinyang in Pyunji
66.) How many cafes are you a member to: 3
67.) Which do you go to most often: Ours.
68.) What you feel about this café: A lot.
69.) What you want to say to the starter of the café: I’ll pay you back somehow
70.) You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: No
71.) What would you do if your parents didn’t bless your decision to get married: Force them to.
72.) Do you think you’re a player: I hope not.
73.) What time do you wake up: 8-ish
74.) When you go to sleep: 2 AM
75.) If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: I’d give it to them
76.) What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: Act as if I didn’t.
77.) Celebrity you want to go out with: Hwangbo
78.) How many kids do you want: 1
79.) Someone I really want to be good at: Composing music and going on with my dream.
80.) What I want to be in 10 years: Song writer
81.) Someone you’re jealous of as of now: Kim Gunmo
82.) A word that you use a lot: Suicide
83.) What I do when I first wake up: Play piano
84.) What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: why not 10 million.
85.) What would you do if you became invisible: …isn’t it obvious…?
86.) Singer you think is the best singing live: Kim Gunmo
87.) Singers you don’t understand why they even sing: Singers who don’t even like what they do.
88.) A kind of man you don’t like: A mama’s boy.
89.) A kind of woman you don’t like: 2-faced.
90.) What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you’re dating right now: …I don’t know
91.)What would you feel if you met someone you’d broken up with: I’d feel glad
92.) Most important possession: My family
93.) What you do when you first get online: Visit our café
94.) What surprised you the most: When Yongyun said he was going to make an anti site. T_T
95.) What you do when you can’t fall asleep: Play the piano
96.) What do you think you were in your past life_ Harusali
97.) If you were to be born again: A turtle
98.) What are you going to do after you finish this: Post it up.
99.) How honest were you: VERY!
100.) What do you want to say: God! Who even made this test!

Yoochun/Micky’s Trivia

* He has a younger brother named Ricky.
* He was born in Seoul, later moved to Virginia USA for a few years.
* He wears a bracelet on his left hand; it’s the first gift from his younger brother. He never takes it off. If the bracelet does not match with the concept of his outfit, he tapes the bracelet higher so it does not interfere.
* He never thought of getting married.
* His first kiss was when he was in middle school.
* He collects CDs and he has around 1000. (see DBSK house tour 2006)
* He has asthma.
* Knows little English because family immigrated to USA when he was little
* Micky is his English name
* Micky in Chinese/Mandarin in written characters means “Secret Weapon”
* Wants to become the secret weapon in the music industry so stage name is: Micky Yoochun
* Composed many songs
* Joined TVXQ last
* Won through a singing competition in the US and the people pointed him to SM Entertainment
* The lazy one in the group
* Gave up his American citizenship due to the problem of having to visit US every few years comflicting with tight work schedule. Wants to join others in army in South Korea at age 30.

Yunho/U-Know’s Trivia
# Yunho has a stuffed Bambi that he sleeps with (watch the DBSK house tour)
# is also really good friends with Super Junior members Hee Chul and Lee Dong Hae
# Knows TaeKwonDo and won 3rd at a world championship for hapkido, when he was in elementary school
# Yunho has now porcelain veneers. He started off DBSK with a couple of crooked teeth and a snaggle tooth. He got veneers because his original teeth were causing him problems.
# Yunho has a bad habit of sleeping diagonally.
# He likes conservatives lady.
# He will name his future daughter JiYool.
# His childhood dream was to be a lawyer.
# Yunho grew his hair in 2006 because he wanted to see if long hair like JaeJoong’s would look good on him
# His father didn’t approve of him being a singer but now, he is Yunho’s greatest supporter
# He’s very fond with children
# He is the most populer among TVXQ with ‘adjummas’ (middle-aged women) or ‘noona’ (older sister) as he likes to address them
# Used to talk to crows to help cure depression and loneliness when they first debuted in Japan
# He admitted that he had a crush on Eugene from S.E.S
# His parents were actually fighting to be the schools president but ended up falling in love with each other
# Stage name part of “Uknow” is from his desire to know people and he himself to become know to everyone so stage name in completion is Uknow Yunho
# Has a little sister

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