Friday, May 7, 2010

Search Is Over

So Yi Jeong knew this was a make or break situation, another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And for all that he’s worth, this time he vows to see things through to the end. Or until he gets the ending he wants, that is.

As he looks up to the young woman entering through the glass doors, he notices his labored breathing and had to smile slightly to himself because in his twenty-six years of existence, never had there been a time such as this. He’d never known how the sight of a person can make your heart beat faster or turn your palms sweaty or quicken your breath intake. Never. Until her.

He’s well aware of the gravity of what he was about to do but this is the only way. The only way he knew how. And he will do this even if it’s the last thing he does.

From his vantage point, he had the perfect view of her profile. She was just how he remembered since he saw her last but also not as he remembered. She had the same long hair, same lips that in that moment broke into a smile at something her companion said. She had the same air of humility and beauty and everything good and right in this world. But at the same time, she was also somewhat different. And if at all possible, she’s grown to be more beautiful and regal but still managed to look so down-to-earth. But the most striking of all, even from a distance, he could see that something was different in her through her eyes. Although at that moment, he could not put his finger on it. ‘Well, I guess I’ll found out soon enough when I get to see her eyes up close.’ He thought.

He continued to stare at the woman and started fidgeting when she started walking towards his direction. He, So Yi Jeong, is fidgeting. In the past, this occurrence would have been totally groundless and unfounded given the fact that he was a ladies’ man and girls were the ones who did the fidgeting, not him. But now, given the fact also that he was here, seeking his redemption, a man can not help but feel restless in the face of an uncertain future. After all, everything hinges on this meeting. ‘Here goes nothing. And here goes everything.’ Yi Jeong thought to himself as he stood up to greet his approaching guests.

The woman’s companion, having seen him from the moment they entered through the glass doors, now turned fully to look at him as he stood up. The young woman having noticed her companion looking at something turned her head and that was when their eyes met.

Yi Jeong could not have fully prepared himself against the impact of that set of familiar eyes on him. He saw them widen upon instant recognition. He heard her soft gasp as she unconsciously brought her hand to her mouth in shock. And then the most beautiful sound in the world.

“Yi Jeong Sunbae.” She said in surprise.

“Annyong Ga Eul-yang.”

“Annyong Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong greeted. “Annyong Jan Di,” he added. He smiled inwardly at GaEul’s expression. To say that she was shocked to see him would be an understatement. She was staring at him as if he were a ghost and perhaps that’s how she saw him at that moment. His feelings turned somber as he returned her gaze.

The three of them stayed that way for several moments: Jandi looking worriedly at GaEul, Ga Eul looking intently at Yi Jeong, and Yi Jeong staring back at Ga Eul waiting for her to get a grip on the fact that he was really there in the flesh, in front of her.

“Ga Eul-yang...” he prompted softly. That seemed to snap Ga Eul out of her reverie. And as if they just saw each other yesterday, Ga Eul suddenly smiled widely and greeted him back. “Annyong, Yi Jeong sunbae. I’m sorry for a while ago. It was just… I thought for a moment you were a hallucination.” Ga Eul smiled apologetically.

‘Hallucination, huh,’ Yi Jeong thought. He did not know which he disliked more, being a ghost or a hallucination in Ga Eul’s eyes.

“It was just that you were gone for so long. It was really a shock to see you, that’s all. How have you been? And when did you arrive?” And then she extended her hand to him. It was Yi Jeong’s turn to be shocked at the gesture. He recovered almost instantly, masking his surprised expression with a smile, he took both his hands to hold hers and she added her other hand. She was smiling back at him like she was glad to see an old friend. Except he did not return just to be friends. He was out on a mission. “Well, Ga Eul-yang, I’m here holding your hand so I couldn’t be a hallucination, right? I only arrived this morning. And I’ve been well. You?” Yi Jeong said.

“I’ve been great, sunbae. I wish you’d told us earlier that you were arriving today. We could have arranged something for you.”

“Well, technically, I did tell some people.” Yi Jeong said, looking pointedly at Jandi. Ga Eul caught on his pointed look and turned to her best friend. “Jandi, I can’t believe you did not tell us.” She was first to release her hands from his hold.

Jandi threw Yi Jeong a slightly irritated look and then turned to face Ga Eul. “I’m sorry, Ga Eul. Well, technically, Yi Jeong sunbae didn’t tell me. He told Junpyo and Junpyo told me and then he made me swear not to tell anyone that Yi—…”

“I think I’m the one who owes everyone an apology.” Yi Jeong interjected. “You don’t have to get mad at your best friend, Ga Eul-yang.” He smiled.

He saw her soft smile in return and for a moment his heart really did seem to stop. How he’d missed that smile, the way the side of her eyes would crinkle at the sides.

“Yi Jeong sunbae?”

Shoot. Did he just space out? And because of what? Ga Eul’s smile? Although it was the most beautiful smile he’ll ever see, but that’s beside the point. He berated himself. ‘Yi Jeong, have some dignity, man.’ He told himself. “Ah, sorry Ga Eul-yang. You were saying something?”

“I said, where are we supposed to wait for everyone else?”

Ah, that question. “Well, technically, Ga Eul, it’s just us. For now.”


“I wanted to speak to you alone.” He answered.

“Alone?” Ga Eul asked while taking a quick look at Jan Di. Yi Jeong followed Ga Eul’s line of sight and glanced at Jandi as well. Jandi, on the other hand, took in Ga Eul’s innocent but questioning look and Yi Jeong’s pleading but resolute look and remembered her conversation with Junpyo just a couple of hours earlier.

“Jandi, please.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Why are you being so stubborn?”

“Why? You’re asking me, why? Junpyo, have you forgotten how it was for Ga Eul these past few years? Tell me you haven’t forgotten.”

“I know. And I understand where you’re coming from. Ga Eul’s your best friend. But please understand that Yi Jeong is my best friend as well. He seldom asks for a favor. And believe it or not I think this means everything to him. You’ve got to help him.”

“I refuse. I won’t put Ga Eul through any more pain. And besides, why in the world’s name would I help him? He disappeared like.. poof… like smoke from the face of this earth. How far was Sweden anyway? Not even a phone call? Not even a letter? Not even an email for crying out loud! If you have something that would come close to a probable reason for his non-existence, tell me. I might reconsider. Otherwise, this conversation is over, Gu Junpyo.”

“Jandi, I know it will be hard to believe. And it probably wouldn’t suffice a reason but he’s got one. He’s got a good one.”

Jandi sighed inwardly. Talk about finding yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, she adores her best friend and only wants what’s best for her. She knew her pain in the past and wouldn’t blame her if she won’t doesn’t speak to her again after what she’s about to do. On the other hand, after listening to Junpyo’s explanation of Yi Jeong’s story, for some reason, she’d like to believe in him now. If Ga Eul can still find happiness with Yi Jeong, then she’s all for it. What she’s giving right now to Yi Jeong was a window. In the end, it will still be Ga Eul’s decision. And she has no problem with that.

And then her phone rang. As scheduled. She answered it with feign shock and worry in her voice. “Mom, what happened? Mom, calm down. Tell me what happened.” A pause, and then. “What? Okay, I’ll be right there.” She hung up her phone and turned to face Ga Eul.

“Is everything all right, Jandi?” Ga Eul asked worriedly.

“I’m sorry, Ga Eul. That was my mom. She’s turning hysterical again and I can’t quite understand what’s going on but I have to go to them right now. It’s probably nothing, knowing my mom but still, I have to make sure. I hope you understand.”

“Of course I understand, Jandi. Tell me later what happened, okay?” Ga Eul said.

“Okay. Then, I’ll leave now. See you later Ga Eul. I’ll see you later, Yi Jeong sunbae.” And with that she left through the glass doors, all the while thinking, I’m sorry for lying, Ga Eul.

Yi Jeong watched as Jandi disappeared through the glass doors. He silently sighed. He’ll have to think of a way to thank Junpyo and Jandi. He then turned to face the woman beside him.

“Ga Eul-yang. Have you eaten lunch already?” Great job, Casanova. Lunch? Didn’t think of anything better to ask, right? Yi Jeong thought. He slightly rolled his eyes in disbelief at his inability to say the right words.

Ga Eul caught him rolling his eyes and smiled. “Actually, I have, sunbae. But if you haven’t, I can accompany you.”

He chuckled. He had already eaten lunch as well. “I’m done eating lunch as well. Well then, how about we just visit this nice museum I haven’t been to in a long time. I heard there’s a section where they are displacing new pieces from up and coming artists. I’m kind of curious to see.”

“All right, let’s go then.”

Yi Jeong continued to stare at Ga Eul as she looks at paintings after paintings that lined up the walls of a gallery in the So Museum. He recalled the car ride to the museum with an unnameable feeling. On one hand, it was weird to be expecting so much awkwardness and then feeling nothing of the sort. The car was filled with peaceful silence. He knew all the things he wanted to say and all the things he needed to say and felt that it was a good moment to start. But when he glanced at Ga Eul, staring out the window, with a wistful smile playing on her lips, the words, yet again, would not come out. He felt it would just be rude to ruin such a wonderful day with words of explanation and maybe for her, words of justification. On the other hand, there is still that nagging feeling that something was different. Different in her, in him, and with their relationship. And it was kind of frustrating to not be able to put his finger on it at the moment. Well, he figured it would come to him one of these days, and sooner he dared to hope.

And now, he continued to glance every now and then at this special woman with a feeling of contentment, not minding a bit that he was looking from afar. Somehow, Ga Eul was truly engrossed in her viewing that Yi Jeong just decided to stay back and let her go around the gallery. He actually preferred staying put on one side and have the vantage of just being able to look at her every movement. Somehow, he was able to find it in himself to drag himself from her side and just let her enjoy the artworks for some time. ‘I’ve missed you. So much.’ The thought just sprang out unbidden.

When Ga Eul finished with the last painting, Yi Jeong saw her glanced at her side and then glanced around the room. At that moment, he could not help but find Ga Eul too cute and charming for her own good. His face broke into a smile as she continued to search the room for him. And somehow, his feet just started moving towards her. Ga Eul then noticed him approaching and smiled at him and then in a reproaching voice said, “Yah, Sunbae. Where were you?”

“Why? Did you miss me already?” Yi Jeong jokingly asked, but somehow hoping she would just answer in the affirmative.

Ga Eul’s smile faltered a little but then answered, “Haha, funny. You wish, sunbae.” Her smile has returned.

“Well, a guy can dream.” Yi Jeong said, looking Ga Eul straight in the eyes. He held her eyes for a minute. She was the one who broke contact.

“I’m sorry to say, sunbae. But keep dreaming.” Ga Eul answered.

“Well, I will. But anyway, now that we’ve finished here, let’s go to the pottery section.” And with that, Yi Jeong took Ga Eul’s hand. He started to tug when he realized at that moment what he just did. He slowly turned around to find Ga Eul staring at their joined hands. ‘Shoot’, Yi Jeong thought.

“Ga Eul, I...” he started.

But Ga Eul interrupted him with a laugh. “Sunbae, you do know that with your expression, you look like a kid at Christmas,” she said while pulling her hand gently from his. He heard her laugh again. “I’m sorry for laughing, sunbae. It’s just your expression...” She added while starting to walk forward.

Yi Jeong was getting the impression that she tried to cover up that awkward moment. And he was willing to follow her lead because he could not believe he had slipped so messily like that. Grabbing her hand? Seriously, So Yi Jeong? He rationalized with himself that he had thought it was one of those daydreams again he used to have back in Sweden.

“What are you doing, sunbae? Let’s go.” Ga Eul said.

Yi Jeong looked up to find Ga Eul already at the foot of the stairs to the pottery section. He looked at his hand again, the one that had held Ga Eul’s not a minute ago. It just seemed natural to tug at her hand, the same way he had done for countless times all those years ago. He just could not help but notice how empty his hand felt at that moment. He looked up to see Ga Eul still waiting for him. ‘Ga Eul,’ he called out silently. ‘Ga Eul.’ Yi Jeong then started walking towards her.

“Why? Did I really look that funny?” Yi Jeong prompted, smiling at Ga Eul.

“Well, it’s not that it’s funny, although if I really think about it now, it was funny.” Ga Eul laughed. “Hmm, let’s just say, it’s good to see your smile again, Yi Jeong Sunbae.” She added.

“Wow, Ga Eul-yang. That’s like saying you’ve missed me. Then can I say that dream has now come true?”

“That is so not the same, sunbae.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Yi Jeong said, smiling as they reached the third floor where the potteries were displayed. “Hmm, let’s see. I’m kind of curious to see what pieces have changed and that are on display today.”

“Well, I don’t think much have changed since you left, although they do have a new section where they display new pieces from up and coming artists.”

“Oh, really? How did you know?”

“Uh, well. You mentioned it before right?” Ga Eul said. “Let’s take a look around. I’m also curious to see those new pieces are.” She added.

So the two of them walked side by side, going from one piece to the next. A comfortable silence settled between them. For Yi Jeong, he was just simply happy to be back and to be walking by Ga Eul’s side like again. And somehow he found the strength to hold himself back from taking her hand again. ‘I’ve missed you.’

“Aww... That is so sweet.” Yi Jeong and Ga Eul both turned to the direction of collective sighs on one section on the floor.

“How sweet.” One girl crooned.

“I know. If this is not love, I don’t know what is.” Another girl said.

“Lucky girl.”

“I know.” The group of four girls sighed together again.

“What’s in that section, sunbae?” Ga Eul asked curiously.

“I’m not sure.” Yi Jeong answered. “C’mon, let’s take a look.”

As the two of them neared that part of the gallery, the collective sighs seemed to get louder and more frequent from all the other visitors.

‘Look, it’s So Yi Jeong.’ Ga Eul heard one of the visitors said.

‘Wasn’t he abroad or something? Is that really him?’

‘Wow, he’s gotten more handsome.’ Yi Jeong looked at Ga Eul at that moment and saw her smirk a little. She looked up at him and their eyes met. He gave a pseudo haughty shrug.

“You’re so full of it, sunbae.” Ga Eul whispered to him.

“Well, it’s not my fault. They were the ones who said it not me.” Yi Jeong said, smiling down at her.

“Fine. Fine. Whatever you say, sunbae.”

‘Who’s that girl with him?’ They heard one girl said. The crowd was starting to get curious.

