Sunday, March 14, 2010

100 Questions- 2PM

(Park Jaebum)
Name(s) that 2PM calls him: Jay or Jaebum
Eyesight: Normal (*this was a weird question, haha*)
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 62 kg
3 words that describe you:active, hardworking, dancer
Q1 The time you feel the most sexiest: When I first get out of a shower
Q2 In order to look good like you: You have to exercise a lot
Q3 The best thing to hear about yourself when people speak of you: that I’m a good entertainer
Q4 The member that doesn’t really listen to you: Taec
Q5 The way to get him to listen: I threaten him haha haha i’m kidding
Q6 You feel the most irritated when the members: play around a little bit too much
Q7 Things you have to do before going on stage: relax, warm up my vocals
Q8 Things you have to do after being on stage: drink water
Q9 Put these in order of importance: friends, work, and love: love, friends, work
Q10 A girl that…is natural…fits my ideal type
Q11 Your first kiss: It was a long time ago, when I was still in school
Q12 Problems you have now: I don’t have any
Q13 If tomorrow the world ended: I would call my family
Q14 Something you would like to tell your interviewer right now: We are a group that is very focused, cute, and fun to be around.

(Hwang Chansung)
Name(s) that 2PM calls him: Chansung
Eyesight: Left 1.0 Right 1.0
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 78 kg
3 words that describe you: Magnae (youngest in the group), singer, entertainer
Q15 Thoughts before debuting: are people going to like us…?
Q16 What makes you jealous of the other members: they all have something I don’t have
Q17 If there was no 2PM right now, what would you be doing: exercising (*huh?? haha*)
Q18 A secret of the group that only you know: uhh…
Q19 Favorite dish: I like to eat everything, keke
Q20 A dish that you can make really well: I’m best at making ramen noodles, keke
Q21 Something you cannot stand: unfairness
Q22 A bad habit you can’t seem to fix: my sleeping habits
Q23 You feel you look your best: when I’m performing on stage
Q24 Something you have to do before going to sleep: exercise…?
Q25 Your habits while sleeping: I move around a lot when i sleep, keke
Q26 The girl that made you fall in love: …I have never fallen in love <–aww..
Q27 A habit of girls you don’t understand: why do girls like to put their hands near their mouth when they’re gonna take a picture keke
Q28 Right now you feel that you are: a weird person
Q29 If you were president, what would you want to change: I would want to change the rule where all men are forced into the military. I would make it an option for men if they wanted to volunteer in the army or not.

(Lee Junho)
Name(s) that 2PM calls him: Juse, Junho
Eyesight: Left 0.5 Right 0.8
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 68 kg
3 words that describe you: hardworking, dedicated, …
Q30 What you would like to say to the Thai fans: Sawadee Krub ^-^ (*hello in Thai*)
Q31 An ability you would like to copy: dancing
Q32 Something you think is important to you: my cell phone
Q33 The member that you call the most: I don’t call anyone in particular because we all call each other often already
Q34 Who uses a 2PM song as their ringtone: I was the first one!! keke
Q35 Something everyone says is bad but you think it’s OK: it depends on the situation
Q36 You believe that with all your heart that: Honesty will help you accomplish anything
Q37 A good quality about yourself: I have a lot of patience
Q38 A bad quality about yourself: I overthink things/think too much T_T
Q39 Something you don’t want to do at 2:00 PM: If it’s for the group, I will do anything
Q40 If you love a girl with all your heart: I will put all my emotions into it
Q41 How you would confess your love to a girl: I’d take her to a beautiful garden and just honestly tell her I love her. Is this good? keke
Q42 Who are you missing right now: my family
Q43 The hottest thing about yourself: my smiling eyes ^-^
Q44 A place you didn’t think you’d see your fan club but you did: in a bathroom in Korea!!
Q45 What you would like to say to those who call you Mini Rain: I think that lately people haven’t been thinking that I am a mini Rain anymore. Please look at me as Lee Junho of 2PM ^-^

