Friday, May 28, 2010


“Ga Eul dear, I’m begging you, come with me tonight.” Ga Eul was getting irritated with Jae Kyung. This was the twenty fourth time she ased her out. “When you come with me tonight, I swear I will buy two tickets for the concert.”

Ga Eul was never really a fan of live concerts. A big contrary to her friend, Jae Kyung, who was a party goes eversince. Ga Eul met Jae Kyung in their school, she was a transferee from a luxurious school. Since it was summer vacation, Jae Kyung made sure that she and Ga Eul still have communications. One way is to ask Ga Eul’s parents that she and Ga Eul would have some girls’ night out. Which will turn out to be another drunk off contest in a bar.

Ga Eul’s parents have been very supportive of Ga Eul having some life. They wanted their daughter to enjoy life, enjoy it while she’s a teenager. Sooner or later, they don’t want themselves to blame if she hadn’t enjoyed her teenage life. So they were very thankful when Ga Eul introduced that mischevous girl, Jae Kyung. She was the one and only friend Ga Eul had.

“Plus you should buy me a decent dinner.” Ga Eul, who was also excited to go to that talk of the town concert but hides it to Jae Kyung, closed the book that she was reading and faced her friend.

“sure, sure” Jae Kyung was surprised. It should have taken a little bit more convincing before Ga Eul would agree. “Wait there and I’ll get dressed.”

Jae Kyung scanned the magazines on top of the night stand, “Rocks Live! Concert” This was the concert Jae Kyung had been eyeing for weeks. Finally, this is it.

It took Ga Eul a full fifteen minute bath before she went out of her shower room. “that was fast.” Jae Kyung commented with sarcasm.

“I haven’t told mom and dad about this.” Jae Kyung rolled her eyes. “Ga Eul, I’ve informed your parents for a hudrendth time already.” Ga Eul clawed her hair. “So what are we seeing anyways?”

“this one” Jae Kyung pointed the magazine. “I’ve been head over heels for the past weeks. Isn’t he a cutie?” Ga Eul looked at the magazine Jae Kyung was pointing. “Rocks Live! Concert eh?” Ga Eul examined the article as she blow dried her hair. “Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of the newest acoustic hearthrob?” Ga Eul nodded her haid.

“Oh dear! What age are you in anyways? Ice Age? I can’t believe you missed it. His name is So Yi Jeong.” Jae Kyung scolded Ga Eul. It was quite unusual for her friend to be late in news like this. She was like the girl who leaked every new single there is.

“I guess I’m stuck with Jae Joong.” Ga Eul lifted her shoulders. “Oh Jae Joong, well, I’m sorry oppa, but Yi Jeong stole my heart.” Ga Eul chuckled as she watched her friend go histerical.

“Should we go now? Aren’t we a little late already?” Ga Eul reverberated her friend and as soon as Jae Kyung came back to her senses after a day dream of Yi Jeong, she looked at her wristwatch. “Just in time. I’ll drive.”

Ga Eul and Jae Kyung made it to the concert area grounds. Everyone was busy, a group of girls waving their light sticks while Others preparing their banners and such.

As soon as Jae Kyung parked their car, the girls went out of the car “I’m pretty sure after tonight you will be a new born Femme Fatale.” Ga Eul irked as she heard Jae Kyung’s words. “Femme Fatale? Isn’t that like another term for bit..”

“What? Oh no, not at all. You know, Yi Jeong was known for the monicker “Cold Hearted Casanova”, well that was when he was still in F4, but the band got disbanded, so he started his own solo career.”

“So where does the ‘Femme Fatale’ thingy imply?” Ga Eul interviewed her friend as they walked through the concert grounds. “Well, if you think of it, there’s no such thing as a female Casanova right? Well, if you trace back history, a female casanova would be referred to as..” Ga Eul finished her friend’s sentence. “Whores”

“Right, whores or bitches.” Jae Kyung laughed as she saw the uncomfortable reaction of Ga Eul. “Now, it wouldn’t be appropriate if we are called ‘Bitches’. Femme Fatale would be better. Cause like Yi Jeong, we should possess this alluring and seductive charm that can ensare anyone, exempting no one from compliance.”

Ga Eul nodded “okay suite yourself. But there’s no way I’m going to give up Cassie.” She saw Jae Kyung laugh. “Whatever you say dear.”

“that guy sure has a lot of fangirls.” Ga Eul tried to squeeze her self to get through. “Oh, patience my dear, don’t worry, I have connections with the admins, later, we’ll have a free poster with a signature.” Jae Kyung never let go of her friend’s hand as they walked through bodies, each and everytime they get crushed, she would pull her friend over. When they reached the nearest place there is, Jae Kyung brought out her camera and started taking pictures.

“I wish I brought my Polaroid camera with me.” Ga Eul looked at her friend. She promised herself never to attend to these kinds of concerts, well if not for DBSK.

As soon as the show started, the lights flashed everywhere, smoke emanating from the stage. Ga Eul felt like she was claustrophobic all of a sudden. The girls jumped as one as the guy Jae Kyung’s talking about showed himself.

“Oh my! There he is!” Jae Kyung keep on hitting Ga Eul’s shoulder. “Isn’t he gorgeous!” Ga Eul’s eyebrows met. “Gorgeous? Heh, compared to him, Jae Joong’s god like. He’s more like a monitor lizard if you ask me.”

Jae Kyung didn’t notice her friend’s reaction, she was too busy jamming with the music. Ga Eul heard the music the band’s playing. She swear she had heard that song before on he radio.

“Oh yeah, that’s right, that was the song that dominated the charts for 3 weeks already.” Ga Eul thought. “that’s the song who broke Stand By U’s record.”

If Ga Eul had brought with her a shotgun, she would have fired the hell out of that singer. DBSK had dominated mutize, mcountdown, music bank, music core and Inkigayo. In short, everywhere. Now she just found herself staring face to face with the artist who dethroned her beloved DBSK. Now it’s a battle between him and DBSK for the year end chart topper.

Ga Eul frowned the whole time. From one song to another, she was the only girl who did not enjoy the night. “Call me a kill joy. My heart still belongs to DBSK. It had been there and will always be there. KEEP THE FAITH!

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