‘Oh, my god. That’s her.’ When Ga Eul heard that, she could not help but glance at the girl who had said it. ‘You’re right. Oh my god. It is her.’ She heard the other girl answered as they looked at her disbelievingly. And then they smiled and waved at her. Ga Eul was unsure how to react so she just raised her hand a bit and sort of waved back at them. And then for some reason, all the other visitors started to wave at her.

“Ah, Sunbae. Are you not finding this strange?” Ga Eul asked and then immediately added, “Wrong question. I guess this is common occurrence to you, right? You should wave back at them. You’re the one they’re waving at.”

“Ah, Ga Eul-yang. I don’t think I’m the only one they’re waving at.”

“Really?” Ga Eul asked.

“Really. Wanna bet?” Yi Jeong challenged.

“Sunbae, what are you doing?” Ga Eul asked as she saw him walk away from her.

“Just trying to prove a point. Anyway, let’s just take a look around.”

“Fine. I bet you’re just waiting for girls to flock to you.” Yi Jeong heard Ga Eul said with a sad smile? But then he had to smile because at that moment, girls really did flock to him but more importantly to her as well.

‘Miss. How did you take all these in?’ One of the girls asked Ga Eul.

“Huh?” Ga Eul asked blankly.

‘What a sweet gesture, wouldn’t you agree?’ Another girl asked.

“Excuse me?” Ga Eul asked back.

‘Haven’t you seen it yet?’ Yet another girl.

‘But that’s impossible.’ Now it was a mother with her young girl who spoke.

‘Unni, it is you.’ The little girl said to Ga Eul. ‘I saw you there.’ The girl pointed to one part of the exhibit. Then the girl pulled at her arm and led her to the section she was pointing at.

‘See? Isn’t that you?’ The girl asked as she pointed to something.

Ga Eul pulled her eyes from the girl and followed to where she was pointing a finger. And for the second time that day, she brought her hand to her mouth in shock. Right in front of her, just a couple of steps away, was a life-size bust of her, a sculpture made from clay. And even though the label was two to three feet away from her, she could clearly see it.

And it read, “SOUL MATE” by So Yi Jeong.

“Ga Eul-yang.” Ga Eul jumped a little at the sound of Yi Jeong’s voice. She slowly turned around to face him. And in a most unprecedented manner, in the midst of the crowd that has gathered to watch them, he asked, “Have you found him, Ga Eul-yang? Have you found your soul mate?”

Ga Eul placed a hand over her heart. She felt the beating against her chest grow stronger and stronger. Not only that but she thought she could hear it too, if that were at all possible. She turned around at the sound of Yi Jeong’s voice and couldn’t stop her eyes from going straight to his. And what she saw in them made it harder for her to breathe.

“Ga Eul-yang, have you found him already? Have you found your soul mate?” Yi Jeong asked.

She forced herself to look away from those eyes; eyes that she felt were showing too much of what she had wanted to see all those years ago. She forced herself to stare at the floor instead. Her mind was blank at the moment and for the life of her, could not think of anything to do or say for that matter. ‘What can you do in a situation like this, really?’ she thought to herself. Maybe she should just pinch herself since she has an awful feeling that she’s reverting back to having daydreams of Yi Jeong again. Ga Eul pinched herself in the arm. ‘Ouch.’ she cried inwardly. Maybe she should just try to close her eyes for a moment. Maybe this was just another hallucination. And Ga Eul closed her eyes, all the while thinking, ‘This is not happening. It couldn’t be. More than impossible.’ And then reprimanded herself, ‘Ga Eul, what’s happening to you. I thought you were beyond this already.’

Yi Jeong, on the other hand, was rooted to his spot in the middle of the gallery, among all these strangers, waiting for Ga Eul’s answer. ‘Talk about proper timing.’ Yi Jeong thought. He had wanted to do this in a more private manner but they were in this moment and nothing would have had a greater impact than after letting her see the sculpture.

He watched every expression that crossed Ga Eul’s face closely. He knew she was surprised; although pleasantly or otherwise he couldn’t be sure. Well, maybe surprised again would be an understatement. She was shocked, to say the least, and he knew that immediately in the way her body turned rigid as her eyes fell on the piece he made for her. When he had asked the question, he heard the coarseness of his voice and knew that the moment had already gotten to him. He knew this would be another turning point. Still, he willed himself to stare straight into her eyes. And what he saw in them made it harder for him to breathe. He couldn’t have torn his eyes away from hers if a bomb were to fall on them at that moment. But then Ga Eul broke the contact and stared at the floor instead.

He did not know how much time had passed; if it were mere seconds or minutes, but then she raised her head and looked him squarely in the eyes.

“I think I have to go now, Sunbae.” Ga Eul said and hurriedly went towards the staircase. “Yes, I think I need to go.” She added, pointedly checking her watch.

Yi Jeong stared at the place she vacated and tried to process what just happened. ‘Did Ga Eul just leave?’ he thought. And again, the concept of time seemed to be beyond him that day. He didn’t know how long he stood there. He had been prepared to accept every reaction from Ga Eul but apparently he wasn’t prepared enough as he found himself dumbstruck again by her actions. He thought of all the scenarios he had played in his mind when he was planning this whole thing and he realized he had definitely thought of her walking out on him as a possibility. He just hadn’t thought about how it would really feel. And what he was feeling right now, well, he didn’t know yet.

“Ahjussi, why did Unni leave? Did she not like it?” The tiny voice of the same little girl brought him out of his reverie. He turned to look at the girl and then around the gallery and noticed that almost everyone was staring at him. And out of courtesy, or perhaps, because they felt kind of sorry for him, the visitors went back to what they were doing and left him to himself. The crowd had minded their own business, although some still sneaked glances at him.

‘He was really shocked, wasn’t he?’ One lady said to her companion.

‘Well, I would be to if I were in his place.’ The companion answered.

‘But why is he still standing there? Shouldn’t he go after the girl?’ Another girl said.

‘Exactly.’ Yi Jeong thought. That was what he should do. In fact, that is what he should be doing right now. Run after Ga Eul. He wasn’t able to do that at Namsan but he sure would do it now. So why was he still standing there looking like a crazy idiot instead of going after the woman of his destiny?

‘Idiot.’ he thought to himself. Yi Jeong turned around towards the stairwell and ran down the two flights of stairs. He ran across the lobby, barely squeezing through a big group of tourists, and reached the revolving doors to the museum. As he stepped outside he looked to his left and to his right, thinking which direction Ga Eul could have taken. He decided to try the direction to his left, to where the public transportation is.

Two hours later, he found himself back to the place where he had started: at the front of the So Museum. By himself. He couldn’t find her. He’d looked at all the places he could think of: the porridge shop, her house, Jandi’s house, the school; even at the Namsan stairs, by the kiln and he even dared with his studio, but she wasn’t in any of those places. She wasn’t in any of the places he thought to go to. After all those times in the past when he had found her almost instantly, without sweat or second thoughts, the one time that it was most important, his Ga Eul GPS tracker failed him. (A/N: hehe couldn’t help but include this.. I’m sorry I forgot who coined this YJ special ability but credits to that SoEulmate ^_^)

He heard the big clock that hung at the entrance to the So Museum as it struck five o’clock. There was a rush of people going out. The museum would be closing soon. He stared at the Name Sign of his family’s museum and smiled sadly to himself as he thought that this was the place he imagined he’d have the serious ‘talk’ with Ga Eul. He had planned to though. I guess some plans really just don’t go the way you want them to. He felt the breeze on his face as he continued to stare at the museum’s façade when a thought struck him.

‘It’s not possible, is it?’ he thought. But what if his ever reliant Ga Eul GPS tracker didn’t fail him at all? He was back to where he had started his search and maybe it wasn’t a coincidence at all. He felt his feet move beneath him, towards the revolving doors. Once inside, he was taking longer and faster steps across the lobby. He was running now up the two flights of stairs and with every step he felt somewhat lighter. He scanned the now almost empty gallery where the potteries were displayed. And as if curtains were slowly being parted, they revealed the one person he most wanted to see.

There she was. Yi Jeong saw Ga Eul standing at almost the exact same spot she was earlier that afternoon, looking at her sculpture, he guessed. Yi Jeong saw her turn around and he was afraid she was leaving already but then he saw her stop and turn back towards the sculpture. His breath hitched when Ga Eul approached the art piece and raised her right hand. Her fingers came in contact with the clay and she began to trace the contours. She then brought her left hand to her face, as if comparing if the replica was the same as the original. This made him smile.

‘This is it, So Yi Jeong. Try not to mess up.’ Yi Jeong gave himself a prep talk in his mind as he slowly moved towards Ga Eul. ‘No regrets.’ He kept repeating in his head like a mantra. He was contemplating too how best to handle the situation. Should he just come out and say what he most wanted to say or just take things slow, wait for her to adjust to his return? Which one should he choose? And then he was standing not four feet away from her.


“This is beautiful, Yi Jeong Sunbae. Almost exquisite.” Ga Eul started. Yi Jeong, caught by surprise, stopped in his tracks at the sound of her voice.

“Ga Eul-yang?”

Ga Eul turned around and faced him. “I guess those four years in Sweden really were good for you, right? With the perfect time and the perfect place to be.”

“Ga Eul-yang, I—“

“I heard from F3 that you just had a very successful show. Congratulations. I’m happy for you, sunbae.” Ga Eul said, her sincerity apparent in her every word. She was smiling at him but he thought her smile did not quite reach her eyes.

“Sweden…” he started, “Sweden was a great experience for me Ga Eul-yang. It’s a place that holds special memories for me, not just as a potter but as a person.

Ga Eul cleared her throat a bit as she said, “You’ve changed, haven’t you sunbae?”

“Lots of things have changed in the past four years.”

“Yes.” Ga Eul answered. “Yes, they have.”

“So, are there any more embarrassing images of me around here I should know about, sunbae?” Ga Eul asked, her voice teasing.

Yi Jeong laughed at that. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that is still the only one on display here.”

“Good. We wouldn’t want to give the people the wrong idea, right?” Ga Eul’s voice turned somber.

“Why did you leave so suddenly earlier?”

“I needed to pee?” Ga Eul offered jokingly. “Seriously sunbae, my stomach was retaliating and I needed to go—“ Ga Eul was stopped short when she looked at Yi Jeong’s face and found it serious.

“I needed some air. I felt suffocated.” Ga Eul admitted.

“You didn’t like it?” Yi Jeong asked.

Ga Eul then turned and started walking, past the sculpture. Yi Jeong followed and soon they were just strolling through the gallery, looking at the pieces, both quiet. He was still waiting for her answer. It was after a very long pause when Ga Eul answered back.

“I used to come here often, Sunbae, you know. And also to your studio. Woo Bin Sunbae was kind enough to lend me a key. I hope you don’t mind.” Ga Eul glanced at him.

'What? Ga Eul did what?' Yi Jeong’s mind went completely blank with that revelation. And Woo Bin knew about this? That jerk, did not even tell him and they were best friends. He’d deal with him later. Right now he was still processing the things Ga Eul just said.

“Two maybe three times a week I’d come here but more often I would be at your studio. I’d be there almost every day, after work and I would practice my pottery. I actually bought a spinning wheel because I thought it would just be rude to use yours without your permission. To say the least, even with all that practice, I still had a long way to go.” She laughed.

“You come to my studio everyday?”

“I used to.”

“You used to.”

“Yes, I used to. I stopped though.”


“Oh, one and a half, maybe two years ago.”


“Well…” Ga Eul trailed and then just gave a shrug.

“Why did you stop, Ga Eul?” Ga Eul noticed that he had dropped the –yang from her name. She felt her nails against her palm as she fisted her hands. She knew she needed to do this. She stopped walking and turned to face Yi Jeong. She raised her eyes to look at his face. He was patiently waiting for her answer.

“Why did you stop?” Yi Jeong repeated.

“I stopped, because you asked me to. And so I did.” Ga Eul finally answered.

“I stopped, because you asked me to. And so I did.” Ga Eul had answered.

‘What?’ Yi Jeong thought as he stared at Ga Eul. ‘When had he told her to stop?’ He scanned his memories, trying to remember if such a thing really did occur. And he came out with nothing. He remembers nothing of that sort. And the possibility of that happening was so remote he wouldn’t, couldn’t even entertain the thought of it.

“Ga Eul, I don’t understand. I don’t recall ever saying anything like that to you. When did this happen? I’m sorry. I honestly can’t remember.” Yi Jeong said, his words fast, showing some aspect of his disorientation to the issue. “I mean, we haven’t spoken with each other, for, how long, four years? How could I--,” Yi Jeong stopped short as it dawned on him. He looked at Ga Eul and saw her give another shrug as her mouth shaped into a small sad smile but her eyes, her eyes are now pooling with water.

Crap. You’re really a bastard, So Yi Jeong. Yi Jeong berated himself. He knew he would someday reap the bitter consequences of his actions. He knew he deserved it but it was his utmost hope that it wouldn’t be at Ga Eul’s expense. Tough luck.

“Exactly, Yi Jeong sunbae. You had not contacted me for four years.” Ga Eul gave a long and deep sigh. “Well, you do have to give me credit, though. It only took me one and a half years to take a hint and leave you alone.” She added with a sad smile.

“Ga Eul-yang, it wasn’t like that.”

“Sunbae, believe me when I say there’s no need for you to explain. I’ve understood, this, whatever arrangement had been between us, wasn’t supposed to be held on for so long. You don’t need to burden yourself anymore.”

“Ga Eul, it really isn’t like that. At all.”

“I realized I was expecting too much. It was hurting me. Then I decided, I don’t want to be hurt anymore. And that it was time to let go of you.”

“Ga Eul, don’t say that.”

“I’ve loved you. I’m sure of this you knew. And it took me quite some time to let go of that dream of you, that illusion of us. That’s all I wanted to say, Sunbae. I’ve let you go.” Ga Eul said, with resounding finality. She started walking towards the stairs. She walked passed him.

“I’m in love with you, Ga Eul.”

That of course stopped Ga Eul at her tracks. Her head whipped back to stare at Yi Jeong and she tried to comprehend what he had just said. How many times had she longed to hear those words from Yi Jeong. This day had been like a culmination of some sort of all her dreams and yet the acute pain that she’s feeling in her body, in her heart, right now is telling her that this is all real. “Sunbae…” she started and wasn’t able to continue. Because she literally had no words.

“Ga Eul, I lo--”

“Stop, sunbae. I’m really sorry. But I don’t think I can do this right now. I’m sorry.” Ga Eul interjected. With one last look, Ga Eul turned and left. Again.