(Kim Junsu)
Name(s) that 2PM calls him: Junsu, sometimes Du-Dung or Jun-K
Eyesight: Left 0.3 Right 0.1
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 69 kg
3 words that describe you: musician, artist, individual
Q46 The first thing you wanted to do when you came to Thailand: go to the hotel and drink Tang Mo Pun (*watermelon frappe*)
Q47 The best looking member in the group: Chansung because he has a good body and strong legs
Q48 Something you find strange about your fan club: that we have a lot of fans that continuously give us their support
Q49 Something that changed after you became a singer: I am on TV now and also I have to keep being more patient and dedicated
Q50 Who would you like to see the most: my friends
Q51 When you were little, you used to dream of becoming: a composer
Q52 Your proudest moment: being chosen to be in 2PM
Q53 You get angry when: people misunderstand something about me
Q54 Fashion that is hot in Korea at the moment: pants with 9 layers (*???*
Q55 Clothing that you would never ever wear: women’s shoes (?) keke
Q56 According to you, love is: when two people trust each other, understand each other, and give each other their all
Q57 If you were a girl, who’s girlfriend would you want to be in 2PM: I’d want to be with myself because I would take really good care of my girlfriend kekeke
Q58 Similarities between the Jun Brothers (Junho & Junsu): our fashion sense and our taste for music and composing
Q59 Differences between the Jun Brothers: hair, looks, body keke
Q60 & Q61 are cut off, sorry! =/

(Khun- Nichkhun Horvejkul)
Name(s) that 2PM calls him: Khun
Eyesight: a little bit far-sighted
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 65 kg
3 words that describe you: natural, responsible, dedicated
Q61 Recently you read a comment on the internet that: I sang better but still not good enough (I agree T_T)<– (*aww Khunnie, we think you’re amazing already!*)
Q62 Stories about you that aren’t true: that I’m a conceited person
Q63 Something you would like more than anything right now: success
Q64 Everytime you miss Thailand: I read Thai books
Q65 Aside from your family, you call: my manager
Q66 How much do you pay the phone bill: i’m not sure
Q67 Your proudest moment: being chosen to be in 2PM
Q68 The member that is the most distant: Junsu because he stays in his room composing music
Q69 You don’t understand why Koreans: smoke a lot
Q70 If there was a clone to be made of you: it will be scary
Q71 When…I go to work late…I feel like I don’t want to work anymore
Q72 Honestly, you don’t have time…to sleep…
Q73 Personality that you don’t like in a girl: selfishness
Q74 If you had a girlfriend: I will love her a lot
Q75 I want to tell…the fans…that…I love you because you all love me

(Ok Taecyeon)
Name(s) that 2PM calls him: Taec
Eyesight: it might be bad
Height: 185.4 cm
Weight: 78 kg
3 words that describe you: tall, polite, Taec
Q76 Member that you are closest to: All of them
Q77 A secret about them that you know: there aren’t any
Q78 Are you different from what people see: I don’t think so
Q79 The activity you want to do that defies gravity: Bungee Jumping
Q80 If Michael Jackson was still alive: It will be a very good thing
Q81 The kind of people you hate: liars
Q82 The body part of you think is the sexiest: my eyebrows?
Q83 The body part would you like to change the most: my hands
Q84 The kind of girl would your mom like you to date: a smart, nice, and cute girl
Q85 The age you want to get married: I’m not sure yet
Q86 According to you, 2PM is: family
Q87 What you would like to say to your fan club:I love you

(Jang Wooyoung)
Name(s) that 2PM calls him: WooDong
Eyesight: -3.0?!
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 69 kg
3 words that describe you: Jang-Woo-Young
Q88 Words you would not like to hear from the other members: that my face is swollen(chubby) T.T
Q89 The member who changed the most: Chansung because he went from having long hair to short
Q90 Something that made you cry: sad movies
Q91 Embarrassing moment: when my face is swollen(chubby)
Q92 Something you’d really like to do right now: listen to music
Q93 How people can tell when you’re angry: My face & way of speaking will change
Q94 Member you argue with the most: all of them
Q95 The good thing about having a thai member (Nichkhun): I get to learn more about Thailand
Q96 The amount of money you brought to Thailand : 220 baht (*thai currency*)
Q97 Amount you have left: 220 baht
Q98 The last time you honestly told someone you liked them: when I had my first kiss
Q99 How you feel about doing this interview in Thailand: it’s very fun
Q100 When people read this article they will think: I am a weird person

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