Yi Jeong could only stare at Ga Eul’s back. Again. But he understood her. She needed time. Everything that happened today must have been more than she could handle after four years of separation. He decided that he would have to give her space and time.

After a few rounds at the museum just to clear his mind a little, he left to go visit a place where three people would probably give him an earful once they find out what just happened. And I guess he could say that he needed to be told at the moment.


“He sees you for a day and he makes you cry like this?” Jandi demanded. “Oh, he is in so much trouble when I see him. What did he do, Ga Eul?”

Ga Eul told Jandi about her day with Yi Jeong in between crying, hiccupping, and blowing her nose from the time Jandi left them up until his confession. When she finished, she turned to Jandi. “That’s what happened.”


“That’s what happened, Jandi.” Ga Eul repeated.


Ga Eul turned to look at her best friend and found her with eyes as wide as saucers and her jaw dropping open. So the story was long. And shocking for that matter.

“Jandi-ah. Say something.”

Jandi blinked. Once. Twice. “Yi Jeong sunbae did WHAT!?”

“I know. That was my first reaction, too. Well, in my mind at least. I wasn’t able to be as, er, eloquent. Or to put it simply, I was speechless. Well, not just speechless. The words literally left me. You know what I mean.” Ga Eul rambled.

“Come on, Ga Eul. Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“I’m going to personally hand you to Yi Jeong sunbae.”

“Yah! Jandi-ah.”

Jandi laughed a little. “I’m just kidding. Sorry, Ga Eul. I couldn’t help it. It was just, how can I say it, overwhelming to hear all of that.”

“I know.”

“But what struck me the most was that it was seemed so unlike Yi Jeong sunbae, to be grand and to be direct. When you used to tell me about him before, I would always get the feeling that he does things in very subtle ways. But how do feel about all these, Ga Eul?”

“I don’t know. Well, actually I know. But it’s just a rush and a mixture of all these competing emotions that it’s difficult for me to sum up what I’m really feeling right now. When I saw him again for the first time today, I literally couldn’t breathe for a couple of seconds. I thought I was hallucinating again. When we went to the museum, the way we were talking felt like the four years apart never happened. And I felt closer to him. And then I saw the sculpture,” Ga Eul choked at her words, her tears threatening to spill again.

“I can’t believe he did that himself. When I walked out on him that first time in the museum, I actually was just hiding behind one of the columns in the lobby. I saw him run towards the exit. I went back up and stared at the sculpture for who knows how long. And in an instant, for some unfathomable reason, I felt his presence. I knew he came back. And it should make me happy, that I got to say the things I’ve practiced for too long. But actually hearing myself say those words, I felt the pain and the loss all over again. Even if he was standing right in front of me.”

“Ga Eul…”

“Jandi, do you know how it feels like to want to do two completely opposing things at the same time? On one hand, I wanted to rush to him and be in his arms. But at the same time, I also wanted to hurt him. Or maybe just let him feel even the slightest of the hurt I felt when he didn’t even write to me or try to contact me in any way these past four years.” Ga Eul was crying in earnest now. Jandi reached Ga Eul’s side and placed an arm around her.

“When he asked if I’ve already found my soul mate, I was so close to answering in the positive just so that the conversation would come to an end. But in the end, I couldn’t just lie to him. I feel that he would see through me. But then he said,” Ga Eul voice’s catching in her throat, “he told me that he was in love with me. And for one moment, I wanted to take back my words and just run to him. But I couldn’t. I guess my self-preservation instincts kicked in.”

“What did Yi Jeong sunbae say?”

“Nothing. He let me leave.”

“What are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know exactly. I don’t even know how to respond to what he just confessed but what I know, and this is my honest feeling, is that I realized how much I’ve missed having him in my life. I still want him in it, Jandi.


“Hey guys.”

Junpyo, Jihoo, and Woobin who had been playing at the pool table at the F4 Lounge lifted their heads to the direction of the voice.

“Yi Jeong” they chorused. Yi Jeong went to his friends.

“Yi Jeong, my man. When did you arrive?” Woobin asked.

“Just this morning.”

“What? You’ve been here for almost an entire day and you didn’t even tell us?” Woobin asked.

“I’m sorry guys. I needed to do something first.”

“Yah, what could be more important than your friends, Yi Jeong?”

“You mean, who could be more important, Woobin.” Junpyo said.

“Ah.” The Woobin and Jihoo chorused again.

“Of course, my man. Of course. I understand.” Woobin said.

“Did you get to see her today?” Jihoo asked.


“How did that go?”


“That bad, huh?”

“Yi Jeong, what happened to your Casanova skills?” Junpyo asked.

“Well, I guess after four years without practice, those things can wear off.” Woobin said with a laugh.

“What happened?” Jihoo asked again.

“She kept running away from me.” Yi Jeong said with a small smile. “I showed her the sculpture I made of her today at the museum. I knew that it would be hard for her, with me suddenly just appearing back in her life after four years of silence. But in my sick, demented mind, I guess, I allowed myself to hope even a little, that she would forgive me and just take me back, no questions asked.” He explained.

“That is sick and demented. I thought you had a plan before coming back today.” Junpyo said.

“I did but then I’ve always known that it wouldn’t be that easy. But still it made me, how do I explain it, it made me…restless…and afraid. And I think that all the fears I had back in Sweden, of her not loving me, of her forgetting, of her finally moving on, are a reality now.”

“What did Ga Eul say?”

“She said she had let go of me already.”


“I’m pathetic, aren’t I?” Yi Jeong asked his friends. “I wasn’t able to contact her these past four years but for me to still expect her to stay the same, I mean, that’s really pathetic right?” he added, his voice sad.

“Yi Jeong, we know your reasons for not contacting her all these years. Don’t you think it’s time that Ga Eul knows about them too?” Junpyo said.

“I just, I’m hesitant to tell her because even if I’ve rehearsed all that I need to say, every time I hear those words, they come to me as mere excuses, invalid excuses that aren’t enough.”

“But we all know how Ga Eul is like as a person. At least give her the chance to decide that for herself. Let her decide if those reasons are valid or not to her.” Jihoo added.

“I think so too, Yi Jeong. You just can’t decide that for her. You know from the beginning how I felt about your decision of not contacting her at all. Until now, I guess I still harbour the same view that you shouldn’t have decided those four years without her. But I’m not condoning you now. We’re your friends and we’re here to support you.” Woobin said.

“What are you planning to do now?”

“I’ll wait. I decided to give Ga Eul time and space for the moment.”

“But you’ll still push through?”

“Of course. I love her. I’ve never been surer of anything.”

“That’s the spirit, my man.” Woobin cheered.

“Make use of your Casanova skills to get your girl.” Junpyo added.

“I guess, Plan Pursue Ga Eul takes off from now.” Jihoo joked.

“That’s a good one, Jihoo.” Woobin agreed.

Yi Jeong’s spirits were somewhat lifted. He would not allow this day to break his resolve. Now is not the time to think and regret about past decisions. He’s now in a mission to pursue his future. His future with Ga Eul.

I’m in love with you, Ga Eul.

“Teacher, teacher.” Ga Eul broke away from her thoughts as she heard one of her students calling out to her. The little girl was asking help on how to go about creating something from the clay she was given. She and the kids in her class were busy doing their little masterpieces, which will be on display during the school’s Family Day a week from now.

When she had finished assisting the little girl on her lady bug shaped clay, she found her thoughts straying once more to the haunting words she heard from Yi Jeong. Haunting would be a good word to describe those words especially what they do to her mentality. It had been almost a week now since he had returned. And still those words would not leave her mind. They were somehow ingrained in her memory; in her waking moments or before she went to sleep, when she rides the train to work or takes a bus to go to one of the photography workshops she attends. And she can’t seem to do anything about it.

So she coped in the only way she knew how. She constantly kept herself busy. She thought of every way she could spend her time doing something other than think of Yi Jeong. So these past few days were spent trying to do just that in fear of finding herself drowning in the memories of last week again. Jandi knew her enough to understand the reasons behind her actions. She’s grateful to Jandi for not saying anything and just letting her be for the moment. In fact, her best friend had accompanied her every single time she asked for company. They would go skating or window shopping or movie-watching.

She recalled the day after Yi Jeong’s return. She was supposed to meet up with Jandi at the F4 lounge before going out. Her heart was thumping so loud, she was half-expecting other people to look at her and ask her if she was okay. She didn’t know how she would react if she sees him again so soon. But he wasn’t there. And she almost hit herself in the head for feeling disappointed. She wanted to see him. But at the same time, she was terrified to see him. The feeling was really disconcerting.

When she had returned home that first day, she found a bouquet of yellow irises at her doorstep. She frantically looked around before picking it up. For one second, she thought he was there. But he wasn’t. Again. She found a card and she shakily opened it. It simply read: I hope you had a wonderful day. Good night. Yi Jeong. And she couldn’t help but smile. It was simple and light. And in that one message, she knew that he somehow understands what she was feeling. There was no pressure. No questions. He wasn’t asking her for anything at all. It was just a simple good night.

She had contemplated all through that first night whether to send a thank-you message. She had probably flipped open and close her mobile phone countless times. And she still was undecided up until the following morning on her way to school. What made her finally decide was what she found when she entered her classroom.

Bouquets and vases of flowers literally had covered half of the room. No, he didn’t. Ga Eul thought. The smell alerted her first as it filled her nostrils the moment she opened the door. But the sight of all the colorful blooms; it was pretty and wonderful, like her own personal garden. She closed her mouth after her initial shock and couldn’t help but laugh as her students played on a petal-covered floor. They were laughing and tossing the petals over their heads.

“Are these flowers all yours, teacher?” one of her students approached her.

She smiled at her student and answered, “I’m not so sure.”

“The flowers are wonderful teacher.” Another student approached her and another one. In short, the students all approached her declaring how much they loved their classroom filled with flowers. Their excitement was infectious, which then led to send a text message to Yi Jeong. Thank you for the flowers, Sunbae. Message sent.

But she decided to add another one. But what in the world do you think you’re doing? 0_o She smiled at her last message. It was half-truth, half-joke. But somehow she could imagine Yi Jeong smiling once he receives her message. This was for causing so much unwanted attention to be focused on her.

Beep. Beep. She received a message and it was from Yi Jeong. I’m glad you like them, Ga Eul-yang.

Beep. Beep. Another message: Have a great day. It was short and simple but sweet that she almost called him back. Almost.

Amidst the commotion of excited four-year-olds, were the more excited waves emanating from the door where two of her friends and co-teachers were staring wide-eyed at her room. Since then, she wasn’t able to live that incident down. From that day on, she had been constantly bombarded with questions after questions about the identity of the person sending her flowers. It sure didn’t help that the flowers kept on coming and pouring in the days after with personally written messages like a simple ‘Good morning,’ and ‘Have a happy day.’ They would come twice or thrice in one day. And that was just in school.

She looked at the bunch of flowers she had added in a vase today. After almost a week of the constant influx of flowers, her students seemed to have adapted quite fast and didn’t seem at all surprised when they arrive every morning to find the room with more flowers. They seem to have gotten used to it. Good for them. Now, if only she could do the same. But her curiosity would not subside and she longed to ask Yi Jeong why. But fear of what she would hear somehow stopped her from demanding answers from him.

She helped another student who was trying to carve out a tree for his miniature park out of the clay. She heard knocking and she glanced towards the door to find two of her friends and co-teachers. She gently waved at them to come in.

“Ga Eul, what time does your class finish today?” Minji, a grade school teacher asked her.

“We’ll be ending in about 5 minutes. Why?” Ga Eul asked.

“The principal and the school administrator called for a meeting today to discuss next week’s event.” Jiwon, another kindergarten teacher explained.

“Ah, is that so? Well, okay then. I’ll be wrapping up today’s class now. Wait for me?” Ga Eul said.

Ga Eul dismissed her class and bid goodbye to her students. After she had made sure that they were all picked up by their parents, she went to meet Minji and Jiwon.

“So, Ga Eul, how’s your little garden?” Jiwon asked.

The humor was not lost to her. She jokingly rolled her eyes at her friend.

“C’mon, Ga Eul. You don’t expect us to stop hovering when you aren’t giving us any answers at all. Not even a clue.” Minji lightly chided.

“She’s right, Ga Eul. Are we not friends?” Jiwon added.

“Girls, behave.” Ga Eul joked. “What can I say when there’s nothing to tell?”

“Yah, Ga Eul. Don’t get smart with us. It’s not everyday that your room gets filled with bouquets after bouquets of fresh flowers. And you’re saying that there’s nothing to tell?” Jiwon demanded.

“Alright. Alright.” Ga Eul seemed to accede. Her two friends smile broadly and looked at her expectantly.

“There’s this guy…” Ga Eul started. Her friends seemed to perk up their ears towards her.

“The end.” Ga Eul promptly finished. She smiled broadly and proceeded to walk fast towards the auditorium where the meeting would be held, leaving her two friends behind with jaws dropping in indignation.

“Yah. Chu Ga Eul. You’re never going to hear the end of this from us. Not until you tell us all about him.” Jiwon shouted after her.

“We’re not to be taken lightly when it comes to fishing for information. I know we’ll find out soon enough. Your admirer can’t stay faceless and nameless for long.” Minji added.


I love you. Yi Jeong wanted to write those words in the card to be delivered with a new bunch of flowers for Ga Eul. But he knows it’s much too soon to say those words again and he didn’t want to pressure Ga Eul into anything. Besides, doing so would go against his current creed to give her time and space. So instead he wrote a simple message, much like those he had previously written: Sweet dreams. He smiled as he imagined her sleeping peacefully. He guessed it wouldn’t hurt if he adds a wish that she’ll dream of him. Yah, Yi Jeong. Look at yourself. The Casanova is being reduced to a day dreaming boy. Yi Jeong thought to himself.

“Yi Jeong, why is it that every time we would come see you, you’re smiling to yourself like an idiot?” Woobin’s voice interrupted Yi Jeong’s thoughts.

“Yah!” Yi Jeong lightly berated. Jihoo and Junpyo laughed.

“But it’s good to see you in high spirits lately since the day you came back.” Jihoo said.

“How’s your Plan Pursue Ga Eul holding up?” Woobin inquired.

“He’s still in the flower-sending stage.” Junpyo offered. “Have you seen Ga Eul’s classroom? It’s like a garden with a classroom when it’s supposed to be the other way around.”

Yi Jeong’s eyes went to Junpyo. “How did you know about that?” he asked.

“Jandi showed me a picture she captured on her phone. Yah, I didn’t know you were the flowers-type of suitor, Yi Jeong. In all the years I’ve known you, I haven’t once seen you give a girl a bouquet, let alone a flower.”

“Idiot, who’s hooked.” Woobin reminded his friends, gesturing at Yi Jeong.

Yi Jeong slapped Woobin’s pointing finger and said, “Cut me some slack, will you? This is all new to me, as if you didn’t know already. I’ve never tried pursuing a girl before. Try doing it sometime Woobin, then let’s talk.”

“I guess, you need a different approach when it comes to Ga Eul.” Jihoo consented.

“Too bad your Casanova skills can’t help you now.” Junpyo said with a smile.

“Please, I can still use some of my Casanova moves. And don’t forget my killer smile.” Yi Jeong joked, before flashing his set of white, perfect teeth. Three sets of eyes rolled at his statement.

“You’re really nervous about all these, aren’t you?” Jihoo asked intuitively.

“You can’t even begin to imagine.” Yi Jeong answered immediately. Enough said.


The next day, as much as Yi Jeong would have liked to spend more time planning the ways to woo Ga Eul, he was unfortunately swamped with work. He had held 5 meetings and attended two events and it wasn’t even six in the evening. Yi Jeong checked the wall clock in his office on the top floor of the So Museum.

He had assumed control and supervision over his family’s pottery business and the full operation of the museum the day he came back. And four years is a long time to be away from the business that had been as much part of his life as was his grandparents and parents constant business trainings and art sessions all throughout his growing-up days.

He switched on his laptop, stared at the wallpaper and smiled. It was a picture of Ga Eul, the first time she received his flowers. He remembered that night and how he had felt slightly guilty for spying on her. He had felt like a stalker when he had to duck his head when Ga Eul looked around, probably curious to see whom the flowers might have come from. He had anticipated her reaction to the card but much to his relief; she had smiled and proceeded to smell the blooms. He didn’t know what compelled him to take a picture; maybe it was because he hadn’t seen her for the whole day or he was simply too far gone but he wasn’t able to help himself and took a picture of that moment anyway. And besides, he had no plans of revealing any of these to anyone, let alone his best friends who he was pretty sure would not let him live this down.

And now, he had no inclination whatsoever to regret it. It was worth it; capturing Ga Eul at that moment. Not only did it extremely please him but it had given him a tinge of hope that maybe things can still work out for them. One look at her image, and mushy as it may sound, he instantly felt better.

He reached for the stack of files for his attention on the other side of his desk. Might as well get things done while I still feel energized today. Yi Jeong thought. Acquisitions, new artists exhibits, and invitation to events; one by one Yi Jeong attends to the files, scribbles some marginal notes, takes notes of the events he would attend and those he would delegate to the other officers. He was down to the last two files and when he glanced at the clock, he was surprised to find that it was close to ten in the evening. He took the next file and read through it. This one was a request as much as an invitation from a school administrator for him to attend their school event to be held a few days from today. The letter was also inviting him to hold a demonstration about pottery for the students.

Yi Jeong placed the folder back on his table, reclined back on his chair, closed his eyes and grinned like an idiot. He must have done something good for the heavens to give him so soon a chance to execute his plans. He didn’t have to look a second time to remember the name of the school. He could pick the name even in his sleep.

Because it’s the school where Ga Eul teaches at.

And it’s the school he will be going to next week for a demo for the kids.

And he can hardly wait.

I’ll see you, Ga Eul-yang. Yi Jeong thought happily.

Ga Eul is loving this day already. She had just entered the school grounds and excitement is palpable in the air. She saw people arriving with their families or friends. Even couples have come to attend today’s event. Some of the students were still running around, making final preparations for their booths or practicing their routines for the program.

There is still two hours before the Family Day Celebration officially opens and already the school ground is alive with all kinds of activities. She went up to the auditorium where the teachers will be having a final meeting before dispersing to make the final preparations needed for the day. When she entered the room, the meeting had just started. She saw Minji and Jiwon waving at her and she went to sit with them just as the Principal was introducing the agenda.

“There have been last-minute additions to today’s events. As we have discussed earlier, I am now happy to inform you that the guests we have invited have confirmed their attendance and will be joining us today.” The Principal announced. Cheers and claps were heard in the room.

“Wow, they really got the invitees to attend, didn’t they?” Minji asked.

“What invitees?” Jiwon questioned.

“Silly. Don’t you remember? Somebody suggested that we invite guests for live demonstrations to be included in the program,” Minji answered.

“I don’t remember.” Jiwon mused.

“Me too.” Ga Eul added.

“Ah, that’s because you were on leave that day, Ga Eul and I forgot to tell you about it Sorry.” Minji answered, smiling apologetically. “As for you,” she added, turning to Jiwon, “do you even remember anything from these kinds of meetings?”

“Point taken, Minji.” Jiwon said.

“So, before I call on our guests, may I please call to the front those who would be in charged of each demonstration?” The principal announced.

“Ah,” Minji started, “that would be you, Ga Eul. I forgot to mention that minor detail, too.”

“Minor?” Ga Eul hissed. “Is this what you would call a minor detail?”

“Well, all you have to do is assist the guest, make sure everything is in order, that kind of stuff. You’re an expert on that Ga Eul.”

Ga Eul looked back pointedly at Minji.

“I’m really sorry, Ga Eul. But since it never came up again during the meetings I forgot about it, thinking that it wouldn’t push through. But at least I got to tell you now.” Minji said.

“Right. Now, as in the actual date of the event.” Ga Eul sighed and walked towards the front.

“Okay, now that we have our staffs-in-charge, who I believe still remembers their duties,” the principal started. Ga Eul glared at Minji who mouthed back to her, ‘I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.’

“I’d like to make a brief introduction of our guests. We have arranged three demonstrations for today: dance, music, and art. And it is a pleasure for me to welcome our three distinguished guests for today, Lee Hana, Dong Hyun and So Yi Jeong. Please join us on stage.” The Principal said and clapping ensued in the room.

Ga Eul was still trying to read Minji’s lips when she heard the last name.

So Yi Jeong, the principal had said.

Her head whipped to the left to look at the principal. Did she just hear him right? Did he just say So Yi Jeong? So Yi Jeong?! The principal was looking to the right side of the stage and she slowly turned towards that direction.

Ga Eul could not believe her eyes. Climbing up the short set of stairs was Yi Jeong, donned not in his trademark suit but in casual clothing. It brought back memories of the day they painted and redesigned Jandi’s apartment all those years ago. She heard the sighs all around the room when Yi Jeong finally stepped on the stage. She can’t deny that Yi Jeong has one of the most handsome faces in the whole world. Well, okay she was biased. But then, it’s moments like this that she realizes the pull he has on members of the opposite sex. Because to her, he had never been ‘So Yi Jeong, the heartthrob’, he had simply been ‘So Yi Jeong, the man she loved’.

When she raised her eyes to his, she caught him already looking straight at her and sporting his familiar grin. She furrowed her brows a bit but to no effect. He was still smiling when he whispered, “Ga Eul-yang” softly as he passed her to shake hands with the principal. To say that she was caught surprised would be an understatement. Actually, her first thoughts were along the lines of ‘No way. No freaking way.’

She modestly looked around to see if anyone noticed Yi Jeong whispering to her. And she mentally sighed to find no one looking suspiciously at her. Of course. All eyes were glued to the guests who just arrived, more so on the last one.

The meeting was adjourned and she couldn’t believe what fate had brought in today. Well, more like who the cat dragged in. Apparently since her kids were the ones who worked on clay, she was assigned to assist Yi Jeong. ‘Isn’t that just great.’ Ga Eul thought. The principal was calling her name and even before she turned around she knew that Yi Jeong was there.

“Ga Eul, this is So Yi Jeong. He has graciously accepted our invitation so he’ll be doing a demonstration for your students and for an audience. I’d like you to take good care of him and please assist him in whatever needs he may have. I’ll leave you two for now.” The Principal said, and turning to Yi Jeong, added, “Thank you again for today Mr. So. In behalf of the whole school, I would like to express our deep appreciation for this. And if you have any questions or if there’s anything you need, please contact me or just ask Ms. Ga Eul here. Well then, enjoy the rest of the day.” And the Principal took his leave and left the two in silence.

Ga Eul was in a dilemma in choosing whether this day turned out for the better or for the worse. She was glad that her kids would get to watch a clay molding demo from Yi Jeong. He is, after all, one of the best in the country. But at the same time, she faintly feels trapped in a situation she’s not sure she wanted to be in.

“Yi Jeong sunbae. What are you doing here?” Ga Eul was the first to speak.

“Well, hello to you too, Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong replied. “I thought that that was already made clear by the Principal,” he added.

“Don’t get smart with me, Sunbae.”

“Why? I really am here for the demonstration.” Yi Jeong defended. “Wait,” he paused, “you are not thinking that I’m here because of you, are you?” he teased.

Ga Eul was a little flustered at the insinuation. “Why, you-“ But Yi Jeong’s next words stopped hers.

“Because I am. Too.” Then he smirks at her. And before she could retort a comeback she saw Minji and Jiwon walking towards them, their faces filled with unrestrained admiration as they stared at Yi Jeong and then shifting to curious but sly smiles as they met her eyes. Oh no. This is not good. This is not good at all, Ga Eul sighed mentally.


“Ga Eul.” A voice called out from the now dispersing audience.

Yi Jeong found the source of the voice approaching them. He figured the two women coming towards them are Ga Eul’s friends here in school. He couldn’t help but notice their admiring stares directed at him and the questioning looks they both gave Ga Eul. He smiled inwardly finding some humor in Ga Eul’s unmistakable frustration not because he enjoys the dilemma she’s currently facing but because he just finds her too adorable for her own good. He would bet Ga Eul didn’t tell anybody that he was the one who’s sending her all those flowers.

“Ga Eul, see what good this does for you.” Yi Jeong heard one of the women whisper to Ga Eul. Then immediately turned her attention to him.

“So Yi Jeong. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m Lee Minji and I’m a fan of your work.” Yi Jeong greeted her and the other woman who introduced herself as Park Jiwon back. They both thanked him for choosing their school for the demonstration and assured him that they will be joining the audience who will watch his demonstration.

“Ga Eul. You have to take good care of So Yi Jeong, all right?” Minji said.

“Yi Jeong, I assure you that Ga Eul will assist you in everything you need. She’s a very capable person and she seems to really enjoy your kind of art. Her kids are the ones who will be joining you for the demonstration.” Jiwon explained.

Yi Jeong took in that information. Talk about sheer good fortune. He accepted the invitation especially because this is where Ga Eul teaches. Then Ga Eul gets assigned by the principal to assist him for today. And then this. He was now smiling broadly, unable to keep in his pleasure in learning that she still enjoys pottery and is teaching her students how to do it. Fate must be very pleased with him lately since he’s getting all these chances. Don’t blow it, Yi Jeong. He reminded himself.

“Ah, is that so.” Yi Jeong answered, turning to look directly at Ga Eul. “I can’t wait to meet them.”


Ga Eul and Yi Jeong are now alone, walking along the corridor in the first floor to the room where the clay demonstration would be held not more than thirty minutes from now. Like all the surprises that came today, Ga Eul was surprised that they were walking in comfortable silence.

She has recovered from her initial shock and in some way, horror, at seeing Yi Jeong at her school. She was glad that Yi Jeong gave no indication of having met her before but the looks Minji and Jiwon gave her before they left the auditorium were just begging for details. She feels sorry about not telling them but at this moment she still wasn’t ready to disclose it. It would have been easier had he not send her all those flowers. If he hadn’t, she would have just gladly introduced him as an old friend. If or when her friends find out about Yi Jeong, well, she’d worry when it happens.

She took a side glance at the object of her dilemma and found herself wondering how he could look so casual and relaxed beside her as if nothing at all is wrong in the world.

“Ga Eul-yang, are you disappointed?” The sudden question caught her by surprise and she was brought back from her musings. Her eyes immediately went to Yi Jeong’s face and found him staring at her. Flustered, she immediately turned her head forward, avoiding his inquisitive eyes, and thought about how to answer and she blurted the first thing that came to mind.

“Disappointed with what?” Ga Eul asked, feigning ignorance.

“Are you disappointed that I’m here now?” Yi Jeong elaborated.

“If I say that I am, would you leave?”

“No. But, do you want me to leave?”

Ga Eul took the chance and looked at Yi Jeong again. He was still looking at her, quite intently and she noticed that a crease has formed in his forehead. He seemed pretty anxious about her answer and she could not help but smile a little, wondering how this man, who she’d known to have mastered the skills in hiding his feelings are now letting himself show this much on his face just because of a simple question.

“I’m not disappointed, sunbae. Just surprised.” Ga Eul finally answered, noticing that his eyebrows relaxed a bit at her words. “And I’m not asking you to leave.” She added, pleased a little with the fact that his face has now completely relaxed. She noticed a small smile too.

Ga Eul heard him sigh. “I’m happy to hear you say that.” A smile broke across his face and Ga Eul had to tell herself to look away because it was, to describe it, too bright for her. She was glad because at that moment they already reached the demo room so she clearly had an excuse to change the subject.

“We’re here, sunbae. I think the school has already brought in all the materials you would need. But if there are still some that aren’t here, just tell me.” Ga Eul offered.

The two of them entered the room which is brightly lit through the rows of windows. The morning light illuminated the room even more, giving off a very warm atmosphere. Ga Eul liked the ambience and knew that her kids would enjoy doing pottery with Yi Jeong here. She could not help but notice the irony of this whole situation. There she was, at the school where she teaches, standing in a room with Yi Jeong, waiting for her students to arrive so they could all start a demo on pottery. One reason she was so dedicated to her students was because they had been a sort of lifeline for her, especially during her earlier teaching days when she used to drown herself with thoughts of Yi Jeong. She had felt compelled to make it up to them for her sometimes neglectful attitude. Talk about putting the past and the present in the same room at the same time. Ga Eul didn’t know if she was going to be overwhelmed.

“So, what do you think Sunbae? Is this place alright for your demo?” Ga Eul asked, after surveying the room.

“I think this will be great, Ga Eul-yang. I feeling kind of excited. To tell you the truth this is just, I think, my second or third time doing a demo. And this is my first time with children. I am sort of feeling a little bit nervous.” Yi Jeong admitted. Ga Eul smiled at that. Yi Jeong, nervous? She wouldn’t have thought of it.

“I’m sure you’ll do great, Sunbae. And besides, my students are pretty awesome.” Ga Eul said proudly.

“Is that right?”

“Absolutely. From whom else could they have learned from?”

Yi Jeong laughed out loud at that. “You’ve grown pretty proud of yourself, if I may say so, Ga Eul-yang.”

“It’s not a matter of pride, Sunbae. It’s a matter of confidence. And I happen to be very confident when it comes to my students.” Ga Eul replied in an irritated tone but followed it with a smile to get the joke across.


For the next twenty minutes, the two of them made minor adjustments to the room’s layout and fixed the materials to be used by the students. They worked in comfortable silence with the occasional light conversation.

Yi Jeong could not help but steal glances at the woman alone in the room with him for the moment. Her face was much brighter than from their last meeting. He had to congratulate himself for going with his plan to approach things slowly and to keep things light, at least in these early stages so that Ga Eul won’t feel too pressured with him.

Sometimes, when he would look her way, he would catch her looking at him too. And as familiar as that of before, she would avert her eyes immediately and turn her face away in embarrassment. He swore he saw her smile before she turned away but then again that may be just his imagination going into overdrive, created by his eager mind because he himself was smiling like a smitten idiot. That is, when she wasn’t looking.

At five minutes before the demo’s scheduled time, Yi Jeong could hear sounds of commotion coming towards the room. ‘Those must be the kids.’ He thought. A moment after, eight kids came running in the room, their excited chattering voices competing with each other. Upon their entrance, they scanned the room and when their eyes fell on Ga Eul, they rushed to her side immediately.

Yi Jeong wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of feelings that came over him at seeing this: Ga Eul surrounded with happy kids. For one moment, a faraway thought entered his mind. Is this what she’d look like if she’s surrounded by their own kids? And with that thought, a lump formed in this throat and he was finding it difficult to swallow. The thought was so unbidden; it froze his smile in place. He brushed it off his mind, not welcoming that kind of distraction at this stage of his plan. He figured he’ll have more chances to sort out those thoughts some other time. He convinced himself to enjoy this moment. His smile spread widely on his lips as he continued to watch Ga Eul welcoming her students, directing them to their seats and explaining what will happen in the demo.

“There’s no smile like yours, Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong whispered to himself as he watched them. The kids were followed by their parents who had also gathered around Ga Eul. There was no doubt she was loved by these people. He was happy that he was able to share these kinds of moments with her even from a distance.

One by one, the audience seats were filled up and soon the room was buzzing with excited people of various age groups. There were even people lining up at the corridor, watching though the half-glassed walls. Yi Jeong began to dress up for his demo, wearing his apron and placing a band on his forehead so his hair would not cover his eyes. He planned to conduct the demo in three parts: first is the start-up demo where he would demonstrate what the kids would be doing, second is when the kids actually make their own clay pieces, and for the finale, he’ll make a special piece which he plans to give to the school as a token. He glanced around the room again. Everyone was smiling. Yi Jeong was already enjoying this demo even before it began. He found himself becoming happier by the minute and as he glanced Ga Eul’s way, he wanted to make this day a good memory for her as well.

It didn’t surprise Ga Eul that the demo room was overflowing with people eager to watch Yi Jeong. After all, his fame was not just confined to his being an art genius. He was famous, or rather infamous for other non-artistic things as well, especially when it comes to his personal life. He is the F4 Casanova. Seeing that he had been gone for four years, in a way, Ga Eul could understand why everybody was curious as to what he’s been up to these past few years.

The female population seems to be in full force that day, a majority of which had the sole purpose of catching a glimpse of the infamous playboy. Ga Eul smiled wistfully. She then wondered if Yi Jeong had continued his playboy ways in Sweden and her mood dropped by a notch. She didn’t have the courage to ask the other F3 or Jandi about it before, let alone now. She had figured then that if he had wanted her to know how he was doing, he would have contacted her himself. Day after day and week after week, until the months turned into years, she had waited for something that never came.

Ga Eul shook her head slightly to disperse such somber thoughts. ‘Now is not the time to think about the past, Ga Eul.’ She told herself. She looked up at Yi Jeong, standing in front of the crowd getting ready for his demo. His outfit reminded her of the very first time she saw him doing pottery. She remembered thinking that he was art itself; perfection, so to speak. She couldn’t stop staring then. To put it bluntly, she was mesmerized by the sight of him.

At that moment, Yi Jeong lifted his face and their eyes met. He smiled at her and she smiled back, albeit a little weakly. She slowly averted her face because she found out that even after all these years; he still has the power to mesmerize her. Shoot. Get a hold of yourself, Ga Eul, she thought.

Ga Eul proceeded to the front when she saw the audience has already settled down.

“Ready when you are, Sunbae.” She said.

“Let’s get this show on the road, Ga Eul-yang.”

The demonstration flowed smoothly from one part to the next as Yi Jeong had planned. Yi Jeong taught the children the basics on how to make simple tea cups and dishes. He offered one-on-one, hands-on help to each student which all the kids truly enjoyed if the wide grins on their faces were any indication. Ga Eul, on the other hand, assisted her students as much as she could.

“Teacher,” one of the children called. Ga Eul turned to look and was surprised that her student was not looking at her at all. “Teacher Yi Jeong,” she called again. This would have been just an ordinary situation but because Ga Eul saw how Yi Jeong was stopped in his tracks by that one remark, it became such a cute and endearing one. His face registered at least three different expressions in a span of a couple of seconds. She could not help but laugh out loud. Yi Jeong looked up at her when he heard her and finally registers a smile after recovering from his surprise. Yi Jeong then approached the student.

“Teacher, is this the right way to do it?” the student named Jun, asked.

“Well, is this how you want to shape your dish?” Yi Jeong inquired softly.

“I want to shape it like a flower.”

“That’s an interesting choice. Are flowers your favorite?”

“Yes, because flowers remind me of Teacher Ga Eul. Our classroom is always filled with flowers. Everyday.” He explained.

And for what seemed like the nth time that day, Yi Jeong’s and Ga Eul’s eyes met across the room, their smiles hinting at their shared little secret. Ga Eul looked away first. She glanced at the audience and immediately saw Minji and Jiwon looking a bit perplexed. And a bit suspicious? Her smiled faltered a little but she regained her composure and waved at them.


“Ah, is that true? Does Teacher Ga Eul like the flowers?” Yi Jeong asked.

“Hmm, Yes.” The kid exclaimed. “We always see her smelling flowers when we come to class in the morning.” He added.

Yi Jeong glanced again at Ga Eul who was waving at the audience at that moment. He was thankful that part of his plan was working.

The demo continued into the afternoon. Yi Jeong was pleasantly surprised that he enjoyed teaching the little kids. As selfish as it might sound, he really did accept the invitation because of one reason alone. And that was Ga Eul. The demonstration to the kids was only secondary and his initial thought was that the experience would be interesting. But now he truly enjoyed it.

He took notice of the differences between demonstrating for kids and for grown-ups. What he appreciated the most with the kids was their attention and their genuine interest in learning to do clay. He found it very refreshing. And the funny thing about it all was that the art pieces they made were in one way or another related to Ga Eul: flowers, congee bowl (because Ga Eul makes congee when her kids are sick), lettuce design (because Ga Eul and the kids made a lettuce costume for a school play), a camera design (because Ga Eul loves to take pictures). He had to admit that the kids were smart enough to realize that they have a great person in their life, even at such young ages. Now, if only he had been that smart all those years ago to have realized the place Ga Eul held in his heart. But that was then and this is now, Yi Jeong resolved. He’s changed and now he knows what he really wants or simply what he had really wanted all this time.

The last part of the session was a personal demonstration from him. Yi Jeong was thinking of a perfect subject for his piece, which he had already decided he would donate to the school as a token of his appreciation for their invitation. And when he saw all the kids gather around Ga Eul when they arrived, he knew he had the perfect image for his piece.

After the demonstration, everyone seemed to flock towards him for pictures, especially the ladies. He indulged some of them but, to his surprise, Ga Eul was able to request from them a little privacy for him as he was an invited guest for the event. The audience acquiesced after some time and filed out of the room albeit unwillingly.

“Still can’t get them away from you, sunbae?” Ga Eul teased as they arranged the pottery work of the kids.

“My curse.” Yi Jeong teased back. Ga Eul laughed.

“You’re so full of yourself, sunbae.”

“But you’re the one who said it.”


Yi Jeong and Ga Eul turned to their backs at the sound, their smiles still on their faces. Ga Eul’s however dipped down a little as she realized the voice belonged to Minji, who was with Jiwon and the kids.

“Are we interrupting anything, Ga Eul?” Minji asked innocently.

“Of course not.” Ga Eul replied. “We were just arranging the kids’ works, which are by the way, the best I’ve seen.” Ga Eul’s voice turned soft as she addressed her students. “Come here, you guys. Great job.” And with that, all her kids flocked around her and gave her a group hug.

“Thank you, teacher,” the children chorused.

Ga Eul laughed as she saw the smiling faces of her kids. She looked up to Yi Jeong who was smiling as well. “Is there someone else you should be saying thank you to?” Ga Eul hinted and inclined her head a little towards Yi Jeong. Taking the hint, the kids began to flock now to Yi Jeong.

“Thank you, teacher Yi Jeong.” One of the kids said as he approached Yi Jeong. The other kids followed suit, thanking Yi Jeong for teaching them. And being kids, once they start talking, it was hard to make them stop. The kids began to share what they liked about the art demonstration. All at the same time.

Ga Eul could not help but laugh as Yi Jeong tried his earnest to answer all the questions and comments from the kids. It was really good to see Yi Jeong smile in a carefree manner. Ga Eul could not help but take out her camera and just capture this happy moment. At the sound of the click, everyone turned their eyes on her. For just a moment. And then the kids went back to talking to Yi Jeong. Even Minji and Jiwon joined in as they gave praises after praises to Yi Jeong. Ten minutes later, everyone was winding down their stories when one of the little girls came up to him and gave him a hug.

“Thank you again, Teacher Yi Jeong. We had such a fun time today.” She said. The chorus of thank you’s begun as the kids, one by one, came up to Yi Jeong to give him a hug. In the end, the kids and Yi Jeong were all together in a group hug, which earned them another ‘click’ from Ga Eul’s camera.

This time, only Yi Jeong turned to her at the sound of the camera.

“Don’t I get a thank-you hug from the teacher as well?” Yi Jeong asked, grinning straight at Ga Eul.

Ga Eul was lowering her camera when Yi Jeong’s words registered to her. Her hand momentarily suspended as her mind screamed, Sunbae, what are you saying? Her eyes went first to Yi Jeong and then to Minji and Jiwon, who are now looking back and forth at the two of them.

As soon as he heard his words, Yi Jeong realized his mistake and glanced warily at Minji and Jiwon, who were glancing back at them.

“I mean, don’t I get a thank-you hug from the teachers?” he asked pointedly, trying to cover his slip. He looked directly at Ga Eul’s co-teachers, flashing them a smile. You’ll know what star-struck women look like when you see Minji and Jiwon at that moment. Curiosity forgotten, they obliged with Yi Jeong’s request and went up to him as well. They motioned for Ga Eul to join in as well. And since everybody was now waiting for her, she had no choice but to join in.


“You really enjoy teaching, don’t you Ga Eul-yang?”

“I do.”

Ga Eul glanced sideways at Yi Jeong, who was now walking beside her. His demonstration was finished and the kids have gone with their parents to enjoy the rest of the day together. After they tidied up the room, she tried to sneak away from him but failed miserably. The moment she thought it, he was by her side the next and had been there since. ‘So much for a quick exit’, she remembered thinking.

She was planning to look around the different booths and take pictures. Alone. But apparently, Yi Jeong was still able to disrupt her plans. So now, there they were, walking side by side, visiting booth after booth. She wanted to slap herself because she felt like they were high school sweethearts enjoying a school fair. Well, actually, she did slap herself on the side of her head once and instead of giving her a weird look, Yi Jeong looked at her as if he knew exactly why she did it.

Minji and Jiwon were no help at all. Now, she didn’t know which was worse: them knowing about her history with Yi Jeong or them trying to play cupids with their blatantly obvious matchmaking plan. She almost begged her friends to come with them but they strongly declined, making up excuses that was so absurd, she would have laughed if the she wasn’t in that situation. She recalled Minji’s whispered advice to her before they separated, ‘This is your big chance, Ga Eul. So Yi Jeong is such a great catch.’ Isn’t that just great. If they only knew. She had taken that chance before and looked where it brought her.

“Ga Eul-yang, thank you for helping me out today during the demonstration.” Yi Jeong’s voice brought her out of her reverie.

“You’re welcome, sunbae. I want to thank you, too, for teaching my kids. I really think they had a great time today.”

“Ms. Chu.” They both turned at the sound of the voice. It came from a high school guy who was manning a game booth.

“Ms. Chu, why don’t you try our booth? The prizes are nice and they suit you well, simple but pretty.” The guy said.

“You don’t have to sing me false praises, Go Soo.” Ga Eul joked back. “Since I’m a teacher, I’d like to support all the booths today, so I’ll give yours a try.” She turned to Yi Jeong and asked, “Are you game, sunbae?”

“You bet, I am.” Ga Eul chuckled. They both approach the booth.

“Okay, what do we have to do?”



“What?” she exclaimed.

“What?” she heard Yi Jung exclaimed too.

“Ms. Chu, our booth is a kissing booth. If you sign up for a number of minutes, we’ll give you a prize. You can just try the one with the shortest time 15 minutes top. And don’t worry. It will only be on the cheeks.” Go Soo explained.

“Ah, is that so?” Ga Eul started, thinking of some excuse to the kids. “Ah, I think I would be of little help to your booth.”

“That’s not true, Ms Chu. I for one would know a couple of people who’d line up for you.” One of Go Soo’s classmates interjected, placing a hand on Go Soo’s shoulders. “Isn’t that right, Go Soo?”

“Ah, right. Of course. They’re absolutely right. Please help us, Ms. Chu.”

Ga Eul looked at the high school students. “All right, fine. But just for 15 minutes, okay?”

“You’re the best, Ms. Chu.”


Never in a hundred years would Yi Jeong think he would be in this kind of situation in all his life. Never. But trust it to be Ga Eul who could change the dynamics of his life.

So there he was, sitting opposite Ga Eul, participating at a kissing booth, during a school fair. If he wasn’t the actual one in the situation, he would have laughed out loud.

After the demonstration that morning, his eyes had immediately sought her familiar face. Thankfully, he caught her just as she was about to sneak out of the room. Sly girl – trying to get away from him. Of course, that’s something he can’t allow. He had smiled to himself when he caught the look on her face as she realized her failure of a plan. She even attempted to persuade her co-teachers to come with them but fate had once again smiled upon him. He figured they were trying to play matchmaking for Ga Eul and he was not complaining. She hadn’t been able to leave him for the rest of the afternoon.

He enjoyed watching her skip excitedly from one booth to another, her genuine appreciation for the hard work of the students was not only inspiring for them but infectious for him as well. And he smiled widely as he she took pictures after pictures. Of everything. Apparently, her love for photography and pictures had not wavered. He recalled their trip to Caledonia and how he also observed her taking tons of pictures. He was happy that at least some things never change: including the fact that strange and unexpected things seem to happen whenever he was with her.

For instance, his current predicament now. When he first heard the high school guy calling Ga Eul, he was intrigued when he immediately realized that the kid was harboring a crush on her. How did he know? It was painfully obvious but Ga Eul being Ga Eul, he bet she didn’t even notice. He felt a little bit of pity for the kid because there’s no chance of them ever being together. Not that that was even a remote possibility. All he’s saying is that nothing of this sort can ever happen, not when he’s around. But now he’s suddenly feeling a little bit of pity towards himself for being jealous of a high school kid. ‘Real smooth, Casanova.’ He though.

To hear them inviting Ga Eul to participate in a kissing booth and then hear her say yes: he was speechless for a moment. He didn’t think she would accept. But knowing her, she probably did just to help the kids. It’s as simple as that to her. So to see guys line up for her was, as he had predicted, a shock to her. He had the sudden urge to just hug her for not even noticing her own charms. And then take her away so she wouldn’t kiss a bunch of strangers, in front of him, no less.


Ga Eul watched as girls after girls continue to line up for Yi Jeong. She was able to make him say yes, after much persuasion and a little bit of blackmail. He did say he was up for anything. But she knew he’d bring in all the big bucks and that would be great for the kids. He’s So Yi Jeong after all. She couldn’t help but smile every once in a while when she would look his way and catch one of those friendly but albeit a bit forced smiles. For some reason, he was not enjoying the task of kissing girls, which she found surprising. But what was unsettling was the pleasure she felt knowing he’s not enjoying the task.

The fifteen minutes was almost over and there were only three guys left in her line. On the other hand, there still seems to be about ten on Yi Jeong’s line. Go Soo and his classmates, with much regret, had to stop selling the stubs to girls because of the time limit. Their faces were telling of their disappointment of having just contracted only 15 minutes of his time.

“Thank you for helping us out like this, Ms. Chu.” Go Soo said, approaching her.

“No problem, Go Soo. Keep up the good work and I hope your booth continues to succeed. My time’s up now, right?” Ga Eul replied.

“Well, not exactly.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we still have one more person left who hasn’t submitted his stub.”

“Oh. Did he leave or something?” Ga Eul asked.

“Not exactly.” Go Soo said.

“Ga Eul-yang.” Ga Eul looked up and saw Yi Jeong walking towards her. “I’m all done. Are you?”

“Not exactly.” Ga Eul echoed Go Soo’s reply. “Go Soo says there’s still one person who paid the stub but hasn’t arrived yet.”

“Oh, you mean this one?” Yi Jeong said. Blood drained from Ga Eul’s face as she looked at the red stub between Yi Jeong’s fingers.

“Here you go, Go Soo.”

And then blood came rushing in again as she watch Yi Jeong sit beside her and offer his cheek to her.

“Is this some kind of a joke, sunbae? Because, if it is, I…” Ga Eul started.

“Never.” Yi Jeong immediately interjected.


It was a decision based on instinct so he could argue that he really didn’t put much thought in it. Sometime in between those fifteen minutes, he was able to motion for Go Soo and asked to buy a stub. The look on the kid’s face was amusing: there was shock and then gradual realization.

“Here you go, Mr. So. Good luck.” Go Soo had said accompanied by a knowing smile.

“Oh, you mean this one?” he said, holding up the stub between his fingers. He noticed that Ga Eul’s face had turned white as she saw what was in his hands. He was a little bit apologetic towards Ga Eul about surprising her like this. But oh, well. All’s fair in love and war.

“Is this some kind of a joke, sunbae? Because if it is, I...”

“Never.” He replied and then motioned his cheek towards her.

Ga Eul was now noticeably squirming in her seat. Her eyes scanned the crowd and were filled with obvious embarrassment when she noticed a small group of people had formed around the booth. And then she turned them on him, thinning slightly with disapproval.

“You are in so much trouble now, sunbae.” Ga Eul whispered menacingly to him.

He just nodded, all the time grinning.

“You do know that you are so dead, right?” Ga Eul threatened.

“Absolutely. Now, if you please…” Yi Jeong prodded.

He heard her sigh in resignation. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her slowly approaching face. He felt soft lips against his cheek and he closed his eyes instinctively. But the next moment, it was gone. Damn it, he inwardly cursed. That was just too fast. And then he felt fingers on his cheek and immediately looked up at Ga Eul.

“There, there now, sunbae.” Ga Eul said, tapping at his cheek. He couldn’t believe how well she was taking this situation. But then the pain came. She had pinched his cheek and to say that it hurt was an understatement. Not that he has low tolerance for pain. Please, he had been away from her for more than four years. But the pinch came suddenly, when he wasn’t expecting it at all.

“Ow.” He rubbed his cheek. When he looked up at her again, he saw a smug look on her face.

“You did not just pinch me on the cheek, Ga Eul-yang.”

“Oh, but I did, sunbae.” She replied, believing she had put one over him.



“Yup. I guess I deserved that in a way.”

“You sure do.” Ga Eul replied, feigning indignation. But he noticed that she was now smiling and her eyes are now filled with amusement.

“But it was worth it.” He added.

“Whatever, sunbae.” Ga Eul joked, trying to dismiss the subject with a wave of her hand.

‘It was, Ga Eul.’ He added in his mind. He had wanted to turn his head towards her but somehow he knew she wouldn’t have been so thrilled about that. So he figured this was more than enough. At least for now.

Ga Eul let her bag drop on the floor of her bedroom. She was drained, both physically and emotionally. But she was also happy; happier than she had been in a long time. Not that she wasn’t happy before. It was like she felt once again, a familiar brand of happiness. She should feel indignant and wary because the cause of her happiness happens to have been the cause of her pain too. But right now, it’s not a dichotomy at all. It was just that one person. So Yi Jeong. One day. A mere one day and she felt like she was slowly coming undone. ‘Great. Just great.’ She thought.

She laid down on her bed, arms spread by her side; her eyes on the ceiling. She could barely comprehend what had happened during these past couple of days. It all started when Yi Jeong did the art demo during the school’s family day. Whether it went downhill or uphill from there is something that she could not longer decide at that moment.

She had enjoyed that day immensely and the memories that won’t leave her mind were that of her students’ smiles and the incident at the kissing booth. She was pleased watching the kids enjoy their special art class. On the other hand, her mind had gone blank for a couple of seconds at the kissing booth when she saw that stub in Yi Jeong’s hands. She realized that in effect, Yi Jeong was asking for her kiss when he had bought it. That whole episode was surreal. She was either naïve or crazy every time an unbidden image of that came into mind and she couldn’t help but blush. She was thankful she was still able to act normal for the rest of the afternoon.

Today, she saw him again at school. He dropped by her classroom in the morning carrying two boxes. For one moment she thought the boxes contained flowers and that he had decided to reveal himself in front of her class but to her relief he had said the boxes contained two art pieces: one as token of his appreciation to the school for the invitation and the other one as a gift to her kids, a kind of souvenir of the other day.

She had watched the kids’ eyes fill with anticipation and then grow wide as they settled on Yi Jeong’s art gift. Her eyes went wide as well when she saw a big rectangular dish with a design that pictured her engulfed in the kids’ embrace.

“Sunbae…” she had uttered, not getting any other words out. On the other hand, the kids gushed out all kinds of praises. They looked so happy and pleased to recognize themselves in the dish. She didn’t really notice it before but Yi Jeong was very detailed.

“Can we put this on display here, Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong had asked.

“Absolutely.” She had answered enthusiastically. “We can put it here on top of this shelf.” She had added, motioning to the low shelf where they display the other art pieces that the kids had done.

“There you go. Perfect.” Yi Jeong had said, after arranging the dish on the shelf.

“Sunbae, this is…” she had started.

“Thanks, Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong replied, as if reading her mind about how she had wanted to compliment his work. She just smiled in return.

“How about I take another commemorative photo of you, the kids and your piece, sunbae?”

“Okay. I’d like that.” He had replied and then motioned for the kids to join him in the picture.

Ga Eul rolled to the side of her bed to take out her camera from the bag. She clicked through the pictures until she found the shot she was looking for. Yi Jeong and the kids were all smiles for the camera. She loved how some of the kids were looking at Yi Jeong, almost adoringly if she might add, while some glanced at the art piece at the exact moment she pushed the click button. And Yi Jeong, it was like he was looking and smiling right at her. It was disconcerting in a way, as if he was looking at her almost adoringly too.

She put her hand over her heart. It was beating faster than normal. ‘Ga Eul, get a hold of yourself.’ She told herself. She needed to talk to Jandi. She picked up her phone and speed dialed her best friend.

“Ga Eul?”

“Jandi, I need to tell you something.”

“Oh my god. Don’t tell me you’re pregnant.”

“Jandi-ah!” she exclaimed and heard Jandi chuckle at the other end of the line.

“I’m just kidding, silly. But seriously, is something wrong?”

“It’s no big deal. I just want to talk to someone about it.”

“Don’t tell me. Is this about Yi Jeong sunbae?”


“You know me so well, Jandi.” Ga Eul conceded.

“Argh. One of these days, I’m really going to hunt him down. Gu Junpyo and his oath of friendship be damned. I needed to tell you something anyway. How about I’ll just come by your school tomorrow and let’s talk after wrok. Is that okay?”

“You’re the best, Jandi.”


When Ga Eul arrived at school the following morning, she found Minji and Jiwon waiting for her by the school entrance. She noticed that they were both fidgeting and they kept walking back and forth. Minji saw her first and immediately ran up to her.

“Ga Eul, what took you so long?” Minji inquired, almost forcefully.

Ga Eul checked her watch. “Minji, classes do not start in another fifteen minutes. Why are both so unsettled? Is something wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.” Minji answered.

“In fact, everything’s great. Just great.” Jiwon beamed. And then they both grab her arms and pulled her along as they walked to her classroom.

“I know your actions are both bordering on the weird most of the time but you’re both acting really strange today. What’s up?” Ga Eul asked.

They entered her classroom and her friends drop their hold on her arms. She started walking towards her table still looking at them, waiting for an answer.

“Ga Eul-yang.” The voice behind her said.

“Ahh!” came Ga Eul’s shocked response. She immediately turned around and found herself mere inches away from Yi Jeong’s face. She jumped back from the close proximity. She could hear the sniggers from the door where Minji and Jiwon are standing. And then they shouted, “Surprise! You have a special visitor, Ga Eul.”

She looked at her friends incredulously. ‘You two are going to get it from me later.’ she vowed. “Thanks for the advance info, guys.” She said sarcastically.

She turned to look at her ‘special visitor’ and her eyes widened when she noticed that he was holding a bouquet of flowers. She looked at him, her eyes asking, ‘Are you insane, sunbae?’ Apparently, the flowers were not lost to her two co-teachers as well.

“So Yi Jeong, are you, by any chance, the guy who’s sending all these flowers to Ga Eul?” Minji was the first to ask, her voice expectant.

He looked at her momentarily and then faced the other two. “Oh, you mean this. I found this on Ga Eul-yang’s desk. I picked it up because I was wondering if it smells as good as it looks. Here you go.” Yi Jeong explained and then placed the flowers back on her desk.

“So, you don’t know who’s been sending you flowers?” Yi Jeong asked, now looking straight at Ga Eul. In her mind, the question sounded absurd because they both know the truth.

“I think Ga Eul knows already but she won’t tell us anything.” Jiwon said, her reply sounding almost like a whine.

“And you have no idea who this person is?” Yi Jeong asked.

“Yes. Although Minji and I both surmised that they must have come from a secret admirer.” Jiwon said dreamily.

Ga Eul wasn’t comfortable about where this conversation was heading and attempted to change the subject.

“What are you doing here, sunbae, I mean, Mr. So?”

“Good morning to you, too Ga Eul-yang.”

Ga Eul couldn’t help but smile at that. She did realize how rude her question might have seemed. “I’m sorry.” She smiled, a bit apologetic. “It’s just that these two friends of mine,” gesturing at the two women by the door, “were acting so weird so I thought something bad must have happened and then I find you here in my classroom and I was just shocked,” she reasoned and then tried at the greeting again. “Good morning. What brings you here today, Mr. So?”


“Uhm, you have another gift for my kids?”

“Guess again.”

“You have another gift for the principal?” Ga Eul joked. Yi Jeong laughed.

“Guess again.”

“I give up?”

“So soon, Ga Eul-yang?”

“I can’t think of anything else, actually.” At that moment, the kids filed inside the classroom and upon seeing Yi Jeong turned into an excited little group.

“Teacher Yi Jeong!” They said in chorus. “You’re here again.” They cheered.

“Hi, kids. Did you miss me?” Yi Jeong asked, crouching to the ground to face the kids.

“Yes,” they all answered in unison.

Ga Eul could not help but smile. It was an extraordinary sight to see Yi Jeong happy being surrounded by kids who obviously adored him. Just then, the school bell rang signaling the start of classes.

“I’ll see you later, kids.” Yi Jeong said, standing up. Minji and Jiwon waved quick goodbyes and headed off to their respective classes.

“Sunbae, you still haven’t told me the reason you’re here.” Ga Eul asked Yi Jeong who had started for the door.

“Oh, right. I still haven’t, have I?”

Pause. Ga Eul continued to look at Yi Jeong, waiting for his answer.

“Well…” Ga Eul prompted.

“I’m going to start teaching at this school today. So, I’ll see you at lunch, Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong answered before turning around. When he reached the door, he paused and then did a little wave with his hand before disappearing out the corridor.

Ga Eul’s eyes did not leave that spot by the door where Yi Jeong had waved goodbye. She also continued to gape at his revelation.

‘What did he just say? No, he couldn’t have said… I mean, it’s only what she thinks she heard him say but that doesn’t mean that that was what he actually said, right? He didn’t just say that he’ll be teaching at this school, too. He couldn’t have said that. She heard him wrong, that’s all,’ Ga Eul thought to herself. She regained a little composure. She turned to face her class and found them all looking expectantly at her.

“Is it true, teacher?”

“Is Teacher Yi Jeong going to teach at this school?”

“Will he be teaching us too?”

Ga Eul stared at her students. These kids heard the same thing she did. ‘But she heard wrong. Does this mean that all her kids heard wrong too? And if so, were they all developing hearing problems?’ Ga Eul thought this was unlikely, which brings her to the alternative: she didn’t hear wrong. Yi Jeong was going to start teaching at her school today.

‘Shoot,’ Ga Eul thought.


“See you all tomorrow.” Ga Eul called out to her students.

“Bye, teacher,” they replied.

“Chu Ga Eul.” Ga Eul turned around at Minji’s voice. She saw her two friends approaching her with bright eyes and wide smiles.

“Have you heard already, Ga Eul?” Jiwon asked.

“Heard what?” Ga Eul asked in return.

“About So Yi Jeong, teaching at our school?”

“So it really is true?” Ga Eul asked.

“Oh, so you knew already?” Minji asked.

“He kind of told me this morning but I thought I heard wrong.”

“Well, you heard right, Ga Eul. Apparently he’s going to teach for free, for a couple of weeks. Just an art elective for the high school students.”

“We’ll get to see So Yi Jeong almost everyday. I can’t believe this is happening?” The two teachers sighed.

‘Neither can I,’ Ga Eul added to herself.


Yi Jeong scanned the cafeteria for a familiar face or more specifically for Ga Eul. Almost all the people have stopped to look at him or give him a glance but he was thankful that none were intrusive as to actually come up to him during lunch.

His eyes caught Minji and Jiwon waving at him from their table and he started to make his way toward them. At last, he found her. Ga Eul was facing him and again he was thankful that at least she has a smile on her face. He remembered her reaction that morning upon hearing that he’ll be teaching at this school. She gaped at him and he would have bet it took some time before she recovered from her shock, which is why her smile was making him feel a little bit relieved.

“Is it okay if I join you for lunch?” he asked.

“Absolutely.” Minji and Jiwon chorused.

“You’re always welcome to join us, Mr. So.”

“Please, call me Yi Jeong.” He insisted. “Is it okay, Ga Eul-yang?” he asked.

“Of course.” Ga Eul answered.

“We’re so glad that you would be teaching at our school, Yi Jeong.” Jiwon said.

“I’m also very glad to be here.” He answered, glancing at Ga Eul. “The principal told me about this new program for short-term elective subjects and I was just happy to help the school out during its trial stages.”

“That’s so nice of you.” Minji said. “Don’t you think so too, Ga Eul?” she asked, slightly elbowing her.

Ga Eul nodded and smiled in acquiescence.

“Thanks.” He simply replied.

“Oh, will you look at the time.” Jiwon suddenly said, glancing at her watch. “Minji, aren’t we supposed to go somewhere before the bell rings?”

“Huh? Oh, right, right. Ga Eul, Yi Jeong, please excuse us. We’ll just see you both later. Enjoy your lunch together.” Minji said and then the two went off.

“Is it just me or were they really acting weird just now?” he inquired.

“Well, they both act weird in a good way most of the time, but, yeah, I think they acted weirder than usual just now.” Ga Eul answered. They continued to eat comfortably in silence.

“I still can’t believe you’ll be a teacher here, sunbae.”

“Well, it was really a great opportunity, not just for the kids but for me as well.”

“I understand but why here?”

“You don’t want me here.” He said it more as a statement rather than a question. He faltered for a bit. ‘Did he make the wrong decision in accepting the offer? Was this too much for her?’ he thought.

“No, no. I mean, it’s not that at all, sunbae. It’s just that, this seems to be a bit out of character for you. Not that you aren’t kind enough to want to do this but more of like don’t you have other things you need to spend your time on?” Ga Eul explained.

“Ah, well if you put it that way, this may seem as something you wouldn’t expect from me. I understand. But still, it’s something you think me capable of doing, right?”

“Of course, sunbae. I never thought otherwise. I was just wondering if, you know, maybe there’s something wrong…” Ga eul started.

Yi Jeong wondered how there can be a girl like Ga Eul. There he was, accepting the teaching offer for his own selfish reasons and then there she was, wondering if anything was wrong and worrying about him. He wanted to lean over and just pinch her on the cheek because she was being downright adorable. ‘I want you back, Ga Eul,’ an unbidden thought came to his mind. ‘Please like me again,’ was his silent wish.

“No need to be worried, Ga Eul-yang. Everything’s okay. Let me just put it this way. When I was in Sweden, I realized something important. It’s not how long you spend your time that’s special but how you spend it and with whom.” And with that he smiled warmly at her.


Yi Jeong had insisted on walking her back to her classroom saying it’s on the way to his. For the second time, Ga Eul likened the situation to that of high school sweethearts. Urgh, her imagination was working overtime again.

She still couldn’t believe that Yi Jeong would be at the same school as her from now on. A few months ago, this would have been unthinkable but now it’s actually happening. She started to tidy up the room and prepare the materials the class would be using for tomorrow morning’s lesson. She was still trying to wrap her mind around that thought when she heard a knock.

“Ga Eul.” She turned and found Jandi entering.

“Jandi-ah.” She totally forgot that she was coming this afternoon.

“I’m here. Are you done?” Jandi asked.


“So, what did Yi Jeong sunbae do now?” Jandi asked, stunning Ga Eul into silence at the direct question.

“Did you know he was here during our family day?”

“He was?”

“Yes. He held a special demonstration with my students.”

“He did?”

“Yes. And then he was here again the other day because he gave a souvenir to my students and then another one to the principal.”



“And that’s what’s bothering you now?”

“It’s just that I seem to be seeing him a lot these past few days, well, ever since he came back. It’s just a bit unsettling. Like having Yi Jeong-overload.” Ga Eul explained, herself smiling at the last part.

“But remember you said that even though a lot of things had happened, you still want him to be a part of your life?”

“I did say that, didn’t I?” She sighed.

“Well, he’s here right now, Ga Eul. And by the looks of things, he’s slowly crawling his way back into your life.”

“I’m scared, Jandi.”

“I know. But stay strong and just trust yourself, okay?” Jandi advised. “And just be happy.” She added.

“Okay,” she answered. “By the way, there’s still something I haven’t told you yet. The latest update, you could say.”

“What is it?”

“Ga Eul-yang, are you done?”

Both girls turned towards the voice by the door.

“Yi Jeong sunbae?” Jandi gasped.

“Jandi?” Yi Jeong was shocked as well.

“Why are you here, sunbae?”

“I teach here now, Jandi.” Yi Jeong answered.

“What?” Jandi exclaimed and then she turned to Ga Eul and asked again, “What?”

“I can’t believe you’re teaching at this school, sunbae.” Jandi repeated for what seemed like the tenth time. She recovered a bit from the shock but still kept switching her glances from Yi Jeong to Ga Eul. “For how long?” she asked.

“For a couple of weeks.” Yi Jeong answered.

“Wow. I still can’t believe you’re teaching.” Jandi said again. Ga Eul could not help but laugh.

“Jandi, it didn’t take long for me to recover from my initial shock. I thought you wouldn’t take so long too. But it seems I am mistaken.” Ga Eul said, chuckling. Yi Jeong couldn’t help but chuckle along with her.

“Okay, fine you guys. No need to stop laughing on my account.” Jandi said with false sarcasm, feigning hurt. “The thing I wanted to tell you about,” she started, turning to Ga Eul, “is that I wanted to invite you to a party. There’s this party that Junpyo’s mom insisted upon and you can already guess who the attendees would be. I need my best friend there, Ga Eul.”

“Of course, Jandi. I’m there, one hundred percent.” Ga Eul answered.

“Ahem.” Yi Jeong cleared his throat loudly.

“Don’t worry, sunbae. You’ll get an invitation too.” Jandi reasoned.

“Oh, well alright then. I thought I’ll be left out.”

“Ya, sunbae. Didn’t think you were the sensitive type.” Ga Eul teased.

“I’m not.” He answered. “I’m the really sensitive type,” he added. At that, both of them laughed.

“Okay.” Jandi started, again glancing between the two.

“By the way, Jandi. What’s the occasion this time? It’s not your birthday and neither is it Junpyo sunbae’s. Is it his mother’s birthday?” Ga Eul inquired.


“Well, actually…” Jandi hesitated. Yi Jeong could tell she was having difficulty telling them the reason. Both he and Ga Eul continued to look expectantly at her.

“Well, it’s not his mother’s birthday.” Jandi said. “It’s actually…” she tried one more time but then gave out a sigh. She just raised her left hand to both of them. There it was: an empire cut diamond ring on one of her fingers. He heard Ga Eul gasped in surprise. His eyes widened in surprise as well.

“Oh my god, Jandi!” Ga Eul exclaimed. “Oh my god, congratulations!” she said excitedly and engulfed her best friend in a tight hug.

“Wow. Jandi, you and Junpyo, engaged. To be married. Wow.” He couldn’t think of anything else to say. He knew this was coming sooner or later but for some reason it still surprised him a little. Maybe it was because of the ring. It was a tangible proof. He wondered what Ga Eul would like as an engagement ring. And his breath hitched a little. Stop right there, So Yi Jeong. You’re getting way ahead of yourself. Again.

“I know.” Ga Eul seconded.

“I actually didn’t want an engagement party. But you know Junpyo’s mom. Ever since she resigned herself to the fact that her son is pretty much stuck with me in this lifetime, she seems to have made a silent vow to make this relationship as extravagant and prominent as the Shinwa Empire.”

“And so with the big and extravagant engagement party.” Ga Eul surmised.

“Exactly. She has invited close to seven hundred people, almost all of whom I do not even know. That’s why I need my close friends there.”

“And that’s why we’ll be there Jandi.” He reassured her.

“Thanks you guys.” Jandi said. “Now, Ga Eul, you have to help me pick out a dress. Junpyo’s mom already recommended or shall I say ordered me to pick out a dress in the shop of her choice. And also, I can ask the driver to pick you up on Saturday night at your house, okay.”

“I can take her.” Yi Jeong suggested immediately. “I mean, if that’s alright with you, Ga Eul-yang.” He added, glancing at Ga Eul.

“Well, I… it’s fine with me, sunbae. Thank you for the offer.”

“Okay, that’s all settled then.” Jandi said.


“Speaking of the devil.” Yi Jeong heard Woobin say when he entered the F4 lounge.

“Where have you been all this time, Yi Jeong?” Junpyo inquired.

“Here and there.”

“Here and there. We barely see you ever since you came back.” Woobin mused.

“Careful Woobin. You’re starting to sound like a nagging girlfriend.” Junpyo teased.

“How’s your plan doing? Jihoo asked suddenly. Trust Jihoo to go directly to the point.

“It’s a work in progress.”

“You know, Yi Jeong, I heard something very strange from Jandi the other day. Do you want to know what it was?” Junpyo asked.

He couldn’t help but smile almost sheepishly, which did not go unnoticed by his three best friends.

“Woah, is there something you’re not telling us, Yi Jeong?” Woobin asked.

“Apparently, our friend here has taken a stint as an art teacher and guess where he’s teaching.” Junpyo expounded.

“Please, that would be a no-brainer especially with the love-struck grin on Yi Jeong’s face right now.” Woobin said.

“That was the first thing Jandi said to me. It was kind of funny how she kept saying she couldn’t believe you’re teaching at the same school as Ga Eul.“ Junpyo recalled.

“Keep the spirit alive, my man.” Woobin cheered.

“I’m happy for you, Yi Jeong.” Jihoo admitted.

“Yes, we all are.” Junpyo unexpectedly added.

“Thanks guys.”

“Just don’t screw up.” The F3 chorused. He laughed at that.

“I won’t. Not this time.” He replied, his conviction etched in his voice and in his heart.


Ga Eul couldn’t decide which one she preferred: to have her parents at home and be hounded by the questions and the inquisitive looks or to not have her parents at home (which was the case now since they went on a holiday vacation for the next two weeks) and be alone with Yi Jeong. At her house. Not that she had not been alone with him before. But somehow, this time felt different. Maybe it was the fact that they have been apart for a long time. Or maybe it was the fact that she has been seeing him almost everyday lately, as if their time apart was but a vague memory.

In yet another dilemma, she couldn’t decide which was more embarrassing: having Yi Jeong wait for her while she finish dressing up in her room or seeing the look on his face when she came down the stairs to meet him. She didn’t know if she was simply imagining things or if she was simply deluding herself but she thought she saw raw admiration in his eyes when he had looked at her. Or more like stared at her.

She couldn’t help but blush when she saw the look on his face. She didn’t think she dressed extravagantly, as Jandi first suggested she should. In fact, she thought her dress was modest, simple but elegant. She was wearing a short knee-length emerald green dress with a single ruffled strap that goes from one side of the dress, over the opposite shoulder to the back. She decided to pull up her hair in a simple chignon with a silver hairclip.

“Look who dressed good tonight.” Yi Jeong teased, to lighten the air, she supposed, as he came towards her at the end of the stairs and offered an arm to her.

“Thanks sunbae. You’re not bad yourself.” She teased back. Her answer was clearly an understatement when she had looked at So Yi Jeong. He came dressed in an all-black three piece suit. He looked gorgeously handsome and she couldn’t deny it one bit even if she wanted to. Not that she would.

The car ride to the party went by in comfortable silence. She didn’t feel the urge to talk just to break the silence. She no longer asked herself why this is and just simply accepted that with Yi Jeong, it just is.

When they arrived at the Gold Palace, Shinhwa’s premiere luxury hotel in the country, she couldn’t believe her eyes at the lines of expensive car after expensive car dropping guests at the lobby entrance. And when they entered the Grand Ballroom, she was speechless with the sheer extravagance and beauty that the place exuded. This was probably the most extravagant party out of all the parties that the Gu family has hosted and that she has attended. It was even more extravagant than Junpyo’s birthday celebrations.

“Wow.” Ga Eul manage to say as she looked up at the high ceilings adorned with huge ornate chandeliers, to table after table with chairs both lined with gold fabrics and linens. The room was alive with sounds of glasses tinkling and people talking.

“Junpyo’s mom really knows how to throw a party.” Yi Jeong said.

“I wonder how the wedding would look like.” Ga Eul softly whispered, her eyes still scanning the room.

“Ah, there’s Junpyo and Jandi.” Yi Jeong informed her. They crossed the room to the other side and went to meet their friends.

“Now, there’s the happy couple.” Yi Jeong greeted when they reached them.

“I can say the same about you two.” Junpyo teased, which earned him a not so light jab in the ribs from Jandi.

“Ga Eul, you look gorgeous.” Jandi exclaimed, giving her a hug.

“You too, Jandi. The dress really looks amazing on you. I guess it’s safe to say that your future mother-in-law really knows what she’s talking about when it comes to picking out a dress.” She said.

“Don’t tell me the party has already started without me.” A familiar voice chimed.

Everyone looked to where the voice came.

“Jaekyung-unni.” Jandi exclaimed excitedly and went to hug her other friend.

“Monkey. Glad you could come.” Junpyo acknowledged.

“I still can’t believe you’re still not over that horrible nickname. It doesn’t suit me at all you know.”

Cough. “Yes, it does.” Cough.

“I would appreciate not being made the object of your amusement, Woobin.” Jaekyung reprimanded.

“Then how about the object of my affection?”

“Haha. Funny doesn’t suit you at all Woobin-ah.”

“But I suit you, right?”

“Please, enough with the flirting. I’m going to gag anytime now.” Junpyo remarked. That stopped the two for a moment.

“Wow. My girls are looking great tonight.” Jaekyung said, putting her arms around Ga Eul and Jandi, inadvertently changing the subject.

“Long time no see, Jaekyung.” Yi Jeong greeted.

“So Yi Jeong, is that you? When did you come back from the dead, I mean, from Sweden?” Jaekyung greeted, albeit differently, back.

“Just a couple of weeks ago.” Yi Jeong said.

“I thought you’d never come back.”

“Well, you thought wrong.” Yi Jeong answered mildly.

“You have a lot of explaining to do, mister.” Jaekyung suddenly reprimanded.

“I know,” answered Yi Jeong.

“Really? Then do you know that Ga Eul used to cr…”

“Unni, let’s go find our table now, shall we?” Ga Eul immediately interjected, grabbing hold of Jaekyung’s arm and dragging her away. Ga Eul was afraid Jaekyung would start spilling the beans about her state before she coped with his absence. She didn’t want to go there at all. Not now, when everything’s light and breezy. She would enjoy this phase while it lasts. Then, she’ll deal with the aftermath later.

“What the hell is Yi Jeong doing here?” Jaekyung asked, slightly irritated.

“I think he also has the right to be here, unni. He’s Junpyo’s best friend after all.” she answered.

“That’s not what I meant, Ga Eul. I mean, what is he doing here, back in Korea?”

“Well, he did say he would come back.”

“Yeah, yeah. After four or five years and come look for you first right? That’s crap.”


“Well, the least he could do in all those years he was gone was to contact you. In any way he knew possible. But did he do that? No. That’s why it’s crap.”

“I think I would know about that the most, unni, don’t you think,” she joked.

“I’m sorry, Ga Eul, for taking it out on you. I was just surprised that he’s here. And you’re here. And you seem okay. And everything seems okay.” Ga Eul chuckled.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“Well, it is, if it’s the truth.” Jaekyung said and paused, maybe to let her words sink in her. And her words did sink in but before she could explain, the others came and they all sat around the table near the stage where Junpyo and Jandi are now seated.


Yi Jeong’s eyes seemed to have a mind of its own. As much as he would like to control them, they kept straying to Ga Eul’s direction every ten seconds. And it didn’t help that Woobin and Jihoo kept giving him their amused looks and knowing smiles. Or that Jaekyung is still eyeing him with something in between irritation and amusement and how she manages to do it, he did not need to know.

But he can hardly blame his eyes for not being able to look away. Anyone can see how gorgeous she was tonight. When he went to pick her up at her house earlier, he found out that her parents had left for a holiday trip. He had waited for her downstairs while she finished preparing and had to thank the family photographs that lined a whole wall in Ga Eul’s living room for the distraction. Entertaining inappropriate thoughts about Ga Eul and him, while being alone in her house, would not have been healthy at all.

And what a distraction it had been. He couldn’t decide which one of Ga Eul’s pictures was his favorite. He was still caught between a 7-year-old Ga Eul with pigtails carving an angel in the snow or a pretty recent picture of her working on clay on a potter’s wheel, hair pulled back and eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He was still looking at the pictures when he heard her come down the stairs.

He turned to look at her and his whole body went rigid for a moment. He was staring at her like a hypnotized man and in a way, he was. He was mesmerized by the Ga Eul he was seeing now. He watched her cheeks turn a darker shade of red and at that moment he had decided that making Ga Eul blush was one of the most exciting and fulfilling things he will ever do in his life. Because he felt that when he makes her blush, it meant something. With Ga Eul, it always means something.

He was trying to think of something clever to say but nothing coherent seemed to come to mind. When something did however, he was surprised that he had to close his mouth. Apparently, not only had he been staring, his mouth had also been hanging open.

“Look who dressed good tonight.” He managed to say. He was rewarded with a smile and a comeback, “Thanks sunbae. You’re not bad yourself.” He had offered his arm and he smiled to himself when she accepted. He instantly felt her warmth and his heart beat faster.

He felt a nudge at his side, bringing him back from his reverie. “Man, could you be any more obvious.” It was Woobin. He couldn’t think of a good comeback at that so he just lightly scratched his right eyebrow and muttered, “Shut up, Woobin.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests,” Madam Gu’s voice reverberated across the hall. Everyone from their table now turned towards the stage. “Thank you very much for coming. We have invited you all today for a very important announcement. In behalf of my whole family, we are happy to announce the engagement of my only son, Gu Jun Pyo, to his long-time girlfriend, Geum Jan Di.” The whole room echoed with applause and cheers.

Yi Jeong watched Jun Pyo and Jandi as they stood on the stage, smiling and holding hands while thanking the applauding crowd. ‘Finally.’ He thought, happy that his best friend is getting the ending he had wanted from the very start. Although he knew for a fact that when it came to Jun Pyo, there would have been no other ending, no other option, rather than what is happening at that moment. Since that fateful day when Jun Pyo got his face stamped with ice cream, there had been no other ending but Jandi.

He turned his gaze to Ga Eul and just reveled for a moment on the happiness that was so transparent on her face. She was smiling so widely and clapping her hands in earnest. And if he wasn’t mistaken, he thinks he can see moist forming at the corner of her eyes. ‘She’s such a softie.’ He thought, and still a believer of soul mates, he hoped.


“You couldn’t even dance if your life depended on it, Junpyo,” Woobin teased. All seven of them are now seated together at a table. Dinner has been served and there were all talking about random things over desserts. The topic at hand was Junpyo’s dancing skills or lack thereof.

“Well, there is nothing that I can’t do once I set my mind to do it. And my feet are going to learn to dance even if they don’t want to, before the wedding. Jandi made me promise to dance with her.” Junpyo said.

“You’re talking nonsense again, Junpyo. I said promise me you won’t step on my feet and murder all my toenails.” Jandi defended. Everybody else laughed at that.

“Well, Geum Jandi,” Junpyo started, rising from his chair and offering his hand to Jandi, “I’ll prove to you that your toenails are safe with me. Dance with me?”

“My, my, my, Jandi’s really turning you into someone else, isn’t she?” Jaekyung teased.

Jandi turned to smile at Jaekyung and then faced her fiancée and accepted his hand. The rest watched as Junpyo lead Jandi to the dance floor. When the other guests noticed the couple had started dancing, they started clapping and some grabbed their partners and started dancing as well.

“So Jihoo, I heard our cute couple has asked you to play for them at their wedding?” Jaekyung asked.

“More like demanded, but yeah, I guess I’ll be playing for them, as my wedding present to them.” Jihoo answered.

“Well, I have an early present for them.” Jaekyung announced. “I planned an engagement trip slash vacation for them. With us.” She added, smiling mischievously.

“We’re coming with them? That’s not even a gift, monkey.” Woobin berated.

“Nobody asked you, Woobin. And who said you were coming?”

“Aww, don’t be like that, monkey.” Woobin said, rising from his seat and walking towards Jaekyung. “C’mon, let’s just dance.”

“I am not dancing with you.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Fine.” Woobin said then turned to Ga Eul. “Ga Eul, may I…”

“Not a chance.” Yi Jeong cut him. “Ga Eul, let’s leave this two weirdoes alone.” He added, offering his hand to her.

“Yah.” Jaekyung and Woobin shouted at the same time.

Ga Eul laughed and joined in on Yi Jeong’s joke. “I’d love to, sunbae.” She placed her hand on Yi Jeong’s and they both headed to the dance floor.

“Jihoo, would you like to dance?” Jaekyung asked.

“No chance, too. Let’s go, monkey.” And with the typical Korean guy hand-grab, Woobin took Jaekyung’s hand and almost dragged her to the dance floor.

Jihoo who’s left alone at the table just smiled at his bunch of weird friends. He looked at Junpyo and Jandi and thought back to their story. It still makes him wonder sometimes how they have managed to stay together even after so many things that had happened. He looked at Junpyo, who was smiling widely while looking down at Jandi. In all the years that he’d known his best friend, he would always look the happiest when he’s looking at Jandi.

Jihoo then turned his gaze towards Jaekyung and Woobin, who are still not dancing, more like arguing, on the dance floor. Woobin kept trying to hold Jaekyung so they could start dancing but she kept on swatting his hands away and trying to leave him on the dance floor. ‘What a pair of morons’, he thought mischievously. Theirs is a serious case of ‘the more you hate, the more you love’ kind of story. It was obvious they have feelings for each other, feelings that have long crossed the borderline of friendship but still so vague that both of them can’t seem to recognize it and both have therefore resolved to channel their energies into riling each other up and pressing each other’s wrong buttons. Jihoo cracked a little smile and thought, ‘these two have a long, long way to go.’

Finally, he looked at Yi Jeong and Ga Eul. These two are almost there. Happiness is almost within their reach but he understands that things are much more complicated now. Time and distance can change a lot of things. Being separated from each other for a long time was bound to complicate things in one way or another. He understands why Ga Eul feels the need to be wary of Yi Jeong now that he’s back. If he didn’t know his best friend and wasn’t fully aware of how strongly Yi Jeong feels for Ga Eul, then and now, he also would have advised Ga Eul to be wary. But he knows that what the two needs is a second chance. And he’s glad that Yi Jeong has set out his heart to get the both of them just that. He watched as Yi Jeong pulls Ga Eul closer, his eyes never leaving her face. ‘Hmm, maybe their happy ending is closer than he thought?’

‘I have a bunch of weirdoes as friends.’ He thought to himself, breaking into a small smile at his personal joke but he also couldn’t help but let out a sigh and then a shout of pain. “Oww.” Somebody had just hit him on the head.

“Shoot. I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t see you. Ah, I mean I saw you but didn’t think I would hit your head. I’m so sorry. I don’t have the least bit of skill in gauging distances.” It was a waitress holding a big round tray, who was now bowing and apologizing to Jihoo.

“I don’t think you injured your head. Did I hit your head hard? Wait, let me just get some ice, sir.” The girl turned around, causing her tray to collide with Jihoo’s head for the second time.

“Aww.” Jihoo cursed unexpectedly. The second hit harder than the first.

“Shit. I’m really sorry, sir.” The girl finally put down the tray she was holding and hurriedly placed some ice from the water glass to the table napkin. “I’m a klutz you see. And it’s always been a struggle for me to minimize any damage I might cause.” The girl chatted while placing the napkin on Jihoo’s reddening forehead.

Jihoo looked up at this girl who’s now holding a napkin against his forehead and thought, ‘what a strange talkative girl.’


“Those two are idiots.” Yi Jeong joked, motioning to Woobin and Jaekyung, who seemed to be wrestling rather than dancing. Ga Eul laughed at that.

“Not so much as idiots but it’s just silly, what they’re doing.” Ga Eul said.

“I know, right?” Yi Jeong added. He heard the song come to an end and had a hard time relinquishing his hold on Ga Eul. They pulled apart just as the next song started playing.

“Aww, I love this song.” Ga Eul said, almost dreamily. Yi Jeong stared at her, appreciating the fact that she was able to retain a sense of innocence even after all these years. He tuned his ear, trying to guess what song was playing. Ah. Ga Eul will always be Ga Eul. And he has no objections to that at all.

“Moon river.” They said in unison. And they both laughed.

“Can you still dance this song with me, Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong asked, offering his hand to her for the second time.

“Sure, why not?” Ga Eul accepted.

Yi Jeong stepped closer to Ga Eul, taking her hand in his and placing her other hand on his shoulder. He then placed a hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him. He breathed in Ga Eul’s scent, almost on reflex.

“This is a nice song.” Yi Jeong whispered, looking down at Ga Eul’s face.

“It is, isn’t it?” Ga Eul replied, raising her eyes to his. Their gazes locked and both seemed unable to look away.

Two drifters off to see to the world
There’s such a lot of world to see
We’re after the same rainbow’s end
Just around the bend
My huckleberry friend
Moon river and me…

Yi Jeong took Ga Eul’s hand and held it against his heart. He felt a shiver but at that moment he didn’t know if it was him or Ga Eul. And before he could stop himself, he had already raised his other hand to slightly brush his knuckles against Ga Eul’s cheek. He started pulling her closer to him until he felt the side of her head against his. His eyes closed on their own and he couldn’t help but inhale the smell of her hair.

He felt his heart fill up. With happiness. With peace. With contentment. With love. All because of the girl he was holding at that moment. It was still a miracle to him how he was able to live without this. Without her. For all those years in Sweden. ‘I love you, Ga Eul. I know this much.’ He thought to himself, not having the courage yet to voice it out to her again.

“I’ve missed you, Ga Eul.” He just went with the closest thing he could say at that moment. “I’ve missed you so much.” He added, gathering Ga Eul closer to him still. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered, his voice a little coarse, his hand squeezing Ga Eul’s hand slightly. He didn’t hear any reply from Ga Eul. But a few seconds later, he felt a soft pressure on his shoulder.

We’re after the same rainbow’s end
Just around the bend
My huckleberry friend
Moon river and me…

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